konto usunięte

Temat: Materiały edukacyjne o użyteczności i jej badaniu

Unmoderated remote usability testing (URUT) has become an effective and a low cost technique for collecting task based usability data. It has grown a lot in recent years (28% since 2009 according to the UPA, more than any other method) and has become the choice of many UX professionals.

But where do you start, if you are new to URUT? Sign up for this hands-on webinar where we will cover the following topics:

Part 1 (20 min)

Introduction to unmoderated remote usability testing

A real life case study featuring a company in the insurance industry

Part 2 (30 min)

How to plan for an unmoderated remote usability study
Webinary: How to Conduct Unmoderated Remote Usability Testing

How to design a study (screening questions, task construction, post-task questions, post-study questions)

What metrics you need to collect

How to recruit participants

How to analyze the data

Part 3 (10 min)

Questions and Answers
