Maciej Natan
Kierownik dzialu IT
/ sys administrator
Temat: haproxy - problem
WitamJakis cza stemu postawilem sobie haproxy - dzialac dziala rewelacyjne ale czasem niewiadomo czemu pokazuje 503 np w naszej sieci pracowniczej
nawet czasy ustawilem mega duze -nie mam pojecia co moze byc z ta konfiguracja zrabane
jezeli chodzi o ruch to srednio w ciagu miesiaca okolo 1,5 miliona odwiedzin
log local0 notice
maxconn 59000 # count about 1 GB per 20000 connections
pidfile /var/run/
stats socket /var/run/haproxy.stat mode 600
log global
mode http
maxconn 45500 # Should be slightly smaller than global.maxconn.
timeout client 200s # Client and server timeout must match the longest
timeout server 200s # time we may wait for a response from the server.
timeout queue 200s # Don't queue requests too long if saturated.
timeout connect 60s # There's no reason to change this one.
timeout http-request 12s # A complete request may never take that long.
option httpclose
option abortonclose
balance roundrobin
option forwardfor # set the client's IP in X-Forwarded-For.
option httpchk HEAD /index.php HTTP/1.0
retries 5
frontend public
#bind :80 # or any other IP:port combination we listen to.
bind 194.176.x.x:80 # or any other IP:port combination we listen to.
bind 194.176.x.x:80 # or any other IP:port combination we listen to.
default_backend apache
option httplog
backend apache
server websve2-2 maxconn 39500 check
contimeout 90000
listen stats
bind 194.176.x.x:8888
stats enable
stats uri /hastatmaciej natan milaszewski edytował(a) ten post dnia 09.06.10 o godzinie 12:09