Grzegorz Albinowski

Grzegorz Albinowski Senior Business
Transition Project

Temat: 3 Software Quality Assurance Best Practices, 11 marca...

3 Software Quality Assurance Best Practices, 11 marca 2009 (środa)

March 11, 2009
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Eastern Time

Organizations show difficulties understanding QA. In this webinar, Jorge Boria will present three innovative ways of implementing QA. One split the role; another had QA in its technical ladder; yet another performed it in part by high level managers. In all the emphasis was on helping the projects perform resulting in significant improvements.

Learning Objectives:

■ Learn the critical requirements to implement Quality Assurance (QA) within an organization to comply with the CMMI-DEV v1.2
■ Learn the two main problems that plague the implementation of QA in immature organizations
■ Learn what characterizes a sensible and mature implementation of QA that more than pays for itself in productivity gains
■ Learn how other organizations have creatively implemented QA using some of their best engineers and / or splitting the practices

Intended Audience:

■ This webinar is intended for members of Process Action Teams who develop or change processes. It is also useful for members of a Project Management Office, Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG), Process Engineering Group (PEG), Process Management Group (Upper Management with a stake in Process Improvement), or others who are responsible for managing, directly or indirectly, an organization's process definition and deployment.