Tomasz Wrochna ISS
Temat: Prosze o pomoc
WitamJestes poczatkujacy uzytkownikim - z tego co pamietam bawilem sie poleceniem erase flash oraz chyba nfram.
Staralem sie przekazac jak najwiecej info na temat obecnego stanu i tego co robilem.
Obecnie mam tylko cos takiego.
C2950 Boot Loader (C2950-HBOOT-M) Version 12.1(11r)EA1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Compiled Mon 22-Jul-02 17:18 by antonino
WS-C2950-24 starting...
Base ethernet MAC Address: 00:21:56:6e:5a:40
Xmodem file system is available.
Initializing Flash...
flashfs[0]: 2 files, 1 directories
flashfs[0]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directories
flashfs[0]: Total bytes: 7741440
flashfs[0]: Bytes used: 3072
flashfs[0]: Bytes available: 7738368
flashfs[0]: flashfs fsck took 4 seconds.
...done initializing flash.
Boot Sector Filesystem (bs:) installed, fsid: 3
Parameter Block Filesystem (pb:) installed, fsid: 4
Loading ""...: permission denied
Error loading ""
Interrupt within 5 seconds to abort boot process.
Boot process failed...
The system is unable to boot automatically. The BOOT
environment variable needs to be set to a bootable
switch: ?
? -- Present list of available commands
boot -- Load and boot an executable image
cat -- Concatenate (type) file(s)
copy -- Copy a file
delete -- Delete file(s)
dir -- List files in directories
flash_init -- Initialize flash filesystem(s)
format -- Format a filesystem
fsck -- Check filesystem consistency
help -- Present list of available commands
load_helper -- Load and initialize a helper image
memory -- Present memory heap utilization information
mkdir -- Create dir(s)
more -- Concatenate (display) file(s)
rename -- Rename a file
reset -- Reset the system
rmdir -- Delete empty dir(s)
set -- Set or display environment variables
set_param -- Set system parameters in flash
trap -- Cause a software breakpoint to occur
type -- Concatenate (type) file(s)
-- MORE --
unset -- Unset one or more environment variables
version -- Display boot loader version
switch: dir
List of filesystems currently registered:
flash[0]: (read-write)
xmodem[1]: (read-only)
null[2]: (read-write)
bs[3]: (read-only)
switch: dir flash
unable to stat flash/: permission denied
to samo z dostepem do innych katalogow
switch: boot
Loading ""...: permission denied
Error loading ""
Interrupt within 5 seconds to abort boot process.
Boot process failed...
switch: version
C2950 Boot Loader (C2950-HBOOT-M) Version 12.1(11r)EA1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Compiled Mon 22-Jul-02 17:18 by antonino
Pobralem ze strony Cisco obraz c2950-i6k2l2q4-mz.121-22.EA13 i umiescilem go na server TFTP.
Wyczytalem na formum, ze bardzo mozliwe, ze bede musial dostac sie do ROMMON jednak CTRL+BREAK nie daje rezultatu przy starcie systemu.