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Temat: Potrzebna pomoc


Potrzebuje znalezc odpowiedz na nastepujace pytania:

1. Is a Call Forwarding sended to the network as ETSI diversion facility or as keypad (similar to the T-Net functions of Deutsche Telekom with *21*...)?

2. Is the charge information sent as ETSI AOC facility (like in Germany) or as a display message (if so: how does the string look like?)

3. Is the charge information sent as "units" (if so: how many EUR/unit or which other currency) or as currency amount?

3a. What is the factor of the sent charge currency unit? Typical: 1/100 (1 Cent = 1/100 EUR)

4. Is a Zero necessary in front of the local prefix (noz nec. in GR, LUX, DK, ...) In that case there are no local calls but only national calls. Correct?

5. What will be transferred at point-to-point connections: main number plus DDI or just DDI

6. Is a permanent activation of layer 1 possible / allowed?

7. How the number at CLIP no screening has to be transferred: as subscriber number or as national number?

8. How HOLD or 3PTY (conference) are signalled: as ETSI message or as keypad (similar to *11# or the T-NET functions)

Bede wdzieczny wszystkim za pomoc.
Robert Marciniak

Robert Marciniak ABI, kierownik
administrator baz
danych, admini...

Temat: Potrzebna pomoc

Opisz swoimi słowami problem.

konto usunięte

Temat: Potrzebna pomoc

Tomasz Owczarek:

Potrzebuje znalezc odpowiedz na nastepujace pytania:

1. Is a Call Forwarding sended to the network as ETSI diversion facility or as keypad (similar to the T-Net functions of Deutsche Telekom with *21*...)?

2. Is the charge information sent as ETSI AOC facility (like in Germany) or as a display message (if so: how does the string look like?)

3. Is the charge information sent as "units" (if so: how many EUR/unit or which other currency) or as currency amount?

3a. What is the factor of the sent charge currency unit? Typical: 1/100 (1 Cent = 1/100 EUR)

4. Is a Zero necessary in front of the local prefix (noz nec. in GR, LUX, DK, ...) In that case there are no local calls but only national calls. Correct?

5. What will be transferred at point-to-point connections: main number plus DDI or just DDI

6. Is a permanent activation of layer 1 possible / allowed?

7. How the number at CLIP no screening has to be transferred: as subscriber number or as national number?

8. How HOLD or 3PTY (conference) are signalled: as ETSI message or as keypad (similar to *11# or the T-NET functions)

Bede wdzieczny wszystkim za pomoc.

opisz problem, i/lub podeślij trace'y z polaczeń.

konto usunięte

Temat: Potrzebna pomoc

Tomasz Owczarek:

Potrzebuje znalezc odpowiedz na nastepujace pytania:

1. Is a Call Forwarding sended to the network as ETSI diversion facility or as keypad (similar to the T-Net functions of Deutsche Telekom with *21*...)?

2. Is the charge information sent as ETSI AOC facility (like in Germany) or as a display message (if so: how does the string look like?)

3. Is the charge information sent as "units" (if so: how many EUR/unit or which other currency) or as currency amount?

3a. What is the factor of the sent charge currency unit? Typical: 1/100 (1 Cent = 1/100 EUR)
jezeli chodzi o taryfikacje to we współczesnych warunkach rynkowych najlepiej naliczać koszty w programach na podstawie czasu trwania polaczenia i strefy numeru do którego połaczenie zostało zrealizowane.

4. Is a Zero necessary in front of the local prefix (noz nec. in GR, LUX, DK, ...) In that case there are no local calls but only national calls. Correct?
zgodnie z rozporządzeniem UKE w Polsce w ruchu krajowym likwidowane jest "0" np. do Białegostoku 85xxxxxxx natomiast realizacja polaczen miedzynarodowych pozostaje jak do tej pory w formacie np 0049 i dalej nr w niemczech.
5. What will be transferred at point-to-point connections: main number plus DDI or just DDI - przydatny trace polaczen.
jezeli łącze podłączone jest do PABX / IP-PABX to na łączach PRA / BRA zgodnie z WTO w Polsce powinien przesyłany być numer w formacie (pole TON typ of number) national ewentualnie unknown i dziewięć cyfr np. d katowicach 32yyyyyyy

6. Is a permanent activation of layer 1 possible / allowed?
powinien być.
7. How the number at CLIP no screening has to be transferred: as subscriber number or as national number?
potrzebny świadomy administrator systemu :) lub trace
8. How HOLD or 3PTY (conference) are signalled: as ETSI message or as keypad (similar to *11# or the T-NET functions)

Bede wdzieczny wszystkim za pomoc.

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Wirtualna Centrala GSM pomoc

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