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Temat: group mail przestał wysyłać mejle

Od czasu reinstalki systemu nie działa mi group mail.
gdy stworzę w nim grupę, w której jest tylko mój własny adres mejlowy, program poprawnie wysyła pocztę do tej grupy. natomiast jeśli do tej grupy wprowadzę jakikolwiek drugi adres, poczta się nie wysyła. To znaczy wysyła sie tylko do tego jednego adresata (czyli do mnie samej) a do pozostałych nie.

GroupMail :: Delivery Console v5.02.063
Started: 18.03.2008 21:50:14
Initializing delivery engine
Delivery engine version: v7.1.0.1
Loading queue
Enabling queue monitor
Start-up complete
Preparing delivery job
Delivery Started
- GroupMail v5.02.063
- Delivery Console v5.02.063
- Delivery Engine v7.1.0.1

Sending (Job: 445EF751ECBA4461A58B60C69FE4BEDC)
Subject: cv
To: kk
Account: malina@malina.net.pl
From Address: malina@malina.net.pl
Delivery Started 18.03.2008 21:50:17
Send Mode: Standard :: mail.malina.anv.pl (25)
Domain: malinaa
Connections: 1
Sending to: dzial.marketingu@firma.interia.pl
Queued: dzial.marketingu@firma.interia.pl
Sending to: info@firma.o2.pl
Queued: info@firma.o2.pl
Sending to: kadry@firma.interia.pl
Queued: kadry@firma.interia.pl
Sending to: malina@malina.net.pl
Queued: malina@malina.net.pl
Failed: dzial.marketingu@firma.interia.pl
- Error with sending recipients
- Server says: 550 5.7.1 <dzial.marketingu@firma.interia.pl>... Relaying denied. Proper authentication required.
- <dzial.marketingu@firma.interia.pl> - code:6 : RCPT Command Error. The current recipient was rejected by the mail server. If you know this is a good address then please make sure that you are using the proper mail server and authentication options for your current internet connection.
Failed: info@firma.o2.pl
- Error with sending recipients
- Server says: 550 5.7.1 <info@firma.o2.pl>... Relaying denied. Proper authentication required.
- <info@firma.o2.pl> - code:6 : RCPT Command Error. The current recipient was rejected by the mail server. If you know this is a good address then please make sure that you are using the proper mail server and authentication options for your current internet connection.
Failed: kadry@firma.interia.pl
- Error with sending recipients
- Server says: 550 5.7.1 <kadry@firma.interia.pl>... Relaying denied. Proper authentication required.
- <kadry@firma.interia.pl> - code:6 : RCPT Command Error. The current recipient was rejected by the mail server. If you know this is a good address then please make sure that you are using the proper mail server and authentication options for your current internet connection.
Sent: malina@malina.net.pl
Sent:1, Failed:3, Filtered/Excluded:0
Delivery complete: 18.03.2008 21:50:20 - Time Taken: 00:00:03

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Temat: group mail przestał wysyłać mejle

i co, nikt?

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