Grzegorz Albinowski

Grzegorz Albinowski Senior Business
Transition Project

Temat: Paving the Road to a Software Measurement Program: How to...

Paving the Road to a Software Measurement Program: How to Avoid Pitfalls, Potholes and Speed Bumps, 8 kwietnia 2009 (środa)

April 8, 2009
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Eastern Time

Starting a measurement program can be overwhelming; without a good road map, it can be ineffective. There are many challenges in

both starting up and sustaining a measurement program. In this webinar, Janet Russac will identify pitfalls, potholes and speed

bumps as well as proactive actions to take to ensure success. This webinar qualifies for credits for the International Function

Point Users Group (IFPUG) Certified Function Point Specialist (CSMS) designation.

Learning Objectives:

■ A review of problems, pitfalls, obstacles, etc. experienced in implementing ans sustaining measurement programs
■ A discussion on how to avoid or prevent those problems from the onset
■ A look at what has worked well in organizations, that can be used by others

Intended Audience:

■ IT managers
■ Metrics and Function Point personnel
■ Members of software teams who need to measure project results or help develop estimates
■ Software project managers
■ Software developers
■ Software executives