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Temat: SEX !!!!! for Wednesday

Well that got everyone's attention didn't it.

How many expressions can we think of in a day for having sex.

These can be vulgar, technical, humorous or euphemistic.

It can be any form of sex between man and woman, man and man, woman and woman, a solo performance, and between a human being and, well anything else.

I should imagine we can manage at least a hundred.

This time, no illustrations are necessarily required.

So, straight sex to start off with.

Btw, Michal, if this isn't to your taste, try and add a few more posts to the songs threads.

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Temat: SEX !!!!! for Wednesday

Words for sex:

1 making the beast with two backs

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Temat: SEX !!!!! for Wednesday

2 third leg exercise

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Temat: SEX !!!!! for Wednesday

3 hanky panky (euphemism)

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Temat: SEX !!!!! for Wednesday

4 slap n tickle (euphemism)

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Temat: SEX !!!!! for Wednesday

5 shag (vulgar)

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Temat: SEX !!!!! for Wednesday

Please carry on ...

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Temat: SEX !!!!! for Wednesday

6 screw
Arvind Juneja

Arvind Juneja Współtwórca @
Fangol.pl | Blogger
@ Fitback.pl

Temat: SEX !!!!! for Wednesday

7 nail?

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Temat: SEX !!!!! for Wednesday

8. getting naughtyRafal W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 30.07.08 o godzinie 02:42

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Temat: SEX !!!!! for Wednesday

9. pound

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Temat: SEX !!!!! for Wednesday

10. Shtupping

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Temat: SEX !!!!! for Wednesday

11. humping

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Temat: SEX !!!!! for Wednesday

12. Rocking the house!

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Temat: SEX !!!!! for Wednesday

13. Bow chicky bow woooow.

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Temat: SEX !!!!! for Wednesday

14. Doing the nasty

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Temat: SEX !!!!! for Wednesday

15. Jumping the bone.

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Temat: SEX !!!!! for Wednesday

16. Getting lucky

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Temat: SEX !!!!! for Wednesday

17. Laying down the pipe

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Temat: SEX !!!!! for Wednesday

18. The who who dilly goes in the cha cha

Następna dyskusja:

Room for sex...

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