Grzegorz Babicz

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Temat: NIe działa WebAccess z win2003 do Win2008

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ActiveX control not installed or not enabledThe Remote Desktop Services ActiveX Client control is not available. Before you can access remote programs and connect to remote desktops through RD Web Access, you must install and enable this ActiveX control.

If your computer does not have the correct version of the Remote Desktop Services ActiveX Client control, you must download and install an update package. To learn about this update and to download the installation package, visit this website.

If you have already installed the correct update package, you must enable the ActiveX control. To do this, follow your browser's instructions to manage add-ons and to run ActiveX controls. When you enable the ActiveX control, you may see a security warning. Before you continue, make sure that the publisher for the ActiveX control is Microsoft Corporation.

After you install the package or enable the ActiveX control, you must refresh this Web page.

Ztego co wyczytałem na naecie to nie ma żadnej aktualzizacji do Win 2003 która wspierałaby WebAccess