Temat: Zimbra
punkt 3:
ZPL jest nieaktualną licencją w przypadku waszej wersji 5.0.9
,,You may not modify, alter or tamper in any way with the Product (if you desire to make modifications to the Product, please instead use the source code version under the appropriate Open Source Licenses).''
A jeżeli używacie open-source czyli YPL to musicie udostępnić kod, czego nie robicie
,,Under both the YPL and ZPL, modifications to the Zimbra Collaboration Suite must include published source code, so that the greater Zimbra community receives the benefit of any value-added innovations added within the Zimbra Collaboration Suite—that is, both YPL and ZPL require source code licensing for modifications of ZCS.
And under both YPL and ZPL, Zimbra community members may create their own open source or proprietary value-added extensions and customizations to the Zimbra Collaboration Suite, without worrying that they must publish those additions in open source. Both YPL and ZPL allow any separable additions/extensions (i.e., those included in new files that do not include any ZCS code) to be licensed under any terms the author sees fit. We see allowing closed-source value-added extensions to be a good thing for the greater Zimbra community by easily allowing tighter integration between Zimbra and commercial software, for example proprietary anti-spam and anti-virus solutions. Finally, both YPL and ZPL require the preservation of copyright and attribution notices within the software, including the preservation of trademark attribution within the end-user interfaces. ''