Michał D.

Michał D. itmwisdombase.org

Temat: ITM Wisdombase - Collective IT Experience

Zapraszam wszystkich na strone ITM Wisdombase - portal dla entuzjastów IT Management. Strona prowadzona jest wylacznie w jezyku angielskim, wiec jesli chcielibyscie dodac jakiegos linka lub artykul, napisac bloga lub wziac udzial w dyskusji na forum bardzo prosze o jezyk angielski.


Join IT Management Wisdombase community. Promote your IT professional profile. Create your blog and publish your own articles. Share your IT Management knowledge. Place interesting links, edit latest news. Take part in creating global IT Management source of knowledge. Use ITM Wisdombase for self-development and to share your knowledge.

IT Management Wisdombase idea was born as a result of the need to collect and develop IT Management knowledge. All IT people around the world are invited to take part in this global project of creating IT Management Wisdombase.

The mission of ITM Wisdombase is to engage people in collecting and developing IT Management knowledge, provide resources for learning, give the opportunity for interesting discussions, comments and reflections.

It is the group for people interested in self-development as well as the possibility to share your IT Management knowledge and expierience.

Join ITM Wisdombase at facebook:

Grzegorz Albinowski

Grzegorz Albinowski Senior Business
Transition Project

Temat: ITM Wisdombase - Collective IT Experience

Dzięki za linka, sporo wartościowych informacji, chociaż trzeba poszperać :)

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