Agata B.

Agata B. Masz czas na języki.

Temat: old Kritikos... on why he is proud to be Greek...

wybór :)

6) Because we have a small, poor country full of people with big hearts
11) Because we go out almost every night even if we are penniless
41) Because we don't use ketchup with our food - it tastes good anyway
50) Because when you shout "brother" in the streets everyone turns around
54) Because, although we smoke more than anyone in the world and eat the most red meat in Europe we live the longest in Europe
57) Because we walk in the streets at 4:00 in the morning and there are traffic jams

a jakie są Wasze doświadczenia greckości? :)
Karolina S.

Karolina S. Lubię wymagające
wysiłku projekty. A
w nagrodę lubię

Temat: old Kritikos... on why he is proud to be Greek...

47) Because we work to live and we do not live to work
ale ja napisałabym to tak:
Because we work to party, and we party to live
Agata B.

Agata B. Masz czas na języki.

Temat: old Kritikos... on why he is proud to be Greek...

petihimeno kai auto! :)

konto usunięte

Temat: old Kritikos... on why he is proud to be Greek...

mia xapa !

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