Krzysztof Burak

Krzysztof Burak administrator sieci
i serwerów linux,
programista baz

Temat: Skąd pobrać Oracle 10g Companion CD?

Czy jest jeszcze taka możliwość?

Mam zainstalowaną Oracle 10g XE, ale potrzebuje jeszcze wykorzystać dad.Krzysztof Burak edytował(a) ten post dnia 25.11.12 o godzinie 14:42

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Temat: Skąd pobrać Oracle 10g Companion CD?

Previous Database Release Software

Oracle Database 10.2 and 11.1 are no longer available for download. The software is available as a media or FTP request for those customers who own a valid Oracle Database product license for any edition. To request access to these releases, follow the instructions in Oracle Support Document 1071023.1 (Requesting Physical Shipment or Download URL for Software Media) from My Oracle Support. NOTE: for Oracle Database 10.2, you should request even if you want to install a later patch set. Once you install you can then apply any 10.2 patch set. Similarly, for 11.1 request which must be applied before installing Patch sets can be downloaded from the Patches and Updates tab on My Oracle Support.

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