Lech Tkaczyk

Lech Tkaczyk www.lech-tkaczyk.pl
; www.wydaj-sie.pl ;


Lech Tkaczyk

Lech Tkaczyk www.lech-tkaczyk.pl
; www.wydaj-sie.pl ;


Dear Publisher!
My name is Lech Tkaczyk. I’m looking for a publisher in your country to public a book of poetry THE ANGELS OF EVERYDAY with music disc or no disc. I am the author of many books for children and adults, including books of poetry: details in my biography.
All of the poems in the book of poetry are translated into Polish and English.
And the poem ANGELS is also translated into about 10 languages, including German, Italian, Spanish, Russian and Latin.
I invite you to read the informations and if it’s possible to public the book of poetry THE ANGELS OF EVERYDAY.
The book is accompanied by a music CD with songs to poetic texts from this book of poetry.
Beata Czernecka, well-known actress and artist from The Cellar Under the Rams from Krakow is singing all of the songs.

For details, please contact:
mail: l.tkaczyk@astrum.wroc.pl
phone: 601 077792

2. About teh Book: The Angels of Everyday + Free CD
Series: Literature. Poetry by Lech Tkaczyk
ISBN: 9788372776457
Price: 35.00 PLN
Year of publication: 2013
Description: The presented bilingual Polish-English book of poetry is a record of "conversations" of Lech Tkaczyk with the Angels of Everyday, but really with another man. Because angels here on earth, for him are just people. Often people derailment, hypersensitive, touched by fate, crippled like hunchback from Leśmian’s poetry. In his poems the author also refers to the spiritual world, the Creator, calling these visible and invisible angels in us to protest injustice and evil and to say - NO! Sometimes, arguing with the Creator and carers of people - Guardian Angels - chastises them for not fulfilling the duties imposed on them by Heaven. Then the poet does not mince words. After all, like in real life, same people talk with loved ones, family and friends. Lech Tkaczyk is a poet inquisitive and therefore, as a little child, he asks his Creator: Where did we come from? And if we are here, where we're going to and what will be after us? Receiving responses not always rewarding, he does not agree with his Master, and his disapproval is expressed in written poems and songs which are sung by artists from Polish scene. He includes the boards of songs to his books of poetry, claiming that the music feeds both humans and angels.
For a book of poetry CD "Angels of everyday life" is free of charge.

3. Biography- Author Lech Tkaczyk.
Lech Tkaczyk - born in 1956, graduated Faculty of Food Technology on Agricultural University and International Studies PhD at the University of Economics in Wroclaw. He’s the president of performing from 22 years publishing house ASTRUM in Wroclaw.
Lech Tkaczyk is the producer of many CDs, more than a hundred radio plays, audio books, CDs of songs for children.
He is also the author of books of poetry:
• "My love's nobody"
• "Angels Daily Needs"
• "The Dark Side of Love"
• "Lost Angel"
• "Children's Song" - a disc for little ones,
• "Audio books for children" - a series of "If animals could talk," a series of "Get to know" - 50 plays with recorded educational backing tracks,
In the preparation are the books of poetry and records with music and with poetry:
• "Love does not forgive everything"
• "Bright side of love"
• "Angels of Everyday"
• "Rental of Guardian Angel wings"
• "Flirtatious angel or the thing for a woman and a man"
• "Polish hysteria" and other
• "Children's Song Part 2" - songs for children,
Theater performance - "Cabaret not necessarily older men"
• theatrical performance for children part 1. - "If animals could talk,"
• theatrical performance for children part 2. - "Matthew Meets World"
• theater and musical performance - "Angels of Everyday"
• theater and musical performance - "Lost Angel"
• theater and musical performance - "Flirtatious angel or the thing for a woman and a man "
• theater and musical performance - "Love does not forgive everything."
A contemporary author, who in his work loved Angels. Those angels are not only spirits around us. Angels in poetry of Lech Tkaczyk are primarily people, often infirm, derailment, alcoholics, drug addicts, queers ostracized by society. His angels are also everyday life - objects, activities - which can be revived in the song.
Author is endowed with an extraordinary imagination, his poems, sometimes simple, another time philosophical and difficult, are language pearls, ready lyrics for composers and performers. Therefore, for all his poems were recorded CD’s with poetry sung, composed by Jacek Wanszewicz and Ewa Dymek-Kus, previously sung by Karolina Driemel, then by Kamila Kłos.
In 2012, after co-operation with two young singers, Lech Tkaczyk as a writer and record producer, decided to expand the scope of their passion and began working with professional artists of the music scene in Poland, including Beata Czernecka, the artist of Cellar Under the Rams in Krakow, Poland. Author invited to work also other young people, singers and vocalists musically educated (graduates of music schools, acting schools, etc.).
He works with musicians, staff of Wroclaw Philharmonic and Sudecka Philharmonic, as well as session musicians from different musical formations.
In preparation is musical theater production "Angels of Everyday."

Angels are everywhere
so that they are it’s certain
speak many languages

poems new and selected from the book of poetry
are translated into English
communicative and comprehensible
throughout the world

most of us do not see the Angels
I also can not see them
they do not sit on my shoulder
do not talk to me
I can not hear their voices

but is it that I do not see them is that they do not exist

so that they are it’s certain
I recognize them by the footsteps
by prayers bringing
on their wings to heaven
to the Creator

do I believe
I do
I believe that at every crossroads
surely God is somewhere ...

I invite those believers and doubters
looking for the way
for the journey through my poems
for looking angelic
in which I sometimes get lost

therefore I assure
  Angels are among you
not only in Heaven but on Earth ...

because the Angels are people
  their concerns and dreams ...
They are also the Guardian Angels
in our own Universe ...

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