Temat: Pusta strona


pierwszy raz zdarzyła mi się taka sytuacja.
Zainstalowałem najnowszą wersję Joomli 1,5. Gdy chciałem doinstalować szablon, bądź komponent, to wczytuje chwilę, a potem wyskakuje pusta, biała strona.
Dodam, że na tym hostingu już mam jedną Joomlę postawioną.
Szukałem na necie, ale nie znalazłem rozwiązania.
Co może być tego przyczyną?
Piotr Barszczewski

Piotr Barszczewski właściciel firmy
EMMU B2B Bank Polska
- Usługi dla

Temat: Pusta strona

Jaki server. Pewnie coś masz z chmod. Ja walczę od godziny z cba.pl Mam podobnie. nie można zmienić chmod.Piotr Barszczewski edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.02.12 o godzinie 18:18
Gabriel Nowak

Gabriel Nowak grafik, projektant,
web designer, trener
biznesu o rozwoj...

Temat: Pusta strona

Miałem kiedyś coś takiego, też się naszukałem, a że jestem leniwy ( po raz pierwszy i jak na razie ostatni wyszło mi to na dobre ) i nie chcialem szukać na zagranicznych stronach po prostu przeinstalowalem Joomle dodam ze to też bylo na wersji 1.5.xxx

Temat: Pusta strona

Piotr Barszczewski:
Pewnie coś masz z chmod. Ja walczę od godziny z cba.pl Mam podobnie. nie można zmienić chmod.
Sprawdzałem chmod, ale na wszelki wypadek: jakie powinny być?
Gabriel Daniel:
Miałem kiedyś coś takiego, też się naszukałem, a że jestem leniwy ( po raz pierwszy i jak na razie ostatni wyszło mi to na dobre ) i nie chcialem szukać na zagranicznych stronach po prostu przeinstalowalem Joomle dodam ze to też bylo na wersji 1.5.xxx
Przeinstalowałeś na tę samą wersję? Czy następną?
Bo ja na razie nie chcę przechodzić na wyższą, bo nie wszystkie komponenty będą chodzić.

konto usunięte

Temat: Pusta strona

Prawdopodobnie Twoj serwer nie wyswietla krytycznych bledow, dlatego masz pusta strone. Sprawdz php.ini, dyrektywy display_errors, error_reporting albo wlacz wyswietlanie bledow w joomli - global configuration / server / error reporting

Atrybuty (nie chmody; nie ma czegos takiego, jest funkcja linuksowa chmod - CHange MODe) powinny byc 644. Dla folderow 744.Maciek Sobczyk edytował(a) ten post dnia 18.02.12 o godzinie 19:27

Temat: Pusta strona

Maciek Sobczyk:
Prawdopodobnie Twoj serwer nie wyswietla krytycznych bledow, dlatego masz pusta strone. Sprawdz php.ini, dyrektywy display_errors, error_reporting albo wlacz wyswietlanie bledow w joomli - global configuration / server / error reporting
Zmieniłem wyświetlaniew na maksimum i przy próbie zainstalowania templatki pojawił się błąd:
Warning: Unterminated comment starting line 1443 in /home/www/ananasy/www.ananasy.archidiecezja.wroc.pl/libraries/domit/xml_domit_lite_parser.php on line 1443 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting T_FUNCTION in /home/www/ananasy/www.ananasy.archidiecezja.wroc.pl/libraries/domit/xml_domit_lite_parser.php on line 1444

Niestety Google nie zna odp., o co chodzi.

konto usunięte

Temat: Pusta strona

Mozesz wylistowac plik xml_domit_lite_parser.php? Wyglda na to, ze masz zakomentowana czesc kodu, ktora nie powinna byc komentarzem.Maciek Sobczyk edytował(a) ten post dnia 18.02.12 o godzinie 20:22

Temat: Pusta strona

Maciek Sobczyk:
Mozesz wylistowac plik xml_domit_lite_parser.php? Wyglda na to, ze masz zakomentowana czesc kodu, ktora nie powinna byc komentarzem.
Oto on:
* DOMIT! Lite is a non-validating, but lightweight and fast DOM parser for PHP
* @package domit-xmlparser
* @subpackage domit-xmlparser-lite
* @version 1.01
* @copyright (C) 2004 John Heinstein. All rights reserved
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html LGPL License
* @author John Heinstein <johnkarl@nbnet.nb.ca>
* @link http://www.engageinteractive.com/domit/ DOMIT! Home Page
* DOMIT! is Free Software

if (!defined('DOMIT_INCLUDE_PATH')) {
define('DOMIT_INCLUDE_PATH', (dirname(__FILE__) . "/"));

/** current version of DOMIT! Lite */
define ('DOMIT_LITE_VERSION', '1.01');

*@global array Flipped version of $definedEntities array, to allow two-way conversion of entities
* Made global so that Attr nodes, which have no ownerDocument property, can access the array
$GLOBALS['DOMIT_defined_entities_flip'] = array();

require_once(DOMIT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'xml_domit_shared.php');

* The base class of all DOMIT node types
* @package domit-xmlparser
* @subpackage domit-xmlparser-lite
* @author John Heinstein <johnkarl@nbnet.nb.ca>
class DOMIT_Lite_Node {
/** @var string The name of the node, varies according to node type */
var $nodeName = null;
/** @var string The value of the node, varies according to node type */
var $nodeValue = null;
/** @var int The type of node, e.g. CDataSection */
var $nodeType = null;
/** @var Object A reference to the parent of the current node */
var $parentNode = null;
/** @var Array An array of child node references */
var $childNodes = null;
/** @var Object A reference to the first node in the childNodes list */
var $firstChild = null;
/** @var Object A reference to the last node in the childNodes list */
var $lastChild = null;
/** @var Object A reference to the node prior to the current node in its parents childNodes list */
var $previousSibling = null;
/** @var Object A reference to the node after the current node in its parents childNodes list */
var $nextSibling = null;
/** @var Array An array of attribute key / value pairs */
var $attributes = null;
/** @var Object A reference to the Document node */
var $ownerDocument = null;
/** @var string The unique node id */
var $uid;
/** @var int The number of children of the current node */
var $childCount = 0;

* Raises error if abstract class is directly instantiated
function DOMIT_Lite_Node() {
'Cannot instantiate abstract class DOMIT_Lite_Node');
} //DOMIT_Lite_Node

* DOMIT_Lite_Node constructor, assigns a uid
function _constructor() {
global $uidFactory;
$this->uid = $uidFactory->generateUID();
} //_constructor

* Appends a node to the childNodes list of the current node
* @abstract
* @param Object The node to be appended
* @return Object The appended node
function &appendChild(&$child) {
('Method appendChild cannot be called by class ' . get_class($this)));
} //appendChild

* Inserts a node to the childNodes list of the current node
* @abstract
* @param Object The node to be inserted
* @param Object The node before which the insertion is to occur
* @return Object The inserted node
function &insertBefore(&$newChild, &$refChild) {
('Method insertBefore cannot be called by class ' . get_class($this)));
} //insertBefore

* Replaces a node with another
* @abstract
* @param Object The new node
* @param Object The old node
* @return Object The new node
function &replaceChild(&$newChild, &$oldChild) {
('Method replaceChild cannot be called by class ' . get_class($this)));
} //replaceChild

* Removes a node from the childNodes list of the current node
* @abstract
* @param Object The node to be removed
* @return Object The removed node
function &removeChild(&$oldChild) {
('Method removeChild cannot be called by class ' . get_class($this)));
} //removeChild

* Returns the index of the specified node in a childNodes list
* @param Array The childNodes array to be searched
* @param Object The node targeted by the search
* @return int The index of the target node, or -1 if not found
function getChildNodeIndex(&$arr, &$child) {
$index = -1;
$total = count($arr);

for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
if ($child->uid == $arr[$i]->uid) {
$index = $i;

return $index;
} //getChildNodeIndex

* Determines whether a node has any children
* @return boolean True if any child nodes are present
function hasChildNodes() {
return ($this->childCount > 0);
} //hasChildNodes

* Copies a node and/or its children
* @abstract
* @param boolean True if all child nodes are also to be cloned
* @return Object A copy of the node and/or its children
function &cloneNode($deep = false) {
'Cannot invoke abstract method DOMIT_Lite_Node->cloneNode($deep). Must provide an overridden method in your subclass.');
} //cloneNode

* Adds elements with the specified tag name to a NodeList collection
* @param Object The NodeList collection
* @param string The tag name of matching elements
function getNamedElements(&$nodeList, $tagName) {
//Implemented in DOMIT_Lite_Element.
//Needs to be here though! This is called against all nodes in the document.
} //getNamedElements

* Sets the ownerDocument property of a node to the containing DOMIT_Document
* @param Object A reference to the document element of the DOMIT_Document
function setOwnerDocument(&$rootNode) {
if ($rootNode->ownerDocument == null) {
$this->ownerDocument = null;
else {
$this->ownerDocument =& $rootNode->ownerDocument;

$total = $this->childCount;

for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
} //setOwnerDocument

* Tests whether a value is null, and if so, returns a default value
* @param mixed The value to be tested
* @param mixed The default value
* @return mixed The specified value, or the default value if null
function &nvl(&$value,$default) {
if (is_null($value)) return $default;
return $value;
} //nvl

* Retrieves an element or DOMIT_NodeList of elements corresponding to an Xpath-like expression.
* @abstract
* @param string The query pattern
* @param int If a single node is to be returned (rather than the entire NodeList) the index of that node
* @return mixed A NodeList or single node that matches the pattern
function &getElementsByPath($pattern, $nodeIndex = 0) {
('Method getElementsByPath cannot be called by class ' . get_class($this)));
} //getElementsByPath

* Returns the concatented text of the current node and its children
* @return string The concatented text of the current node and its children
function getText() {
return $this->nodeValue;
} //getText

* Formats a string for presentation as HTML
* @param string The string to be formatted
* @param boolean True if the string is to be sent directly to output
* @return string The HTML formatted string
function forHTML($str, $doPrint = false) {
require_once(DOMIT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'xml_domit_utilities.php');
return DOMIT_Utilities::forHTML($str, $doPrint);
} //forHTML

* Generates an array representation of the node and its children
* @abstract
* @return Array A representation of the node and its children
function toArray() {
('Method toArray cannot be called by class ' . get_class($this)));
} //toArray

* A node event that can be set to fire upon document loading, used for node initialization
* @abstract
function onLoad() {
//you can override this method if you subclass any of the
//DOMIT_Lite_Nodes. It's a way of performing
//initialization of your subclass as soon as the document
//has been loaded (as opposed to as soon as the current node
//has been instantiated).
} //onLoad

* Clears previousSibling, nextSibling, and parentNode references from a node that has been removed
function clearReferences() {
if ($this->previousSibling != null) {
$this->previousSibling = null;
if ($this->nextSibling != null) {
$this->nextSibling = null;
if ($this->parentNode != null) {
$this->parentNode = null;
} //clearReferences

* Generates a normalized (formatted for readability) representation of the node and its children
* @param boolean True if HTML readable output is desired
* @param boolean True if illegal xml characters in text nodes and attributes should be converted to entities
* @return string The formatted string representation
function toNormalizedString($htmlSafe = false, $subEntities = false) {
//require this file for generating a normalized (readable) xml string representation
require_once(DOMIT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'xml_domit_utilities.php');
global $DOMIT_defined_entities_flip;

$result = DOMIT_Utilities::toNormalizedString($this, $subEntities, $DOMIT_defined_entities_flip);

if ($htmlSafe) $result = $this->forHTML($result);

return $result;
} //toNormalizedString
} //DOMIT_Lite_Node

* A parent class for nodes which possess child nodes
* @package domit-xmlparser
* @subpackage domit-xmlparser-lite
* @author John Heinstein <johnkarl@nbnet.nb.ca>
class DOMIT_Lite_ChildNodes_Interface extends DOMIT_Lite_Node {
* Raises error if abstract class is directly instantiated
function DOMIT_Lite_ChildNodes_Interface() {
'Cannot instantiate abstract class DOMIT_Lite_ChildNodes_Interface');
} //DOMIT_Lite_ChildNodes_Interface

* Appends a node to the childNodes list of the current node
* @param Object The node to be appended
* @return Object The appended node
* Appends a node to the childNodes list of the current node
* @param Object The node to be appended
* @return Object The appended node
function &appendChild(&$child) {
if (!($this->hasChildNodes())) {
$this->childNodes[0] =& $child;
$this->firstChild =& $child;
else {
//remove $child if it already exists
$index = $this->getChildNodeIndex($this->childNodes, $child);

if ($index != -1) {

//append child
$numNodes = $this->childCount;
//BB: was bug auto-created wrong childnodes[-1]: added IF
if ($numNodes>0) $prevSibling =& $this->childNodes[($numNodes - 1)];

$this->childNodes[$numNodes] =& $child;

//set next and previous relationships
//BB: added this line and the else part to finish correcting bug
if (isset($prevSibling)) {
$child->previousSibling =& $prevSibling;
$prevSibling->nextSibling =& $child;
} else {
$child->previousSibling = null;
$this->firstChild =& $child;

$this->lastChild =& $child;
$child->parentNode =& $this;

$child->nextSibling = null;


return $child;
} //appendChild

* Inserts a node to the childNodes list of the current node
* @param Object The node to be inserted
* @param Object The node before which the insertion is to occur
* @return Object The inserted node
function &insertBefore(&$newChild, &$refChild) {
if (($refChild->nodeType == DOMIT_DOCUMENT_NODE) ||
($refChild->parentNode == null)) {

'Reference child not present in the child nodes list.');

//if reference child is also the node to be inserted
//leave the document as is and don't raise an exception
if ($refChild->uid == $newChild->uid) {
return $newChild;

//remove $newChild if it already exists
$index = $this->getChildNodeIndex($this->childNodes, $newChild);
if ($index != -1) {

//find index of $refChild in childNodes
$index = $this->getChildNodeIndex($this->childNodes, $refChild);

if ($index != -1) {
//reset sibling chain
if ($refChild->previousSibling != null) {
$refChild->previousSibling->nextSibling =& $newChild;
$newChild->previousSibling =& $refChild->previousSibling;
else {
$this->firstChild =& $newChild;

if ($newChild->previousSibling != null) {
$newChild->previousSibling = null;

$newChild->parentNode =& $refChild->parentNode;
$newChild->nextSibling =& $refChild;
$refChild->previousSibling =& $newChild;

//add node to childNodes
$i = $this->childCount;

while ($i >= 0) {
if ($i > $index) {
$this->childNodes[$i] =& $this->childNodes[($i - 1)];
else if ($i == $index) {
$this->childNodes[$i] =& $newChild;

else {


return $newChild;
} //insertBefore

* Replaces a node with another
* @param Object The new node
* @param Object The old node
* @return Object The new node
function &replaceChild(&$newChild, &$oldChild) {
if ($this->hasChildNodes()) {
//remove $newChild if it already exists
$index = $this->getChildNodeIndex($this->childNodes, $newChild);
if ($index != -1) {

//find index of $oldChild in childNodes
$index = $this->getChildNodeIndex($this->childNodes, $oldChild);

if ($index != -1) {
$newChild->ownerDocument =& $oldChild->ownerDocument;
$newChild->parentNode =& $oldChild->parentNode;

//reset sibling chain
if ($oldChild->previousSibling == null) {
$newChild->previousSibling = null;
else {
$oldChild->previousSibling->nextSibling =& $newChild;
$newChild->previousSibling =& $oldChild->previousSibling;

if ($oldChild->nextSibling == null) {
$newChild->nextSibling = null;
else {
$oldChild->nextSibling->previousSibling =& $newChild;
$newChild->nextSibling =& $oldChild->nextSibling;

$this->childNodes[$index] =& $newChild;

if ($index == 0) $this->firstChild =& $newChild;
if ($index == ($this->childCount - 1)) $this->lastChild =& $newChild;


return $newChild;

('Reference node for replaceChild not found.'));
} //replaceChild

* Removes a node from the childNodes list of the current node
* @param Object The node to be removed
* @return Object The removed node
function &removeChild(&$oldChild) {
if ($this->hasChildNodes()) {
//find index of $oldChild in childNodes
$index = $this->getChildNodeIndex($this->childNodes, $oldChild);

if ($index != -1) {
//reset sibling chain
if (($oldChild->previousSibling != null) && ($oldChild->nextSibling != null)) {
$oldChild->previousSibling->nextSibling =& $oldChild->nextSibling;
$oldChild->nextSibling->previousSibling =& $oldChild->previousSibling;
else if (($oldChild->previousSibling != null) && ($oldChild->nextSibling == null)) {
$this->lastChild =& $oldChild->previousSibling;
$oldChild->previousSibling->nextSibling = null;
else if (($oldChild->previousSibling == null) && ($oldChild->nextSibling != null)) {
$oldChild->nextSibling->previousSibling = null;
$this->firstChild =& $oldChild->nextSibling;
else if (($oldChild->previousSibling == null) && ($oldChild->nextSibling == null)) {
$this->firstChild = null;
$this->lastChild = null;

$total = $this->childCount;

//remove node from childNodes
for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
if ($i == ($total - 1)) {
array_splice($this->childNodes, $i, 1);
else if ($i >= $index) {
$this->childNodes[$i] =& $this->childNodes[($i + 1)];


return $oldChild;

('Target node for removeChild not found.'));
} //removeChild

* Searches the element tree for an element with the specified attribute name and value.
* @param string The value of the attribute
* @param string The name of the attribute
* @param boolean True if the first found node is to be returned as a node instead of a nodelist
* @param boolean True if uid is to be considered an attribute
* @return object A NodeList of found elements, or null
function &getElementsByAttribute($attrName = 'id', $attrValue = '',
$returnFirstFoundNode = false, $treatUIDAsAttribute = false) {
require_once(DOMIT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'xml_domit_nodemaps.php');

$nodelist = new DOMIT_NodeList();

switch ($this->nodeType) {
$this->_getElementsByAttribute($nodelist, $attrName, $attrValue,
$returnFirstFoundNode, $treatUIDAsAttribute);

if ($this->documentElement != null) {
$attrName, $attrValue, $returnFirstFoundNode, $treatUIDAsAttribute);

if ($returnFirstFoundNode) {
if ($nodelist->getLength() > 0) {
return $nodelist->item(0);
$null = null;
return $null;

return $nodelist;
} //getElementsByAttribute

* Searches the element tree for an element with the specified attribute name and value.
* @param object The node list of found elements
* @param string The value of the attribute
* @param string The name of the attribute
* @param boolean True if the first found node is to be returned as a node instead of a nodelist
* @param boolean True if uid is to be considered an attribute
* @param boolean True the node has been found
function _getElementsByAttribute(&$nodelist, $attrName, $attrValue,
$returnFirstFoundNode, $treatUIDAsAttribute, $foundNode = false) {
if (!($foundNode && $returnFirstFoundNode)) {
if (($this->getAttribute($attrName) == $attrValue) ||
($treatUIDAsAttribute && ($attrName == 'uid') && ($this->uid == $attrValue))) {
$foundNode = true;
if ($returnFirstFoundNode) return;

$total = $this->childCount;

for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
$currNode =& $this->childNodes[$i];

if ($currNode->nodeType == DOMIT_ELEMENT_NODE) {
$attrName, $attrValue, $returnFirstFoundNode,
$treatUIDAsAttribute, $foundNode);
} //_getElementsByAttribute
} //DOMIT_Lite_ChildNodes_Interface

* A class representing the DOM Document
* @package domit-xmlparser
* @subpackage domit-xmlparser-lite
* @author John Heinstein <johnkarl@nbnet.nb.ca>
class DOMIT_Lite_Document extends DOMIT_Lite_ChildNodes_Interface {
/** @var string The xml declaration text */
var $xmlDeclaration;
/** @var string The doctype text */
var $doctype;
/** @var Object A reference to the root node of the DOM document */
var $documentElement;
/** @var string The parser used to process the DOM document, either "EXPAT" or "SAXY_LITE" */
var $parser;
/** @var Object A reference to the DOMIT_DOMImplementation object */
var $implementation;
/** @var Array User defined translation table for XML entities */
var $definedEntities = array();
/** @var boolean If true, loadXML or parseXML will attempt to detect and repair invalid xml */
var $doResolveErrors = false;
/** @var boolean True if whitespace is to be preserved during parsing */
var $preserveWhitespace = false;
/** @var boolean If true, elements tags will be rendered to string as <element></element> rather than <element/> */
var $doExpandEmptyElementTags = false;
/** @var array A list of exceptions to the empty element expansion rule */
var $expandEmptyElementExceptions = array();
/** @var int The error code returned by the SAX parser */
var $errorCode = 0;
/** @var string The error string returned by the SAX parser */
var $errorString = '';
/** @var object A reference to a http connection or proxy server, if one is required */
var $httpConnection = null;
/** @var boolean True if php_http_client_generic is to be used instead of PHP get_file_contents to retrieve xml data */
var $doUseHTTPClient = false;

* DOM Document constructor
function DOMIT_Lite_Document() {
$this->xmlDeclaration = '';
$this->doctype = '';
$this->documentElement = null;
$this->nodeType = DOMIT_DOCUMENT_NODE;
$this->nodeName = '#document';
$this->ownerDocument =& $this;
$this->parser = '';
$this->implementation = new DOMIT_DOMImplementation();
} //DOMIT_Lite_Document

* Specifies whether DOMIT! Lite will try to fix invalid XML before parsing begins
* @param boolean True if errors are to be resolved
function resolveErrors($truthVal) {
$this->doResolveErrors = $truthVal;
} //resolveErrors

* Specifies the parameters of the http conection used to obtain the xml data
* @param string The ip address or domain name of the connection
* @param string The path of the connection
* @param int The port that the connection is listening on
* @param int The timeout value for the connection
* @param string The user name, if authentication is required
* @param string The password, if authentication is required
function setConnection($host, $path = '/', $port = 80, $timeout = 0, $user = null, $password = null) {
require_once(DOMIT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'php_http_client_generic.php');

$this->httpConnection = new php_http_client_generic($host, $path, $port, $timeout, $user, $password);
} //setConnection

* Specifies whether DOMIT! preserves whitespace when parsing
* @param boolean True if whitespace is to be preserved
function preserveWhitespace($truthVal) {
$this->preserveWhitespace = $truthVal;
} //preserveWhitespace

* Specifies basic authentication for an http connection
* @param string The user name
* @param string The password
function setAuthorization($user, $password) {
$this->httpConnection->setAuthorization($user, $password);
} //setAuthorization

* Specifies that a proxy is to be used to obtain the xml data
* @param string The ip address or domain name of the proxy
* @param string The path to the proxy
* @param int The port that the proxy is listening on
* @param int The timeout value for the connection
* @param string The user name, if authentication is required
* @param string The password, if authentication is required
function setProxyConnection($host, $path = '/', $port = 80, $timeout = 0, $user = null, $password = null) {
require_once(DOMIT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'php_http_proxy.php');

$this->httpConnection = new php_http_proxy($host, $path, $port, $timeout, $user, $password);
} //setProxyConnection

* Specifies basic authentication for the proxy
* @param string The user name
* @param string The password
function setProxyAuthorization($user, $password) {
$this->httpConnection->setProxyAuthorization($user, $password);
} //setProxyAuthorization

* Specifies whether an HTTP client should be used to establish a connection
* @param boolean True if an HTTP client is to be used to establish the connection
function useHTTPClient($truthVal) {
$this->doUseHTTPClient = $truthVal;
} //useHTTPClient

* Returns the error code from the underlying SAX parser
* @return int The error code
function getErrorCode() {
return $this->errorCode;
} //getErrorCode

* Returns the error string from the underlying SAX parser
* @return string The error string
function getErrorString() {
return $this->errorString;
} //getErrorString

* Specifies whether elements tags will be rendered to string as <element></element> rather than <element/>
* @param boolean True if the expanded form is to be used
* @param mixed An array of tag names that should be excepted from expandEmptyElements rule (optional)
function expandEmptyElementTags($truthVal, $expandEmptyElementExceptions = false) {
$this->doExpandEmptyElementTags = $truthVal;

if (is_array($expandEmptyElementExceptions)) {
$this->expandEmptyElementExceptions = $expandEmptyElementExceptions;
} //expandEmptyElementTags

* Set the specified node as document element
* @param Object The node that is to become document element
* @return Object The new document element
function &setDocumentElement(&$node) {
if ($node->nodeType == DOMIT_ELEMENT_NODE) {
if ($this->documentElement == null) {
else {
parent::replaceChild($node, $this->documentElement);

$this->documentElement =& $node;
else {
('Cannot add a node of type ' . get_class($node) . ' as a Document Element.'));

return $node;
} //setDocumentElement

* Appends a node to the childNodes list of the current node
* @param Object The node to be appended
* @return Object The appended node
function &appendChild(&$node) {
if ($node->nodeType == DOMIT_ELEMENT_NODE) {
if ($this->documentElement == null) {
else {
//error thrown if documentElement already exists!
('Cannot have more than one root node (documentElement) in a DOMIT_Document.'));
else {
('Cannot add a node of type ' . get_class($node) . ' to a DOMIT_Document.'));

return $node;
} //appendChild

* Replaces a node with another
* @param Object The new node
* @param Object The old node
* @return Object The new node
function &replaceChild(&$newChild, &$oldChild) {
if (($this->documentElement != null) && ($oldChild->uid == $this->documentElement->uid)) {
if ($node->nodeType == DOMIT_ELEMENT_NODE) {
//replace documentElement with new node
else {
('Cannot replace Document Element with a node of class ' . get_class($newChild)));
else {
if ($node->nodeType == DOMIT_ELEMENT_NODE) {
if ($this->documentElement != null) {
('Cannot have more than one root node (documentElement) in a DOMIT_Document.'));
else {
parent::replaceChild($newChild, $oldChild);
else {
('Nodes of class ' . get_class($newChild) . ' cannot be children of a DOMIT_Document.'));

return $newChild;
} //replaceChild

* Inserts a node to the childNodes list of the current node
* @param Object The node to be inserted
* @param Object The node before which the insertion is to occur
* @return Object The inserted node
function &insertBefore(&$newChild, &$refChild) {
$type = $newChild->nodeType;

if ($type == DOMIT_ELEMENT_NODE) {
if ($this->documentElement == null) {
parent::insertBefore($newChild, $refChild);
else {
//error thrown if documentElement already exists!
('Cannot have more than one root node (documentElement) in a DOMIT_Document.'));
else {
('Cannot insert a node of type ' . get_class($newChild) . ' to a DOMIT_Document.'));

return $newChild;
} //insertBefore

* Removes a node from the childNodes list of the current node
* @param Object The node to be removed
* @return Object The removed node
function &removeChild(&$oldChild) {
if (($this->documentElement != null) && ($oldChild->uid == $this->documentElement->uid)) {
$this->documentElement = null;
else {

return $oldChild;
} //removeChild

* Creates a new DOMIT_Lite_Element node
* @param string The tag name of the element
* @return Object The new element
function &createElement($tagName) {
$node = new DOMIT_Lite_Element($tagName);
$node->ownerDocument = $this;

$reference =& $node;
return $node;
} //createElement

* Creates a new DOMIT_Text node
* @param string The text of the node
* @return Object The new text node
function &createTextNode($data) {
$node = new DOMIT_Lite_TextNode($data);
$node->ownerDocument = $this;

$reference =& $node;
return $reference;
} //createTextNode

* Creates a new DOMIT_Lite_CDATASection node
* @param string The text of the CDATASection
* @return Object The new CDATASection node
function &createCDATASection($data) {
$node = new DOMIT_Lite_CDATASection($data);
$node->ownerDocument = $this;

return $node;
} //createCDATASection

* Retrieves a NodeList of child elements with the specified tag name
* @param string The matching element tag name
* @return Object A NodeList of found elements
function &getElementsByTagName($tagName) {
$nodeList = new DOMIT_NodeList();

if ($this->documentElement != null) {
$this->documentElement->getNamedElements($nodeList, $tagName);

return $nodeList;
} //getElementsByTagName

* Retrieves an element or DOMIT_NodeList of elements corresponding to an Xpath-like expression.
* @param string The query pattern
* @param int If a single node is to be returned (rather than the entire NodeList) the index of that node
* @return mixed A NodeList or single node that matches the pattern
function &getElementsByPath($pattern, $nodeIndex = 0) {
require_once(DOMIT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'xml_domit_getelementsbypath.php');

$gebp = new DOMIT_GetElementsByPath();
$myResponse =& $gebp->parsePattern($this, $pattern, $nodeIndex);

return $myResponse;
} //getElementsByPath

* Parses an xml string; first encodes string as UTF-8
* @param string The xml text to be parsed
* @param boolean True if SAXY is to be used instead of Expat
* @param boolean False if CDATA Section are to be generated as Text nodes
* @param boolean True if onLoad is to be called on each node after parsing
* @return boolean True if parsing is successful
function parseXML_utf8($xmlText, $useSAXY = true, $preserveCDATA = true, $fireLoadEvent = false) {
return $this->parseXML(utf8_encode($xmlText), $useSAXY, $preserveCDATA, $fireLoadEvent);
} //parseXML_utf8

* Parses an xml string
* @param string The xml text to be parsed
* @param boolean True if SAXY is to be used instead of Expat
* @param boolean False if CDATA Section are to be generated as Text nodes
* @param boolean True if onLoad is to be called on each node after parsing
* @return boolean True if parsing is successful
function parseXML($xmlText, $useSAXY = true, $preserveCDATA = true, $fireLoadEvent = false) {
require_once(DOMIT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'xml_domit_utilities.php');

if ($this->doResolveErrors) {
require_once(DOMIT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'xml_domit_doctor.php');
$xmlText = DOMIT_Doctor::fixAmpersands($xmlText);

if (DOMIT_Utilities::validateXML($xmlText)) {
$domParser = new DOMIT_Lite_Parser();

if ($useSAXY || (!function_exists('xml_parser_create'))) {
//use SAXY parser to populate xml tree
$this->parser = 'SAXY_LITE';
$success = $domParser->parseSAXY($this, $xmlText, $preserveCDATA, $this->definedEntities);
else {
//use Expat parser to populate xml tree
$this->parser = 'EXPAT';
$success = $domParser->parse($this, $xmlText, $preserveCDATA);

if ($fireLoadEvent && ($this->documentElement != null)) $this->load($this->documentElement);

return $success;

return false;
} //parseXML

* Parses an xml file; first encodes text as UTF-8
* @param string The xml file to be parsed
* @param boolean True if SAXY is to be used instead of Expat
* @param boolean False if CDATA Section are to be generated as Text nodes
* @param boolean True if onLoad is to be called on each node after parsing
* @return boolean True if parsing is successful
function loadXML_utf8($filename, $useSAXY = true, $preserveCDATA = true, $fireLoadEvent = false) {
$xmlText = $this->getTextFromFile($filename);
return $this->parseXML_utf8($xmlText, $useSAXY, $preserveCDATA, $fireLoadEvent);
} //loadXML_utf8

* Parses an xml file
* @param string The xml file to be parsed
* @param boolean True if SAXY is to be used instead of Expat
* @param boolean False if CDATA Section are to be generated as Text nodes
* @param boolean True if onLoad is to be called on each node after parsing
* @return boolean True if parsing is successful
function loadXML($filename, $useSAXY = true, $preserveCDATA = true, $fireLoadEvent = false) {
$xmlText = $this->getTextFromFile($filename);
return $this->parseXML($xmlText, $useSAXY, $preserveCDATA, $fireLoadEvent);
} //loadXML

* Establishes a connection, given an url
* @param string The url of the data
function establishConnection($url) {
require_once(DOMIT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'php_http_client_generic.php');

$host = php_http_connection::formatHost($url);
$host = substr($host, 0, strpos($host, '/'));

} //establishConnection

* Retrieves text from a file
* @param string The file path
* @return string The text contained in the file
function getTextFromFile($filename) {
if ($this->doUseHTTPClient && (substr($filename, 0, 5) == 'http:')) {

if ($this->httpConnection != null) {
$response =& $this->httpConnection->get($filename);
return $response->getResponse();
else if (function_exists('file_get_contents')) {
//if (file_exists($filename)) {
return file_get_contents($filename);
else {
require_once(DOMIT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'php_file_utilities.php');

$fileContents =& php_file_utilities::getDataFromFile($filename, 'r');
return $fileContents;

return '';
} //getTextFromFile

* Saves the current DOM document as an xml file; first encodes text as UTF-8
* @param string The path of the xml file
* @param boolean True if xml text is to be normalized before saving
* @return boolean True if save is successful
function saveXML_utf8($filename, $normalized=false) {
if ($normalized) {
$stringRep = $this->toNormalizedString(false, true); //param 2 is $subEntities
else {
$stringRep = $this->toString(false, true);

return $this->saveTextToFile($filename, utf8_encode($stringRep));
} //saveXML_utf8

* Saves the current DOM document as an xml file
* @param string The path of the xml file
* @param boolean True if xml text is to be normalized before saving
* @return boolean True if save is successful
function saveXML($filename, $normalized=false) {
if ($normalized) {
$stringRep = $this->toNormalizedString(false, true);
else {
$stringRep = $this->toString(false, true);
if ($this->xmlDeclaration) {
$stringRep = $this->xmlDeclaration . "\n" . $stringRep;
return $this->saveTextToFile($filename, $stringRep);
} //saveXML

* Saves text to a file
* @param string The file path
* @param string The text to be saved
* @return boolean True if the save is successful
function saveTextToFile($filename, $text) {
if (function_exists('file_put_contents')) {
file_put_contents($filename, $text);
else {
require_once(DOMIT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'php_file_utilities.php');
php_file_utilities::putDataToFile($filename, $text, 'w');

return (file_exists($filename) && is_writable($filename));
} //saveTextToFile

* Indicates the SAX parser used to parse the current document
* @return string Either "SAXY_LITE" or "EXPAT"
function parsedBy() {
return $this->parser;
} //parsedBy

* Returns the concatented text of the current node and its children
* @return string The concatented text of the current node and its children
function getText() {
if ($this->documentElement != null) {
$root =& $this->documentElement;
return $root->getText();

return '';
} //getText

* Returns the doctype text
* @return string The doctype text, or an emty string
function getDocType() {
return $this->doctype;
} //getDocType

* Returns the xml declaration text
* @return mixed The xml declaration text, or an empty string
function getXMLDeclaration() {
return $this->xmlDeclaration;
} //getXMLDeclaration

* Returns the xml declaration text
* @return mixed The xml declaration text, or an empty string
function setXMLDeclaration( $decl ) {
$this->xmlDeclaration = $decl;
} //setXMLDeclaration

* Returns a reference to the DOMIT_DOMImplementation object
* @return Object A reference to the DOMIT_DOMImplementation object
function &getDOMImplementation() {
return $this->implementation;
} //getDOMImplementation

* Manages the firing of the onLoad() event
* @param Object The parent node of the current recursion
function load(&$contextNode) {
$total = $contextNode->childCount;

for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
$currNode =& $contextNode->childNodes[$i];

} //load

* Returns the current version of DOMIT! Lite
* @return Object The current version of DOMIT! Lite
function getVersion() {
} //getVersion

* Appends an array of entity mappings to the existing translation table
* Intended mainly to facilitate the conversion of non-ASCII entities into equivalent characters
* @param array A list of entity mappings in the format: array('&' => '&');
function appendEntityTranslationTable($table) {
$this->definedEntities = $table;

global $DOMIT_defined_entities_flip;
$DOMIT_defined_entities_flip = array_flip($table);
} //appendEntityTranslationTable

* Generates an array representation of the node and its children
* @return Array A representation of the node and its children
function toArray() {
$arReturn = array($this->nodeName => array());
$total = $this->childCount;

for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
$arReturn[$this->nodeName][$i] = $this->childNodes[$i]->toArray();

return $arReturn;
} //toArray

* Copies a node and/or its children
* @param boolean True if all child nodes are also to be cloned
* @return Object A copy of the node and/or its children
function &cloneNode($deep = false) {
$className = get_class($this);
$clone = new $className($this->nodeName);

if ($deep) {
$total = $this->childCount;

for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
$currentChild =& $this->childNodes[$i];

return $clone;
} //cloneNode

* Generates a string representation of the node and its children
* @param boolean True if HTML readable output is desired
* @param boolean True if illegal xml characters in text nodes and attributes should be converted to entities
* @return string The string representation
function toString($htmlSafe = false, $subEntities = false) {
$result = '';
$total = $this->childCount;

for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
$result .= $this->childNodes[$i]->toString(false, $subEntities);

if ($htmlSafe) $result = $this->forHTML($result);

return $result;
} //toString
} //DOMIT_Lite_Document

* A class representing the DOM Element
* @package domit-xmlparser
* @subpackage domit-xmlparser-lite
* @author John Heinstein <johnkarl@nbnet.nb.ca>
class DOMIT_Lite_Element extends DOMIT_Lite_ChildNodes_Interface {
* DOM Element constructor
* @param string The tag name of the element
function DOMIT_Lite_Element($tagName) {
$this->nodeType = DOMIT_ELEMENT_NODE;
$this->nodeName = $tagName;
$this->attributes = array();
$this->childNodes = array();
} //DOMIT_Lite_Element

* Returns the tag name of the element
* @return string The tag name of the element
function getTagName() {
return $this->nodeName;
} //getTagName

* Adds elements with the specified tag name to a NodeList collection
* @param Object The NodeList collection
* @param string The tag name of matching elements
function getNamedElements(&$nodeList, $tagName) {
if (($this->nodeName == $tagName) || ($tagName == '*')) {

$total = $this->childCount;

for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
$this->childNodes[$i]->getNamedElements($nodeList, $tagName);
} //getNamedElements

* Returns the concatented text of the current node and its children
* @return string The concatented text of the current node and its children
function getText() {
$text = '';
$numChildren = $this->childCount;

for ($i = 0; $i < $numChildren; $i++) {
$child =& $this->childNodes[$i];
$text .= $child->getText();

return $text;
} //getText

* If a child text node exists, sets the nodeValue to $data. A child text node is created if none exists
* @param string The text data of the node
function setText($data) {
switch ($this->childCount) {
case 1:
if ($this->firstChild->nodeType == DOMIT_TEXT_NODE) {

case 0:
$childTextNode =& $this->ownerDocument->createTextNode($data);

//do nothing. Maybe throw error???
} //setText

* Retrieves a NodeList of child elements with the specified tag name
* @param string The matching element tag name
* @return Object A NodeList of found elements
function &getElementsByTagName($tagName) {
$nodeList = new DOMIT_NodeList();
$this->getNamedElements($nodeList, $tagName);

return $nodeList;
} //getElementsByTagName

* Retrieves an element or DOMIT_NodeList of elements corresponding to an Xpath-like expression.
* @param string The query pattern
* @param int If a single node is to be returned (rather than the entire NodeList) the index of that node
* @return mixed A NodeList or single node that matches the pattern
function &getElementsByPath($pattern, $nodeIndex = 0) {
require_once(DOMIT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'xml_domit_getelementsbypath.php');

$gebp = new DOMIT_GetElementsByPath();
$myResponse = $gebp->parsePattern($this, $pattern, $nodeIndex);

return $myResponse;
} //getElementsByPath

* Gets the value of the specified attribute, if it exists
* @param string The attribute name
* @return string The attribute value
function getAttribute($name) {
if ($this->hasAttribute($name)) {
return $this->attributes[$name];
else {
('No attribute named ' . $name . 'exists.'));
// Joomla! hack
return null;
} //getAttribute

* Sets the value of the specified attribute; creates a new attribute if one doesn't exist
* @param string The attribute name
* @param string The desired attribute value
function setAttribute($name, $value) {
$this->attributes[$name] = $value;
} //setAttribute

* Removes the specified attribute
* @param string The name of the attribute to be removed
function removeAttribute($name) {
if ($this->hasAttribute($name)) {
} //removeAttribute

* Determines whether a

konto usunięte

Temat: Pusta strona

Na pierwszy rzut oka - plik jest uszkodzony - urywa się na linii 1444, przez co cała klasa się wykrzacza i powstaje fatal error (klasę trzeba domknąć).

Pod adresem: http://apostilas.fok.com.br/docs/joomla-1.5/nav.php?li... masz zawartość, jaką powinien mieć ten plik.

Wyedytuj, wklej i powinno być po sprawie :)


Temat: Pusta strona

Dziękie wielkie, działa!

Kurcze, nie wiem, jak to się stało.
Pobrałem paczkę z joomla.pl i wrzuciłem na serwer nic nie zmieniając. I później pojawił się ww. problem... :/
Ale już wszystko hula. Jeszcze raz dziękuję.

Warto przejść na 2.5? Będą działać dodatki z 1.5?

konto usunięte

Temat: Pusta strona

Hej, cieszę się, że mogłem pomóc.

Co do 2.5 to nie wiem. Nie testowałem jeszcze.

Rafał D.

Rafał D. freelancer

Temat: Pusta strona

Nie wszystkie dodatki z J1.5 będą działać w wersji 2.5. Trzeba sobie wypisać te zainstalowane i zobaczyć na joomla.org czy również dla 2.5 ewentualnie poszukać zamienników, bo warto przejść na najnowszą wersję.
Gabriel Nowak

Gabriel Nowak grafik, projektant,
web designer, trener
biznesu o rozwoj...

Temat: Pusta strona

Przejsc może i warto ale nie spodziewałbym się płynnego przejścia i odnalezienia wszystkich dodatków. Nie wiem czemu ale ja jakoś mam sentyment do 1.5.xxx

Temat: Pusta strona

Dzięki za odpowiedzi.
Też mam sentyment do 1.5, a gdy zainstalowałem kontrolnie 2.5.1, to nie przypadła mi do gustu... ;)
Gabriel Nowak

Gabriel Nowak grafik, projektant,
web designer, trener
biznesu o rozwoj...

Temat: Pusta strona

Starego pas ciężko nauczyć nowych sztuczek :):)

Następna dyskusja:

pusta strona tylko z wrappe...

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