Marcin Nowak

Marcin Nowak Handel B2B

Temat: Economic Supremacy Wars. Armed Clashes, Electronic...

Economic Supremacy Wars.
Armed Clashes, Electronic Spying, and Stock Market Manipulation

© Martha R. Gore
Oct 13, 2008
Money Available, Pennywise

The United States was expected to be the epicenter of the economic world but as new decisive powers emerge, the competition for economic supremacy becomes more intense.

Economic wars, like traditional wars, have been waged to secure financial gains. While traditional wars eventually end, economic wars are never ending. Today the battle between the United States, Brazil, China, India, Russia, and the European Union depends less on armed conflict and more on electronic technology.

Economic War Weapons History

Economic war weapons have changed dramatically in the 21st century. Dr. Gen Gamal Mazloum, writing in the International Politics Journal (July 2001), compared traditional wars with economic wars. He wrote that in the past, economic wars have included sanctions, boycotts, customs barriers, monopolies, mergers and marine privacy. The defenses meant confronting any external threat, while offenses destroyed and corrupted economics by dumping, the manipulations drug wars, counterfeit money, and money laundering.

According to Dr. Mazloum, like traditional wars, economic wars are based on surprise, deceit and espionage in order to acquire information about the enemy. But in the 21st century, there is more emphasis on advanced technologies and modern communication and the intelligence of spies. Computers can be used as effective tools using destructive programs and viruses as well manipulations of the stock market.
Economic Shifts in a Changing World

Economic wars will continue but today there is no single, dominant power as the United States was in the past. Every developed country and the European Union are facing the same type of crises: climate change, resource scarcity, food and financial crises, nuclear proliferation, and failing states. According to Wolfgang Nowak, spokesman for the executive board of the Alfred Herrhausen Society, the International Forum of Deutsche Bank, new alliances that set countries against each other will not be able to solve the challenge of the 21st Century. In an article in Der Speigel, (10/2/08), he wrote “These countries must now be neither enemies of one another, nor are they friends; they are ‘frenemies,” competitors for the world’s scarce resources.”

To address this quandary, the Alfred Herrhausen Society, is organizing a new project entitled Foresight in order to analyze and compare the future visions of emerging and existing world powers. Through discussion and debate, it hopes to find common elements for the future. Bringing together representatives of countries all over the world, one of the goals is to help them see through the eyes of others.

Nowak writes that, “Needed are new terms of international governance: in a world with diminishing resources and accelerating climate change, states might be tempted to pursue their own interests in order to gain short-term advantage. The challenge will be to devise a new international framework and an organized balance of interests. Only a common future—‘change through rapprochement’, not a clash of futures’ --- can bring us further.

The economic realities of what has been called “The New World Order” now make armed conflict with the threat of nuclear war as a result no longer an option. The financial crisis of the last two years has furthered the displacement of power---from the United States toward China, India, and Russian, as well as the Arabian Gulf States. Terrorism using electronic manipulation to create havoc in the financial markets is just one of the weapons of the 21st century. Economic weapons of the war are changing and to the victor goes the spoils.


Steingart, Gabor. The War for Wealth: The True Story of Globalization or Why the Flat World is Broken. Emmeryville,CA: McGraw Hill, 2008

Zakaria, Fareed. The Post American World. NY: W W Norton, 2008 Nowak edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.06.09 o godzinie 14:43