Grzegorz Albinowski

Grzegorz Albinowski Senior Business
Transition Project

Temat: itSMF e-symposium: Empowering Business Change with ITIL...

itSMF e-symposium: Empowering Business Change with ITIL v3, 27 sierpnia 2008 (środa), 15.00-18.00 CEST

The IT Service Management Forum (itSMF) zaprasza na darmową comiesięczną konferencję on-line, tym razem zatytułowaną "Empowering Business Change with ITIL v3". Spotkanie odbywa się w języku angielskim.
Rejestracja otwarta już teraz, szczegółowy harmonogram wkrótce.

Potwierdź swoją obecność:


ITIL v3 has been with us for a year now and we are seeing the overwhelming movement to the principles and practices of the service lifecycle as organisations are looking to leverage technology to reduce cost, derive value and most importantly - drive real business growth. The seminar delves deeper into how ITIL v3 can enable an organisation to adopt processes and technology to enable continued business change and sustainability. The audience will gain insight to a service lifecycle approach – and find out how to start putting v3 theory into practice.
The seminar features some of the industry’s most influential thought leaders who will share practical advice and first-hand experience.