Darek Romanowski

Darek Romanowski Independent SEO
Specialist | Joomla
Web Developer |

Temat: Joomla 1.5.11

Na GL szybciej niż na joomla.pl :D

The Joomla Project announces the immediate availability of Joomla 1.5.11 [Vea]. This is a security release and users are strongly encouraged to upgrade immediately.

This release contains 26 bug fixes, two moderate-level security fixes and one low-level security fix. It has been 11 weeks since Joomla 1.5.10 was released on March 28, 2009. The Development Working Group's goal is to continue to provide regular, frequent updates to the Joomla community.

Paweł F.

Paweł F. Z Joomla! od 2005
roku, inne CMS też
się trafiają.

Temat: Joomla 1.5.11

no niby tak, ale cicho bo Zwiastun zobaczy że go "obrażasz", hihi.

Spoko i tak zawsze najszybciej jest na joomlapl.com !! czyż nie.
Darek Romanowski

Darek Romanowski Independent SEO
Specialist | Joomla
Web Developer |

Temat: Joomla 1.5.11

lubię być na bieżąco;)

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