Temat: Korzystanie z PEAR na HOME.pl
No tak, załózmy, ze Home nie mają Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer. Ale mogę przeciez to załadowac u siebie.
Teraz kwestia - bo ja, generalnie, pod kątem wgrania całego gołego PEAR, poprzestawiałem rózne defaultowe includy (ścieżki, itp). Podorzucałem rózne potrzebne klasy. Czy - wg waszej wiedzy, wywalenie tego i wgranie "czystego" Writera prosto od "producenta" z defaultowymi includami, może w tym przypadku zadziałać? Czy też, i tak będe musiał kombinować jak koń pod górę z ładowaniem rozszerzeń...
[0] => stdClass
[1] => Exception
[2] => ErrorException
[3] => ZipArchive
[4] => LibXMLError
[5] => XSLTProcessor
[6] => XMLWriter
[7] => DOMException
[8] => DOMStringList
[9] => DOMNameList
[10] => DOMImplementationList
[11] => DOMImplementationSource
[12] => DOMImplementation
[13] => DOMNode
[14] => DOMNameSpaceNode
[15] => DOMDocumentFragment
[16] => DOMDocument
[17] => DOMNodeList
[18] => DOMNamedNodeMap
[19] => DOMCharacterData
[20] => DOMAttr
[21] => DOMElement
[22] => DOMText
[23] => DOMComment
[24] => DOMTypeinfo
[25] => DOMUserDataHandler
[26] => DOMDomError
[27] => DOMErrorHandler
[28] => DOMLocator
[29] => DOMConfiguration
[30] => DOMCdataSection
[31] => DOMDocumentType
[32] => DOMNotation
[33] => DOMEntity
[34] => DOMEntityReference
[35] => DOMProcessingInstruction
[36] => DOMStringExtend
[37] => DOMXPath
[38] => XMLReader
[39] => SimpleXMLElement
[40] => RecursiveIteratorIterator
[41] => IteratorIterator
[42] => FilterIterator
[43] => RecursiveFilterIterator
[44] => ParentIterator
[45] => LimitIterator
[46] => CachingIterator
[47] => RecursiveCachingIterator
[48] => NoRewindIterator
[49] => AppendIterator
[50] => InfiniteIterator
[51] => RegexIterator
[52] => RecursiveRegexIterator
[53] => EmptyIterator
[54] => ArrayObject
[55] => ArrayIterator
[56] => RecursiveArrayIterator
[57] => SplFileInfo
[58] => DirectoryIterator
[59] => RecursiveDirectoryIterator
[60] => SplFileObject
[61] => SplTempFileObject
[62] => SimpleXMLIterator
[63] => LogicException
[64] => BadFunctionCallException
[65] => BadMethodCallException
[66] => DomainException
[67] => InvalidArgumentException
[68] => LengthException
[69] => OutOfRangeException
[70] => RuntimeException
[71] => OutOfBoundsException
[72] => OverflowException
[73] => RangeException
[74] => UnderflowException
[75] => UnexpectedValueException
[76] => SplObjectStorage
[77] => PDOException
[78] => PDO
[79] => PDOStatement
[80] => PDORow
[81] => SoapClient
[82] => SoapVar
[83] => SoapServer
[84] => SoapFault
[85] => SoapParam
[86] => SoapHeader
[87] => SQLiteDatabase
[88] => SQLiteResult
[89] => SQLiteUnbuffered
[90] => SQLiteException
[91] => __PHP_Incomplete_Class
[92] => php_user_filter
[93] => Directory
[94] => ReflectionException
[95] => Reflection
[96] => ReflectionFunctionAbstract
[97] => ReflectionFunction
[98] => ReflectionParameter
[99] => ReflectionMethod
[100] => ReflectionClass
[101] => ReflectionObject
[102] => ReflectionProperty
[103] => ReflectionExtension
[104] => PDFlibException
[105] => PDFlib
[106] => mysqli_sql_exception
[107] => mysqli_driver
[108] => mysqli
[109] => mysqli_warning
[110] => mysqli_result
[111] => mysqli_stmt
[112] => SWFShape
[113] => SWFFill
[114] => SWFGradient
[115] => SWFBitmap
[116] => SWFText
[117] => SWFTextField
[118] => SWFFont
[119] => SWFDisplayItem
[120] => SWFMovie
[121] => SWFButton
[122] => SWFAction
[123] => SWFMorph
[124] => SWFSprite
[125] => SWFSound
[126] => SWFFontChar
[127] => SWFSoundInstance
[128] => SWFVideoStream
[129] => mimemessage
[130] => DateTime
[131] => DateTimeZone
To lista klas na home...
Rafał Kowalewski edytował(a) ten post dnia 10.04.09 o godzinie 12:41