Łukasz B.

Łukasz B. Specjalista ds.
Systemów IT, Asseco
Business Solutions

Temat: RAID level

ja to nowy w tej technologii i dopiero raczkuje ;]
szukam jakiegos info odnosnie storagu ale nic nie moge znalezc.
macierz 12 dyskow 15K podlaczone FC pod dwa Xenserwery 5.5
Citrix zaleca moze jakigos RAID'a pod storage na maszyny wirtualne ?
Mowi moze ze RAID10 jest o niebo lepszy niz RAID 5 ? badz na odwrot ?
nigdzie nie moge znalezc jakiejs rekomendacji.
maszyny jakie tam beda stac to przewaznie windows server 2008


konto usunięte

Temat: RAID level

Z doswiadczenia wiem, ze najlepszy to jest RAID przeciw komarom :]
Łukasz B.

Łukasz B. Specjalista ds.
Systemów IT, Asseco
Business Solutions

Temat: RAID level

RAIDem na komary mozemy sie w weekend pobawic ;]
Łukasz B.

Łukasz B. Specjalista ds.
Systemów IT, Asseco
Business Solutions

Temat: RAID level

Citrix nie daje konkretnej odpowiedzi odnosnie RAIDA, inzynierowie z Citrixa tez za specjalnie nie faworyzuja konkretnego rozwiazania RAID.

RAID-0 has no fault tolerance and is, therefore, best used for read-only
environments when downtime for possible backup recovery is acceptable or
specific applications where high I/Os per second are required and fault tolerance
is built into the application.
You need to select RAID-10, RIAD-5, or RAID-6 for applications that require fault
tolerance. RAID-10 is usually selected when the number of drives is low (less
than six) and the price for purchasing additional drives is acceptable. RAID-10
offers faster performance than RAID-5 or RAID-6. You must understand these
performance considerations before you select a fault-tolerant RAID strategy.
In many cases, RAID-5 is the best choice in small arrays because it provides the
best price and performance combination for configurations requiring capacity five
or more disk drives. RAID-5 performance approaches RAID-0 performance for
workloads where the frequency of write operations, and thus parity calculations,
is low. Servers executing applications that require fast read access to data and
high availability in the event of a drive failure should employ RAID-5.

Następna dyskusja:

XenServer 6.2 problem RAID 5

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