Piotr Grzegorz Kania

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Temat: Lucian Wischik z Microsoftu na prelekcji w Łodzi 12...

Zapraszamy na najbliższe spotkanie Łódzkiej grupy Profesjonalistów IT & .NET, które pod wieloma względami będzie wyjątkowe:
• przyjeżdża do nas gość specjalny – Lucian Wischik, Senior Program Manager z Microsoft (Redmond), gdzie zajmuje się projektowaniem języków C# oraz VB. Blog Luciana: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/lucian/
• spotykamy we wtorek 12 czerwca o godz. 17:30,
• ze względu na spodziewane duże zainteresowanie, spotkanie odbędzie się w ośrodku Arterion (Łódź, ul. Rewolucji 1905 roku 82)

Rejestracja na spotkanie: http://www.codeguru.pl/kalendarium/podglad-wydarzenia/...
Do rejestracji niezbędne jest posiadanie konta (i zalogowanie się) na portalu WSS.pl lub CodeGuru.pl

Plan spotkania:
17:30 - 17:40 - rejestracja, rozpoczęcie spotkania
17:40 - 18:40 - How we do language design at Microsoft: VB and C# Lucian Wischik
18:40 - 18:45 - przerwa, networking
18:45 - 19:45 - What’s New in C#5/VB11 Lucian Wischik
19:45 - 20:00 - dyskusje, zakończenie spotkania

1. How we do language design at Microsoft: VB and C# Lucian Wischik
Poziom: 200
VB and C# together share about 50% of the “garbage-collected languages” market. I’ll talk about how we design these languages. Where do we get ideas? How do we incorporate new paradigms without breaking the existing languages? Where will we go in the future, and how will we get there? I’ll illustrate this talk with three main examples: LINQ, XML and Async. This talk is an informal discussion. Please bring your questions and suggestions for us to consider at future VB/C# language design meetings.
2. What’s New in C#5/VB11 Lucian Wischik
Poziom: 200
There are two new language features in this new release of Visual Studio: Async (also Iterators in VB), and CallerMemberInfo. There has also been a small change in foreach loops which you’ll have to be aware of before you upgrade. There have also been a host of changes to the VS11 IDE -- performance has dramatically increased, and you can “round-trip” your projects between VS2010 and VS11. I’ll give a tour of these new features.

Lucian Wischik
Senior Program Manager, Microsoft
Lucian Wischik is a Senior Program Manager at Microsoft, in charge of Visual Basic language design. He has worked on the VB and C# compilers for five years - particularly on the new Async language feature in .NET 4.5. Before coming to Microsoft he took a PhD in concurrency theory at the University of Cambridge and worked as a researcher at Bologna University in Italy. Despite this theoretical background, he's most at home when writing practical code. His blog can be found at http://blogs.msdn.com/lucian.
He's a keen sailor and long-distance swimmer. Oh - and all his grandparents were Polish, but they emigrated to Australia after the war.

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