Krzysztof Dzieciolowski

Krzysztof Dzieciolowski

Temat: Institut of documentary film Prague - Ex Oriente Workshop...

Witam, jezeli ktos jest zainteresowany to prosze kontaktowac sie bezposrednio z Viktoria.


I am writing to enquire about Polish documentary projects being
currently in a development stage of production, and would be
interested in participating on Ex Oriente Workshop 2009, organized by

Ex Oriente Film workshop is an internationl workshop that supports the
development and funding of creative documentary films in the entire
region of Central and Eastern Europe. During three sessions that take
place over the course of one year, filmmakers and producers recieve
assistance from experienced European producers, directors, trainers,
AV experts and TV commissioning editors in order to develop their
story, draft a financing strategy for their project and find
international partners. Ex Oriente Film leads into the East European
Forum - pitching session for East European Creative Docs.

The first session of this year workshop will take place in Czech
Republic, between 23. - 29. March 2009. The dead line for application
is 1. February 2009.

I would really appreciate if you could send me any information about
documentary projects being prepared in Poland or those which have
already recieved some financial support for development, with possible
contacts on filmakers, whom we could contact with an offer to
participate on the workshop. Besides all your own projects that are
always welcome to take part in our activities, we would be happy if
you could suggest us such projects that would fit to Ex Oriente Film
and that could benefit from it at the same time. Such with creative
approach, internatiol potential, those likely to be completed,
outstanding in different ways.

I have attached a call appeal for Ex Oriente Film Workshop.

Thank you very much for your help.

With best regards from Prague,

Viktoria Hozzova