Rafał G.

Rafał G. Programista

Temat: Funkcja "Rambo" ;P

Z komentarzy do manuala PHP :D :

Here's my variation on the slightly dull unset method. It throws in a bit of 80's Stallone action spice into the mix. Enjoy!

* function rambo (first blood)
* Completely and utterly destroys everything, returning the kill count of victims
* @param It don't matter, it’s Rambo baby
* @return Integer Body count (but any less than 500 and it's not really worth mentioning)
function rambo() {

// Get the victims and initiate that body count status
$victims = func_get_args();
$body_count = 0;

// Kill those damn punks
foreach($victims as $victim) {
if($death_and_suffering = @unset($victim)) {

// How many kills did Rambo tally up on this mission?

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Temat: Funkcja "Rambo" ;P

e tam ;p
Alan Gabriel B.

Alan Gabriel B. Software Engineer,

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