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Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

Tete Morgan Esq.
Telephone : 00228-921-55-91,
Alternative Email : tete_morgan_chambers@yahoo.co.th

Dear Truszkowski,

I am Barrister Tete Morgan , a solicitor at law, personal attorney to Mr .M. Truszkowski , a national Of your country,who used to work as a contractor in Lome Togo. Here in after shall be referred to as my client. On the 26th of December 2005, my client, and their only daughter were involved in a car accident along Nyekonapkoe Express Road.

All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost there lives. Since then I have made several enquiries here to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful. After these several unsuccessful attempts,I decided to searchthrough with his name which motivated me to contact you, to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you.

I have contacted you to assist in repartrating the fund valued at US$ 9 .5 million left behind by my client before it gets confisicated or declared unserviceable by the Citizen Bank where this consignment were deposited.

The said security company has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have his account confisicated within the next twenty one official working days. Since I have been unsuccesfull in locating the relatives for over 2 years now, I seek the consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since you have the same last names, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you.Therefore, on receipt of your positive response, we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfer.

I have all necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim. All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction through. I guarantee that this will be executed under legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.

Please get in touch with me through my alternative Email : tete_morgan_chambers@yahoo.co.th and call me for more details on
+228 921-55-91 .

Best regard

Barrister Tete Morgan .

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

What's happened to your name, Jared?

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Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

Jared Ian Trusky:
Tete Morgan Esq.
Telephone : 00228-921-55-91,
Alternative Email : tete_morgan_chambers@yahoo.co.th

Dear Truszkowski,

Come on, this is at least 7 years' old scam. One must be really daft to believe it.

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Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

Well I know , but took few minutes to realized because I was involved in accident in UK around this time. You right it is old scam.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today


You mean this shit's a scam? No kidding!

I was just about to phone Togo...

konto usunięte

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

I don't think it's a scam.

Sounds genuine to me.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

You think it's ok to phone that number then?
Piotr J.

Piotr J. Account Manager

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

My friend from work got nearly the same e-mail twice today. It's a scam!

konto usunięte

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

I think it's genuine.

konto usunięte

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

Piotr J.:
My friend from work got nearly the same e-mail twice today. It's a scam!

Everyone always says this, and I have never understood why.

I have been sent several e-mails from foreign bankers, informing me of the deaths of a number of hitherto unknown relations, and that I would receive large sums of money by answering the e-mail.

I simply follow their instructions, and as a result, I have become a multi-millionaire.

I would advise others to do the same.

I believe most of us have a wealthy deceased relative somewhere in the world, and for a modest sum I am perfectly happy to put you in touch with the Nigerian bankers who kindly and unselfishly keep such fortunes on behalf of their relatives. I only wish there were more kind and altruistic people in this sick, sad and cynical world we presently inhabit.
Piotr J.

Piotr J. Account Manager

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

craig bellamy:
Piotr J.:
My friend from work got nearly the same e-mail twice today. It's a scam!

Everyone always says this, and I have never understood why.

I have been sent several e-mails from foreign bankers, informing me of the deaths of a number of hitherto unknown relations, and that I would receive large sums of money by answering the e-mail.

I simply follow their instructions, and as a result, I have become a multi-millionaire.

I would advise others to do the same.

I believe most of us have a wealthy deceased relative somewhere in the world, and for a modest sum I am perfectly happy to put you in touch with the Nigerian bankers who kindly and unselfishly keep such fortunes on behalf of their relatives. I only wish there were more kind and altruistic people in this sick, sad and cynical world we presently inhabit.

Well, what can I say. I do not think you can trust people who sends e-mail like that. Sorry, I was administrating one of the Nigerian's company and I have to say, that I had couple of problems with people who tried to steel company's money. Even Nigerians do not trust each others!

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

Piotr, I believe "craig" is joking. :)
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

Does that mean my Viagra is not in the post?

konto usunięte

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

My 36 million pounds is coming next week. They were going to send it last week but there was some sort of administrative hitch. I'm really looking forward to being rich.

konto usunięte

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

CONGRATULATIONS! You have been selected to our musical concertDue to
our recent research of outstanding artiste in MUSIC FORTE towards our
forthcoming musical concert, inconjuction with NOKIA company, in
United Kingdom, (July 5,2009)
You have been short listed among the 24 lucky artiste in unique music.
The company will take responsibility of artiste welfare.

Get fully prepared for the competition.
1st prize $3.4 Million
2nd prize $2.3 Million
3rd prize $1.1 Million

Including lot of valuable product and offers.
Kindly send your

Code No:
First Name:
Last Name:
Phone number:
Stage Name:

After Receiving your details, we'll verify your application, After
verification, we'll send you your confirmation letter.

konto usunięte

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

I keep receiving offers to increase the length of my manhood.

Most kind, I'm sure.

But I'd really love to know who informed all these companies about my little problem.

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

Kim naprawdę jest Tete Morgan?

Tete Morgan wysłał do mnie takie meile:
TO - Trojanowski
tete morgan 11 czerwca, 23:54 tete morgan do mnie

Tete Morgan Esq.
Telephone : 00228-921-55-91,
Alternative Email : tete_morgan_chambers@yahoo.co.th

Dear Trojanowski,

I am Barrister Tete Morgan , a solicitor at law, personal attorney to Mr .M. Trojanowski , a national Of your country,who used to work as a contractor in Lome Togo. Here in after shall be referred to as my client. On the 26th of December 2005, my client, and their only daughter were involved in a car accident along Nyekonapkoe Express Road.

All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost there lives. Since then I have made several enquiries here to locate any of my clients extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful. After these several unsuccessful attempts,I decided to searchthrough with his name which motivated me to contact you, to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you.

I have contacted you to assist in repartrating the fund valued at US$ 9 .5 million left behind by my client before it gets confisicated or declared unserviceable by the Citizen Bank where this consignment were deposited.

The said security company has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have his account confisicated within the next twenty one official working days. Since I have been unsuccesfull in locating the relatives for over 2 years now, I seek the consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since you have the same last names, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you.Therefore, on receipt of your positive response, we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfer.

I have all necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim. All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction through. I guarantee that this will be executed under legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.

Please get in touch with me through my alternative Email : tete_morgan_chambers@yahoo.co.th and call me for more details on
+228 921-55-91 .

Best regard

Barrister Tete Morgan .


More information get back to me asap

15 czerwca 2009 21:37 od Tete Morgan <tete_morgan_chambers@yahoo.co.th>
Dear Antoni Trojanowski .

I welcomed your responds to my proposal, Mr Michal Trojanowski ,before we move forward to more details about this transaction i want you to know that all i need is your coopreation so that this inheritance fund shall be transferd to you as the next of kin .you have to keep every thing to your self to avoid eyebrow and to make the success of this legal business.

Before we proceed I want you to realise that the late Mr Michal Trojanowski , had no existing relative to claim his balance from the bank, since the demise of his death in the year 2005 all effort to locate his extended relative and family members through their consulate and foreign affaires ministries where all in vain.

Late Mr Michal Trojanowski was the Director of Société Nationale de Commercialisation des Produits Pétroliers (SONACOP) Oil Company in Togo Republic West Africa, until his untimely death. He was born on 10th October 1942 (his daughter Kristina was born on the 6th of June 1982) He died in a fatal accident with his entire family on the 26th of December 2005,(his wife and their child) without any survivor.

It was not by mistake that I contacted you because I was left with no other option than this. Firstly, I would like to notify you that I'm soliciting for your total assistance and co-operation to enable the bank release the sum of US$9.5M (Nine million five hundred thousand united state dollars), balance of Late Mr Michal Trojanowski to your account.

This transaction is highly confidential and 100% risk free. It should be strictly between you and me. Note clearly that this transaction has been well planned and masterminded by me I have followed all the required official payment procedures, and all documents to facilitate the smooth conclusion of this transaction are legitimate and officially in order.

I have receive ultimatum of only 21(twenty one) working days as the deceased attorney to present the deceased heir or have the account closed as unclaimed bill, You are to stand as the next of kin to the deceased since you are a foreigner and also share the same last name with My Late client, that's all I need because I have all the documents and information that may require to make this things happen,

Before further procedure let me give you guarantee that you will not face any queries or hindrance now or after the successful conclusion of this business deal, you can agree with me that I can not associate my self in any business / transaction that may bring curse or problems to my family as a married man and a father of 2 kids. Moreover am a legal practitioner and a court advocate, I can not just damage my hard earned reputation, my plan is to join politics and contest as a member of my country national assembly, so I have no reason to dent my political carriers because of this money.

The first step you are going to take at this point is to send an application text to the bank demanding for the realesae and transfer of this fund to you , so as soon as i recieve your positive reply i will forword to you a spacemen of an application text which you have to fill and send to the bank .

Please get back to me asap as time is not on our side, i await your urgent reply, may God bless you and your family till i hear from you.

Barrister Tete Morgan (esq) .

เร็วกว่า ไร้โฆษณา เก็บเมลไม่อั้น - Yahoo! Mail ครบทุกสิ่งที่ต้องการ




16 czerwca 2009 21:20 od Tete Morgan <tete_morgan_chambers@yahoo.co.th>

Od: Tete Morgan <tete_morgan_chambers@yahoo.co.th> Ukryj
Do:trojanowski6 <trojanowski6@o2.pl>

16 czerwca 2009 21:20

Dear Antoni Trojanowski.
The first step you are going to take is to send an application text to the bank , find below a spacemen of application text kindly fill it and send to the bank .

FILL THE APPLICATION TEXT AND SEND TO THE BANK THROUGH THE BANKS EMAIL ADDRESS.:citizenbank_of_togo@voila.fr ................ :citizenban54@yahoo.com



Mr Efrem Ibeku
Director of Foreign Operations
Foreign Remittance Department
Avenue Clozel, 03 BP 595 Togo,
Tel:(00228) 993 71 36
Email: citizenbank_of_togo@voila.fr
: citizenbank54@yahoo.com

Application for the release and transfer of $9.5.M (Nine Million five hundred thousand united states dollars only) from CBT dormant vault A/C N0:14-255-2107/OBLT/BJ. Please be informed that I wish to come for the claim, release and transfer of the sum of($9,500.000) from account number 14-255-2107/CBT/TJ with your bank .Having been informed of this incident by the deceased personal attorney Barrister Tete Morgan that the above amount / money was deposited in your bank by my deceased Mr.Michal Trojanowski.

I wish as the heir apparent with all documents of proof to claim and instruct that the above amount be transferd to me through any of your correspondence financial institution either in Europe or Americas . I also humbly request for the services of an accredited resident bank attorney who is empowered by the Economic Community of West Africa States(ECOWAS) to represent me for the authentication/updating of my documents that will be required to ensure speedy transfer of this fund to my bank account as I can not be physically present there due to my official engagements here. Please accept this late application, I hope you will understand and expedite action. In your next mail dont forgat to send you direact telephone number . Thanks for your anticipated co-operation.

Private telephone no:.....................
Private fax no:...............................
Your full name:....................
Email Address:....................................
Age: ..................................................
Nationality : .........................
Signature: ..............................

Best Regards,
Barrister Tete Morgan .

ถ้าเพื่อนเอาเราไปนินทาให้เพื่อนคนอื่นฟัง จะทำไงดี?
มีให้อ่านใน Yahoo! รู้รอบอีกเพียบ!

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Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

this is the best site...

Małgorzata Burek

Małgorzata Burek Test Analyst (profil
na tej stronie jest

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

I got this email too :P
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

I always get email threats. I went with that to the police. Quite quickly they helped me. Because email threats come from the tax office.


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Anybody for a Warszawa meet...

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