Andrzej F. Biznes Nawigator
Temat: StorageZones Controller v2.2
Pojawił się StorageZones Controller v2.2"StorageZones Controller 2.2 combines the functionality of ShareFile Storage Center (“StorageZones for ShareFile Data”) and ShareFile StorageZones Connectors into a unified package which can be run on a single server.
• StorageZones for ShareFile Data allows IT departments the flexibility to choose the location of ShareFile content – using either Citrix-managed secure cloud storage, or IT-managed (on-premises) storage within your own datacenter.
• StorageZone Connectors gives users get instant mobile access to data on existing network file shares and Microsoft SharePoint® document libraries via the ShareFile apps for iOS and Android, side-by-side with their existing ShareFile content.
StorageZones Controller 2.2 is a downloadable component which resides on the internal network, allowing administrators to create and manage on-premises ShareFile Data, and/or define and publish StorageZone Connectors to internal data sources.
New in StorageZones Controller 2.2:
• Connectors to SharePoint root-level sites - You can now create a StorageZones Connector for a SharePoint root-level site, enabling users to navigate all of the subsites and document libraries in the site.
• Connectors to user home drives based on Active Directory - You can now create a Connector for network file shares that reliably points to user home drives using the variable %homedrive%.
• Support for Windows Azure storage containers - If you have a Windows Azure account, you can use an Azure storage container for your private data storage instead of a locally-maintained share.
• Installation support for the following non-English operating systems: French, German, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Spanish.
• Quality Improvements"