Dariusz Prokopowicz

Dariusz Prokopowicz PhD of economy. MBA.
MoR. Head of
Department o...

Temat: Future of social media

Is personal information entered into social networks really confidential?


Globally operating technological Internet companies ensure that the social media services offered by them and social media communicators are safe. They ensure that users of social media accounts, sharing information with their friends from social media portals should feel safe. They ensure that private, personal information, often sensitive data is protected, encrypted and that cybercriminals do not have access to this information. But there are marketing companies operating on the Internet, which, having modern data analysis technologies gathered in Big Data and on-line resources on the Internet, can extract valuable marketing information from private accounts of social media portals without the knowledge of their users. This issue should now be carefully examined in terms of the ethics of the procedures used to access private data contained on social media portals by external entities and also from the side of legal regulations regarding the protection of personal data. In addition, whether data analysis technologies on Big Data information collections until recently used only by national security agencies should be widely available for commercially operating internet marketing, technology and analytical companies and monopolies of social media such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, and int company


In recent years, The number of companies that have been collecting personal information for marketing purposes has grown. Then, they have been reselling it to other companies, banks, institutions. In this way, enterprises, financial and public institutions create huge col-lections of nonpublic data that are valuable information for taking marketing enterpises. By targetting appropriately profiled product and service offer at a selected group of receivers; trading partners and potential clients, a greater effectiveness used in the marketing strategy is achieved suitably Thereupon, multifaceted and informational personal data base, which are built in institutions, enterpises and social networking sites, become a valuable source of in-formaton used for the marketing purposes. The development of information processing and dissemination techniques through the Internet is determined by the many conveniences for beneficiaries, customers and users of services offered by the Internet. On the other hand, the development of information technologies on the Internet carries the risk of loss or theft of in-formation by an unauthorized entities. The process of facilitating information online gener-ates a number of threats related to identity theft, capturing nonpublic data by hackers, and accomplishing conversion of funds in the electronic system banking. In response to these threats, specific entities expand security systems for remote facilitating of information and making transactions via the Internet.

D. Prokopowicz, The Question Of The Security Of Facilitating, Collecting And Processing In-formation In Data Bases Of Social Networking (in:) "International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences" (IJONESS), International Institute of Innovations "Science-Education-Business" in Warsaw, No. 2 (6) 2017, Warsaw 2017, pp. 319-330. ISSN 2450-2146

Science publications:

Przewodniczący Rady Programowej, Kierownik Zakładu Innowacji
Redaktor naczelny czasopisma naukowego:
"International Journal of Innovation in Social Sciences and Engineering" (ISSN 2543-7089)
Międzynarodowy Instytut Innowacji w Warszawie


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