Temat: Twoje includowanie
to mi pasuje najbardziej. jeśli ktoś szuka - polecam.
Nie ma __autoload, które będzie prawdopodobnie wyrzucone (jak mówi manual):
class load {
public static $instance;
private $_src=array('../','class/', 'helper/');
private $_ext=array('.php', 'class.php', 'lib.php');
/* initialize the autoloader class */
public static function init(){
self::$instance=new self();
return self::$instance;
/* put the custom functions in the autoload register when the class is initialized */
private function __construct(){
spl_autoload_register(array($this, 'clean'));
spl_autoload_register(array($this, 'dirty'));
/* the clean method to autoload the class without any includes, works in most cases */
private function clean($class){
global $docroot;
$class=str_replace('_', '/', $class);
spl_autoload_extensions(implode(',', $this->_ext));
foreach($this->_src as $resource){
set_include_path($docroot . $resource);
/* the dirty method to autoload the class after including the php file containing the class */
private function dirty($class){
global $docroot;
$class=str_replace('_', '/', $class);
foreach($this->_src as $resource){
foreach($this->_ext as $ext){
@include($docroot . $resource . $class . $ext);