Mateusz G.

Mateusz G.

Temat: Psychotherapy in English - Gdynia

I'm a psychologist and a psychotherapist during certification process. In June 2007 I graduted from University of Gdańsk with a master's degree in psychology. I'm studying to be a psychotherapist in the Institute of Gestalt Therapy in Cracow. The Institute is a member of EAP (European Association for Psychotherapy), EAGT (European Association for Gestalt Therapy) and FORGE (International Federation of Gestalt Training Organization). I'm under constant supervision in order to maintain the highest standards of my work. I have several years of experience in psychotherapeutic practice with adults and teenagers gained in educational and public health institutions. I also conduct trainings for adults as well as children and youth. Moreover, I am an experienced English teacher with a Ceritificate of Proficiency in English.

I offer psychological help and individual psychotherapy for adults and teenagers (over 14 years old) in:
- depression and self-aggresive beahaviour
- culture shock, feeling of alienation, problems in adapting to living in a different country
- neurosis and anxiety disorders
- addiction and substance abuse
- eating disorders
- dissatisfaction with one's life
- acting-out beahaviour or overwhelming emotions
- stress, fatigue
- feeling of overdependence from others
- psychosomatization, obesity and overweight
- difficulties in making and sustaining satisfactory relationship
- support for LGBTQ persons with full acceptance and tolerance
- finding a solution for temporary or long-lasting crisis
- personal development
- other psychological difficulties

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