Grzegorz Albinowski

Grzegorz Albinowski Senior Business
Transition Project

Temat: Maximize the Efficiency of Your Outsourcing Agreements...

Maximize the Efficiency of Your Outsourcing Agreements with SLM, 28.01.2009 (środa) 17.00
Oblicore & The Outsourcing Institute Webinar: Wednesday, January 28, 2009
11am EST (8am PST, 4pm UK Time, 5pm CET)
**New Speaker Added: Ben Trowbridge - Founder and CEO, Alsbridge**

Even though many companies create well-defined SLAs with their service providers, very few follow through with managing those services. Despite the critical importance of these services, they leave it at the discretion of the providers to ensure that contractual obligations are met. Join Oblicore and The Outsourcing Institute to learn how Service Level Management techniques can help your organization maximize the efficiency of your outsourced services and improve the performace of your business.


■ Erik Hille
■ Frank Casale
■ Ben Trowbridge