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Temat: Purity Rings

Purity rings, or chastity rings originated in the United States in the 1990s among Christian affiliated sexual abstinence groups. The rings are sold to adolescents, or to parents so that the rings may be given to their adolescent children as gifts.

It is intended that wearing a purity ring is accompanied by a religious vow to practice celibacy until marriage.


Do you or do you not agree that wearing such a ring is a bit strange? Especially as they are worn by very young people...
Also, seems to be a pretty good business:
Is quoting the Bible for commercial purposes appropriate?

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Temat: Purity Rings

More questions:

Is chastity an overrated virtue?

Should we, in an ideal world, save ourselves until marriage?

Do most men secretly want a virgin to deflower?

Opinions please.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.07.08 o godzinie 23:08

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Temat: Purity Rings

warren whitmore:
More questions:

Is chastity an overrated virtue?

Should we, in an ideal world, save ourselves until marriage?

Do most me secretly want a virgin to deflower?
Freudian slip? ;)
I'll put my trzy grosze in. When I was living in the States, one of the biggest shocks for me were kids' beauty pageants. Cute little girls, wearing make up, dressed to kill, eyebrows plucked, hair dyed... Makes you wonder what kind of people their parents are, to push them where no normal parent would, and should, for that matter.
As for premarital sex, I really have no opinion, but I believe sex is for people - if you want to wait, go ahead, but don't go around sporting a chastity ring - and don't encourage a kid to do that either - such a ring on a 15-year-old looks pretentious. Instead, I wish parents would talk to their children more, and explained that a relationship is so much more than shagging senselessly, as often seen in American movies. Come to think of it, a lot of adults see it this way too.Tatiana S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.07.08 o godzinie 23:14

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Temat: Purity Rings

Tatiana S.:
warren whitmore:
More questions:

Is chastity an overrated virtue?

Should we, in an ideal world, save ourselves until marriage?

Do most me secretly want a virgin to deflower?
Freudian slip? ;)

Just a boob, I mean a mistake. Made a tit, erm idiot of myself. I'll try not to make any more Freudian slits, erm slips.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.07.08 o godzinie 23:14

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Temat: Purity Rings

Two guys are sitting at a bar talking and one guy asks the other guy, "Man, do you ever have a Freudian slip?"

"What are you talking about?" says the other guy.

"Well I was at the airport the other day and one of the clerks had really big tits, and I meant to say, 'Could I have two tickets to Pittsburgh,' but I accidentally said, 'Could I have have two tickets to Titsburgh."

The other guy says, "Oh yeah! I know what you're talking about! I was sitting at the dinner table with my wife the other day and I meant to say, 'Could you pass the salt please,' but instead I said, 'Bitch you ruined my life!"

(I'm sorry for OT)
And I just spat on my screen. ;)Tatiana S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.07.08 o godzinie 23:17
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Purity Rings


But 'chastity' is da word. Its like a combo, but with the wrong meaning.
Dariusz Tomczak


Temat: Purity Rings

It's a very delicate issue. If you are Christian, then it is the natural thing for you. And I personally think that there is deep wisdom, and lots of of practical consequences for sexual attraction obscures sound judgement as to whether a given person is right husband/wife. Infatuation or sexual attraction then hampers one's chances of happy marriage.

My life was far from that ideal, yet in hindsight I sometimes wish it had been different.

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Temat: Purity Rings

Ok, all dandy, but why wear a ring for that? I also believe that - while arranged marriages can be as good as any other - it is quite important to be happy in bed with someone you're going to share that bed for the next fifty years or so (remember the discussions we've had here!) and, while most people are presumably able to work minor problems out, some are simply incompatible. And then what? Get married and... suffer?

Temat: Purity Rings

Tatiana S.:
Two guys are sitting at a bar talking and one guy asks the other guy, "Man, do you ever have a Freudian slip?"

"What are you talking about?" says the other guy.

"Well I was at the airport the other day and one of the clerks had really big tits, and I meant to say, 'Could I have two tickets to Pittsburgh,' but I accidentally said, 'Could I have have two tickets to Titsburgh."

The other guy says, "Oh yeah! I know what you're talking about! I was sitting at the dinner table with my wife the other day and I meant to say, 'Could you pass the salt please,' but instead I said, 'Bitch you ruined my life!"

(I'm sorry for OT)
And I just spat on my screen.

May I add the simplest definition of F. slip:

'A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother.'

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Temat: Purity Rings

Here is something that offers some hope for the future - fixing your hyman! Regaining your virginity.. yet again! Great...


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Temat: Purity Rings

warren whitmore:
More questions:

Is chastity an overrated virtue?
Is chastity an overrated virtue?
I really don't understand what's the deal about the virginity, chastity, pre-marriage abstinence and stuff. People really don't have more serious problems than look into someone's panties and pay attetion to what they find in it? ;)) (I mean, in the non religiosly fundamental part of the world). I think it's about private, intimante convictions. To be a virgin/not to be is not an honour, neither a disgrace. It's just some personal choice, like other personal choices. Why id there still so much talk about it? Explain me, please.

Should we, in an ideal world, save ourselves until marriage?
I don't mean to be rude, but for me, the question doesn't make sense.

Do most men secretly want a virgin to deflower?
Don't know, I'm not one (man ;)))))

Should we, in an ideal world, save ourselves until marriage?

Do most men secretly want a virgin to deflower?

Opinions please.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.07.08 o godzinie 23:08

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Temat: Purity Rings

Don't you think that WEARING a chastity ring is exactly what you said - exposing your privacy? We're just discussing things here, while hundreds, maybe thousands of young people walk around with "I'm a virgin" printed on their foreheads. And not so much a matter of choice, but silly fashion; I bet half of those rings do not belong where they are.
Btw, this is Anglosphere: anything goes, as long as it provokes at least a bit of debate!
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: Purity Rings

Tatiana S.:
Ok, all dandy, but why wear a ring for that? I also believe that - while arranged marriages can be as good as any other - it is quite important to be happy in bed with someone you're going to share that bed for the next fifty years or so (remember the discussions we've had here!) and, while most people are presumably able to work minor problems out, some are simply incompatible. And then what? Get married and... suffer?

This is what I feel, exactly. I do think it's important for kids to wait until they are mentally secure enough to handle a sexual relationship. Maybe our society has too much focus on sex, so in order re-focus on waiting for that right time, some drastic measures (rings, clubs) had to be taken.

My cousin is Jewish Orthodox (converted) and part of her religion was that she was unable to touch a member of the opposite sex for any reason until she was married. Then she could only touch her husband. I might add that she was a swinger before her conversion. She got married. Four months later, she got a divorce because of incompatibility and (his) mental problems. It's the truth, I swear!Kari Wolk edytował(a) ten post dnia 30.07.08 o godzinie 18:40

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Temat: Purity Rings

I find the focus on sex so disturbing. Every magazine I open, there's bound to be articles on how to have sex, how to do it better, how not to do it worse... Get any girls' mags and you'll find the same thing, in a slightly more censored version. I remember a talk I had with my students some time ago - them being 17, some of them had already had steady boyfriends, had their first time behind them, and carelessly admitted not having been to the gynecologist yet!
Dariusz Tomczak


Temat: Purity Rings

Tatiana S.:
I find the focus on sex so disturbing. Every magazine I open, there's bound to be articles on how to have sex, how to do it better, how not to do it worse... Get any girls' mags and you'll find the same thing, in a slightly more censored version. I remember a talk I had with my students some time ago - them being 17, some of them had already had steady boyfriends, had their first time behind them, and carelessly admitted not having been to the gynecologist yet!

That's the point. That is perfectly why my initial reactions to purity rings was so positive. Sex is not bad in itself, what is bad is how easily young people get involved with it, just a good looking-girl, just smartly dressed boy and what else needed for fun?
But humans are vulnerable creatures, they want and deserve more than just physical satisfaction, they deserve respect, understanding and love. If these are absent purely sexual satisfaction dehumanises them. I remember my 16 year old pupil I taught privately admitting with some embarrassment she is STILL a virgin. Imagine that?

I don't want to advocate for Christian purity, yet I could agree with an early paper written by Karol Wojtyła. Here is the link for English summary. http://catholicculture.com/jp2_on_l&r.pdf
Complete version I have only in Polish.

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Temat: Purity Rings

Dariusz Tomczak:
But humans are vulnerable creatures, they want and deserve more than just physical satisfaction, they deserve respect, understanding and love. If these are absent purely sexual satisfaction dehumanises them.

I'll say something controversial.

Personally, I've never seen the connection between love and sex.

Does anyone agree?

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Temat: Purity Rings

It's not controversial at all. I can see the lifestyle illustrating this conviction in 60% of my friends and other people around me. I don't say if it's right or wrong, that's probably another topic, I think that's another question of personal choice...
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: Purity Rings

warren whitmore:
Dariusz Tomczak:
But humans are vulnerable creatures, they want and deserve more than just physical satisfaction, they deserve respect, understanding and love. If these are absent purely sexual satisfaction dehumanises them.

I'll say something controversial.

Personally, I've never seen the connection between love and sex.

Does anyone agree?
Have you never been driven to kiss someone for love? Is always simple lust? I don't buy it. Elaborate, please.

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Temat: Purity Rings

Kari Wolk:
Have you never been driven to kiss someone for love? Is always simple lust? I don't buy it. Elaborate, please.

It would depend on what kind of kiss.

Once the sex part starts then lust takes over.
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: Purity Rings

warren whitmore:
Kari Wolk:
Have you never been driven to kiss someone for love? Is always simple lust? I don't buy it. Elaborate, please.

It would depend on what kind of kiss.

Once the sex part starts then lust takes over.

Would you admit there is a connection between kissing and love?

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Lord of the Rings

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