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do poczytania....:)

Gold gives up early gains

(Reuters) - Gold edged lower on Friday, but jitters about whether Greece was edging closer to default and economic spillover from the country's debt crisis could still spur safe haven buying.

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou fought to form a cabinet to avoid defaulting on the national debt and postponed announcing the cabinet until Friday, in a sign of how difficult his task is.

Spot gold hit a high around $1,530 an ounce before slipping to $1,527.16 by 5:13 a.m., down $1.19. Gold is heading for its second weekly drop this month. "In the last 48 hours, it's just floundering, trying to work out what it wants to do. If anything, the strength of the dollar and the political fears are just getting the bulls and bears at loggerheads," said Jonathan Barratt, managing director of Commodity Broking Services.

The dollar index .DXY slipped to 75.598 from a three-week high of 76.015 after the European Union's top economic official, Olli Rehn, said he expected the EU and the IMF to release a crucial 12 billion euro loan tranche in early July to keep Athens afloat. <USD/>

Any solution to Greece's debt woes must avoid the coercion of bondholders or a default, European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet was quoted as saying on Friday.

Gold is 3 percent below a lifetime high around $1,575 touched in early May. Recent gains were driven by debt problems in Europe, inflation fears in China following strong economic data, and worries about a U.S. economic slowdown.

Investors await the Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee's announcement on interest rates on June 22.

The Fed last November announced a program to buy $600 billion (372 billion pounds) in Treasuries to help push long-term interest rates lower and stimulate the economy. That program will end June 30.

The physical market saw sales of gold scrap, while top consumer India was in a lean spell as farmers were busy sowing seeds during the monsoon season. <GOL/IN> <GOL/AS>

"Surprisingly, I am getting scrap from Thailand. I mean, I got some physical requirement from them yesterday, but today, they are selling. I guess the market is sideways because volume-wise, it's pretty low," said a dealer in Singapore.

"Indonesia was a good buyer at the beginning of this week, but they started to quiet down after the market went up to the $1,530s. There's nothing much from India either."

Silver was steady at $35.42 an ounce, below a record at $49.51 an ounce in April. Holdings of the largest silver-backed exchange-traded-fund (ETF), New York's iShares Silver Trust, fell 0.27 percent from Wednesday to Thursday, while, the largest gold-backed ETF, New York's SPDR Gold Trust, remained unchanged for the same period. <GOL/ETF>

The Nikkei average was flat on Friday after dipping below a support line at 9,400 as investors stayed cautious about developments in Greece, offsetting the effect of a rebound in U.S. stocks.
Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski


do poczytania .....:)

METALS OUTLOOK: Greece, Dollar To Influence Gold Next Week

(Kitco News) - How the situation in Greece unfolds over the coming days could influence the precious metals market into next week, market participants said Friday.

As Greece teeters on the brink of default and civil unrest rises in the country over sharp spending cuts, gold has seen some safe-haven buying emerge as investors flee riskier assets. Meanwhile, other precious metals with industrial ties such as silver and the platinum group metals have faltered as investors move from risk and from concerns about reduced global growth increase amid disappointing economic data.

August gold futures on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange settled at $1,539.10 an ounce, up 0.647% on the week and July silver futures settled at $35.748 an ounce, down $1.59% on the week.

In the Kitco News Gold Survey, out of 34 participants, 22 responded this week. Of those 22 participants, 15 see prices up, while four see prices down and three see prices sideways or unchanged. Market participants include bullion dealers, investment banks, futures traders and technical chart analysts.

Traders said along with gold, other beneficiaries of safe-haven buying are the U.S. dollar and the Swiss franc.

There is some debate about how much strength gold might garner from safe-haven buying when the dollar rises. Because gold is dollar-denominated, the two markets often move in opposite directions. But for those who view gold as an alternative to fiat currency, the recent rise in the dollar has little impact on gold’s overall story.

A few market participants are beginning to take a more nuanced view on gold’s strength when it comes to currencies. While gold may have meandered as valued in dollars, several participants point to the strength the yellow metal has in euro and sterling terms.

Many of them may see flat gold prices in dollar terms, but would be buyers of gold in euro terms as the outlook for gold as valued in that currency is stronger.

Gold was hampered on Friday when the dollar rallied. The metal moved off of its lows when the dollar came off of its highs, traders said, after hopes emerged that a deal might be struck to help Greece deal with its yawning debt problem.

George Gero, vice president with RBC Capital Markets Global Futures and precious metals strategist, said how the markets will react to the Greek situation is “trying to read tea leaves.”

Those who are buying gold are looking beyond just next week’s headlines, Gero said.

Worries about the U.S. debt, whether the U.S. debt ceiling will be expanded and tensions in the Middle East are just some of the reasons why investors are turning to gold, he said.

Even though gold has a positive longer-term view, in the short-term gold is entering its “summer doldrums” and that means that the metal’s price is likely to be range bound. Gero puts that range at $1,500 to $1,550.

That said, he added if further sparks fly regarding the current global uncertainty, whether it is the European sovereign debt situation, uprisings in the Middle East or some other new event, gold could break above $1,550 and perhaps target $1,585.

Zachary Oxman, managing director of TrendMax Futures, said he was impressed by gold’s rally on Friday and sees further gains next week, especially if Greece’s problems rise. “Gold had a nice bounce today… the EU situation has created a lot of flight-to-safety,” Oxman said.

Both Oxman and Gero noted that when gold prices do slip to the lower end of their trading range, buying has come into the market to limit further losses.

Among some of the events the market will watch next week is the Federal Open Market Committee meeting on Tuesday. No change in interest rate policy is expected. The markets will be holding their breath to see what Chairman Ben Bernanke has to say regarding the winding down of the second quantitative easing program, which ends this month. There are questions whether a third stimulus program will be launched in light of softer economic data and comments on this subject could come on Tuesday.

Gero said with crude oil prices falling there is less concern about inflation which gives the Fed some room not to raise rates for a while.

While gold may be steady with a firmer bias next week, other precious metals will likely be anchored in the short term.

“In contrast to gold, precious metals with an industrial character, especially platinum and palladium, are under pressure. This is more due to general commodity price weakness, though, rather than specific factors,” said analysts at Commerzbank, which expect higher prices by the end of the year for both of those metals.

Silver prices, meanwhile, are still struggling with the hefty sell-off in May. Physical sales for silver are strong and are offering a bit of a floor, but analysts at Barclays Capital said any upward momentum is difficult for the metal. “Weak underlying supply and demand dynamics coupled with hefty ETP outflows have trumped healthy coins demand from the retail sector,” they said.
Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski


do poczytaania i przemyslenia.....:)

Gold Survey Participants See Higher Prices On Greek Woes

The gold market could benefit from worries over the growing possibility of a Greek default, as the market regains its safe haven trade status, according to the Kitco News gold survey

In the Kitco News Gold Survey, out of 34 participants, 22 responded this week. Of those 22 participants, 15 see prices up, while four see prices down and three see prices sideways or unchanged. Market participants include bullion dealers, investment banks, futures traders and technical chart analysts.

In addition to Greece, analysts are monitoring the health of other southern-tier European countries. There is concern that if Greece does default, countries like Ireland, Portugal and Spain may become economically sicker.

Protests over repressive regimes continue in Middle Eastern countries and if those escalate it may cause investors to turn to gold, said several participants who see gold higher.

“There are so many financial and monetary trouble spots around the globe, it is hard to say which one will blow-up first. But regardless, it is clear that money is already moving to gold because gold is the ultimate safe haven,” said James Turk, founder and chairman of GoldMoney.com.

Those who see higher gold prices are beginning to make a currency distinction between gold’s value based in dollars and gold’s value based in other currencies, such as euros or sterling. The dollar has rallied somewhat on a safe-haven move, which has muted the metal’s rise as valued in greenbacks. Yet gold has risen stoutly when valued in euros or sterling and some gold market participants said buying the metal basis those currencies could give an investor better upside potential.

Those who see weaker prices cite the dollar strength as a weight on gold. Also, one suggested that if the situation in European becomes much worse, gold will be sold along with all investments, similar to what happened after the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy in 2008.

Several participants look for prices to be in a range, partially because gold is entering its summer doldrums time. Many put that range between $1,500 as support and $1,550 as resistance.


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Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski


Cena zlota spadla podczas sesji amerykanskiej ponizej psychologicznego poziomu tj 1500$. Najnizsza cena w dniu dzisiejszym tj 24.06.2011z byla 1498,35$ . Dzisiaj i wczoraj panowal sentyment niedzwiedzia. Smutne jest to ze zostala naruszona czyli pokonana 5 mieiseczna linia trendu wzrostowego na wykresie dziennym/tygodniowym.

Najblizsze wsparcie znajduje sie na poziomie: 1482,02$, nastepne 1462,63$ .


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Piotr Kowalski


MON Jul 18

Gold above $1,600 as extends record winning streak

(Reuters) - Gold marched to a record above $1,600 on Monday, stretching its rally to an unprecedented eleventh day on fears that U.S. lawmakers could fail to raise the debt ceiling to avert a default.

Gold rallied even as the U.S. dollar strengthened, helping the precious metal hit record highs versus the euro and sterling. The precious metal has been on a solid footing since Europe started struggling to put together a second bailout for Greece and contain the euro zone debt crisis.

Bullion has gained 8 percent in 11 days as President Barack Obama and Congress have failed to reach an agreement to raise the $14.3 trillion U.S. borrowing limit with less than three weeks before the August 2 deadline.

Technical charts indicate gold should rise above $1,700 an ounce in the next few months.

"What's coming out of these debt talks is that you are seeing a lot of people focusing on the numbers and to understand the ramifications of debt burden on countries," said Robert Lutts, chief investment officer of Cabot Money Management, which manages more than $500 million in assets.

"A move to $2,000 in the next six to nine months is not that crazy in gold," Lutts said.

Spot gold rose as high as $1,607.01 an ounce and was up 0.7 percent at $1,603.89 an ounce by 2:20 p.m. EDT (1820 GMT). It has now set record highs in three out of the last four sessions. It rallied 10 straight days in 1970.

U.S. gold futures for August delivery settled up $12.30 at $1,602.40 an ounce after trading between $1,591.40 and $1,607.90. Volume came to 130,000 lots, sharply lower than turnover during last week's rallies to then-record highs.

While gold has increased over sixfold from just $250 in 2001, the metal remains one of the few commodities which has not surpassed its inflation-adjusted records -- with bullion's adjusted all-time high at above $2,300 set in 1980.

The relative strength index for gold rose above 70, often seen as a sign of overextension. Some said that gold's extreme valuation is hindering its ability to rise further and perform as a safe haven.

"If there is a plan put in place for the reduction of the U.S. deficit, gold's going to get knocked hard on that," said Jason Pride, director of investment strategy at Glenmede, a wealth management firm with $20 billion in assets.

Silver soared nearly 4 percent, topping $40 an ounce for the first time since early May. Silver hit a two-month high of $40.70 and ended up 2.5 percent at $40.27. Silver has rallied more than 15 percent in the last two weeks.


Gold rose to record highs across a number of major currencies, namely euro, sterling, the South African rand and the Canadian dollar. <FRX/>

With the United States and Europe not yet resolving their debt problems, many investors prefer to own gold than investments denominated in the dollar or the euro. The S&P 500 markets/index?symbol=us%21spx">.SPX slipped over 1 percent and the crude oil futures also fell sharply.

With five days until President Barack Obama's deadline for a deal to raise the U.S. debt ceiling, two ratings agencies already have warned of a credit rating downgrade in the event of a U.S. default.

Market watchers fear such a move could send interest rates soaring and erode the U.S. dollar's reserve currency status, which would be a huge boost for gold.

Michael Cuggino, portfolio manager of Permanent Portfolio Funds with $14 billion in assets, however, said that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's comment on possible more market stimulus last week and the euro zone debt fears are lifting gold more than the U.S. debt talks.

Among the platinum group metals, spot platinum was up 1.3 percent at $1,771 an ounce, while spot palladium was up 2.8 percent at $792.47 an ounce.

Prices at 2:20 p.m. EDT (1820 GMT)

(Additional reporting by Jan Harvey in London; Editing by John Picinich)
Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski


WED 20 Jul

Gold futures give up $1,600/ounce level

czytaj wiecej: http://www.goldenline.pl/forum/2455824/przeglad-prasy-...
Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski



czy ktos moze gra na sreberku....?

moja pozycja LL 41.98, S/L 42.98 T/P nie okreslony..
Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski


no i zloto odbilo sie od 50% fiba(1702$) ostaniej fali wzrostowej..
ja osobiscie oczekuje dalszego wzrostu zlota dlatego tez mam LL :) ,tym bardziej ze raczej Ben nic nowego nie wniesie czego rynki nie wiedza.. czyli marsz mocny na polnoc i przebicie 2000 $ a co bedzie zobaczymy

RES 4: $2016.70 123.6% Projection of $1479/1911.7
RES 3: $1957.10 Resistance line drawn from Jul 1
RES 2: $1905.4/1911.70 Daily Bollinger band top, High of Aug 23
RES 1: $1808.5/1809.6/1813 Hghs Aug 11/10, 5-DMA, 23.6% Fib $1479/1911.7


SUP 1: $1746.4/1749.6 38.2% Fibonacci of $1479/1893.8, 21-DMA
SUP 2: $1695.3/1704.40 50.0% Fibo of $1479/1911.7, Low of Aug 25
SUP 3: $1644.30 61.8% Fibonacci level of $1479/1911.7
SUP 4: $1627.5/1631.5/1632 55-DMA, Highs of Jul 29 & Aug 1

COMMENTARY: The cliche term rollercoaster ride fits the recent movements
of gold as the "bearish-engulfing" pattern looks to be trumped by a new
"hammer" candle pattern, opening risk to the upside. First resistance
level seen around $1808/1813, a combination of the highs of Aug 11/10,
the 5-DMA and 23.6% Fibo level. Daily studies are mixed as momentum
spikes into positive territory whereas stochastic and RSI move lower.
Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski


METALS OUTLOOK: Gold Prices To Stabilize Next Week After Recent Break

26 August 2011,

(Kitco News) -

The outlook for gold prices is a bit hazy next week as the market is reeling from a significant drop from all-time highs this week, so the market may try to stabilize and consolidate.

This is also coming on the heels of one of the last unofficial weeks of summer, as August wraps up and September begins, meaning last-minute vacations could mean lower volume.

The most-active December gold contract on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange settled at $1797.30, down 3% on the week. December silver settled at $41.001, down 3.5% on the week.

In the Kitco News Gold Survey, out of 34 participants, 23 responded this week. Of those 23 participants, 10 see prices up, while six see prices down, and seven see prices sideways or unchanged. Market participants include bullion dealers, investment banks, futures traders and technical chart analysts.

December gold futures rose as high as $1,917.90 an ounce this week, but fell as low as $1,705.40 as the market retraced nearly all of its gains posted in August. No one reason was given for the break, instead traders cited several anecdotal possibilities. Among those reasons was a 93% bullish market sentiment reading by Market Vane on Monday and news that the biggest gold exchange-traded fund, SPDR Gold Trust (GLD), briefly surpassed the SPDR S&P500 index ETF (SPY) in market capitalization.

Many market watchers said it’s possible that gold will consolidate after the incredible movement seen this month and hold around current levels.

“As the French say, the more things change, the more they stay the same,” said George Gero, vice president with RBC Capital Markets Global Futures and precious metals strategist.

“We’re back to basics, looking at the Middle East (turmoil) the problems in the Eurozone and political problems. I think we’re going to see gold continue to be volatile,” he said.

Gero noted gold prices did not fall on Friday following options expiration, which has been the case normally. He said that what usually happens with an options expiration is that outstanding positions are rolled into futures and normally that leaves people with too many long positions, so they sell the excess. In this case, the outstanding options positions became shorts as traders put on bearish positions earlier in the week when gold prices fell. Thus, these traders were short-covering, or buying back the sold positions.

Trade had quieted in the gold market – and in most others – ahead of a speech by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Friday at the Federal Reserve’s annual meeting in Jackson Hole, Wyo.

Bernanke declined to talk about the different potential monetary policy easing options in his speech, stating that a more rigorous discussion on policy would be held at the next Federal Open Market Committee meeting at the end of September.

The speech was greatly anticipated by the financial markets, which, at the beginning of the week, expected some sort of accommodative policy. But by the end of the week, the consensus was that Bernanke would not announce anything new.

The Fed chairman said it was hard to ascertain how the economy has been impacted by the recent stock-market weakness, debt-ceiling negotiations and the European debt crisis.

“There are two readings of Bernanke's coyness - either he prefers to keep his powder dry or else he wants to leave it to Washington … to make those decisions. That would be a mistake. The world has had to witness the dysfunctional decision-making between Democrats and Republicans on raising the debt-ceiling only a month ago and we could do without a re-run of that brinkmanship again,” said Ross Norman, chief executive officer of Sharps Pixley.

Even if gold prices meander, the long-term outlook for the metal remains firm, market watchers said.

“Overall I’m still bullish on gold, but I think we’ll take a pause here for a bit before we run again. Early morning before Bernanke spoke, gold was up. I hope this hurricane that’s coming through is as uneventful as what he said,” said Rich DeFalco, president, West Cooper Asset Management.

Hurricane Irene is expected to hit the East Coast this weekend and storm predictions have it hitting North Carolina, then passing near the coast of Mid-Atlantic states before making landfall in New England. There are concerns that the hurricane could target as far north and New York City, the home of the Comex and the New York Mercantile Exchange. The CME Group, which owns the exchanges, has contingency plans in case of weather-related damages.

DeFalco said he eventually expect gold to rise to $2,100 as its next target, but in the short-term expects it to rest around the $1,700 area, especially next week as people take the last of their vacations. On Monday, London is closed and on Sept. 5, trading in the U.S. is closed for the Labor Day holiday.

Looking ahead to economic data next week, the main report traders will watch is the monthly unemployment report on Friday. An early estimate by MarketWatch calls for the unemployment level to stay unchanged at 9.1%. The labor data can greatly influence markets.

In other markets, Gero said he thought the gains silver saw this week wouldn’t likely be repeated because of the concerns of an economic slowdown. He said much as crude oil is faltering, silver may also be hamstrung by its industrial applications role.

Despite the worries of a slowing economy, Gero said that shouldn’t hurt the platinum group metals all that much. Instead, the PGMs could be underpinned by the restarting of auto production in Japan after it was taken mostly off-line following the earthquake and tsunami earlier this year.
Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski


Comex Dec. Gold Pushes Above $1,800.00 in After-Hours U.S. Trading as Bulls Make Strong Rebound

26 August 2011

(Kitco News) -

Comex gold futures prices are rallying strongly in after-hours U.S. trading Friday afternoon. Bargain-hunting and technically related buying are featured. The active December futures contract has pushed well above what was a solid psychological resistance barrier of $1,800.00, which triggered buy stops and attracted still more trader demand. A lower U.S. dollar index Friday combined with notions the U.S. Federal Reserve will implement some fresh monetary stimulus sooner rather than later also boosted the safe-haven precious yellow metal. With the very strong rebound in gold prices Friday, now recovering over half of this week's sharp losses, the bulls are now becoming more confident that Thursday's low of $1,705.40 in December gold futures will mark a "reaction low" on the daily bar chart, in an uptrend that will now resume. The fact that gold prices were able to rebound strongly and close the week well up from the weekly low is also a bullish technical clue. December gold last traded up $60.80 at $1,824.00 an ounce.
Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski



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Piotr Kowalski


Market Nuggets: Barclays: ETP Holdings Fall In Last Week But Remain 'Robust'

26 August 2011

(Kitco News) -- Barclays Capital

describes exchange-traded product gold holdings as still robust despite declines over the past week. Holdings across 25 ETPs fell 56 metric tons in a week. “However, the bulk of the interest remains robust with total holdings at 2,206 tons and flows for August are still up a modest 1.8 tons,” Barclays says. Net fund length in Comex gold fell in the week to Aug. 23, taking non-commercial positions as a percentage of open interest down to 36% after a previous peak of 51%, Barclays says. “Speculative positions are not overextended,” the bank says. Barclays describes gold’s fundamentals as “positive.” Technically, “Thursday’s hammer reversal candlestick suggests a move higher in a range toward 1830. However, we remain wary of a subsequent break below 1700, risking 1650 before looking for a base.” The bank lists a medium-term bullish outlook, putting support levels at $1,690 and $1,645 an ounce, with resistance at $1,810 and $1,890.
Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski



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Piotr Kowalski


Silver Dollar Values Prices Will Be Skyrocketing, Gold Prices Rally As Bernanke Hints At Stimulus

Bernanke stated the Fed is willing to step in if required to trigger a stronger recovery, but barely discussed any monetary policy. The Fed's policy conference in September is... Read why you should act now to...


PRLog (Press Release) - Aug 27, 2011 - Gold prices staged a rally, breaking a nearly three-day sell off, following Ben Bernanke left the door open for more monetary easing. Gold prices closed up $57.80 Friday at $1,830.10 an ounce, up 3.26% for the day. Silver settled in up $.38 at $41.60 an ounce, up .92% for the day. Marketplace watchers had been pleased collectively with gold’s shift in the route upward. Go to http://silver-dollar-values.com for more profitable silver and gold suggestions.

Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke, provided no surprises in his speech at Jackson Hole Friday, but he did allow the possibility for further intervention. Bernanke stated the Fed is willing to step in if required to trigger a stronger recovery, but barely discussed any monetary policy. The Fed's policy conference in September is now two days rather than one, which indicates stimulus is on the table but whether or not there will probably be an agreement or policy shift is really a various story.

Gold prices as well as equity markets rallied, buoyed by expectations of an additional Bernanke life raft. More cash in the program could trigger greater inflation, presently at 1.8% excluding food and power, which makes gold more appealing as protection against paper currencies. Now expectations shift to the Fed meeting in September. Visit http://www.silver-dollar-values.com for more profitable silver and gold tips.

It has turn out to be an annual ritual to anticipate Jackson Hole to be a momentous occasion in all of these markets. Analysts believe that Bernanke is not in a position to pump more cash into the program just because some macro information is disappointing and also the stock marketplace is suffering. There had been also 3 dissenters in the last Fed meeting in early August who could not agree with keeping interest rates low until mid-2013 due to rising inflation, so making more cash appears like an even farther reach.

Analysts think that any frustration would lead investors out of stocks and into gold, but if it is an across the board sell off in all kinds of assets that had been predicating their further advances on simple cash, if we have a wipeout of that nature, it might be a short term across the board sell signal.

Gold prices have adjusted 11% in two-and-a-half days, giving up half of its gains from its two-month rally, which pushed the metal to an intraday high Friday of $1,830.90, an ounce. The huge sell off could also be stimulating bargain hunters wanting to make the most of "lower" gold prices.

Many specialists, nevertheless, believe that gold will trend greater as the macro backdrop has not changed. European governments are nonetheless struggling with ballooning debt and attempting to save Greece from imploding. Germany is now making headlines with rumors swirling about a feasible short selling ban along with rating downgrade, each of which had been denied. With investors so topic skittish, gold is fulfilling that safe haven role. Now will be the ideal time to purchase gold and purchase silver for your safeguarded investment safe haven. Visit http://silver-dollar-values.net for more profitable silver and gold tips.
Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski


Friday August 26, 2011

Survey Participants Mostly Split In Opinions For Gold Prices Next Week

After gold’s $200-an-ounce price drop from nominal all-time highs of over $1,900, participants in the Kitco News Gold Survey are almost evenly split in their opinions, with a slight majority favoring higher prices..

In the Kitco News Gold Survey, out of 34 participants, 23 responded this week. Of those 23 participants, 10 see prices up, while six see prices down, and seven see prices sideways or unchanged. Market participants include bullion dealers, investment banks, futures traders and technical chart analysts.

Adrian Day, of Adrian Day Asset Management, was among participants expecting some modest strength in gold prices next week. “Up, though perhaps just a bounce from this week’s decline. We should expect further weakness for the next few weeks before a major advance towards the end of the year,” he said.

Those who saw higher prices said they expected the fundamental issues that are supporting gold, such as the Eurozone debt problems or turmoil in the Middle East, to support prices.

There are many participants who expect gold prices to eventually turn higher by the year’s end, but for the very short term, several participants expect the gold market to consolidate this week’s break. Several said gold prices could try and build a base at this level.

“While the December (futures) contract posted a bearish key reversal on its weekly chart, fundamentals (domestic and global economics) should continue to provide support. The contract should test resistance between $1,775 and $1,848,” said Darin Newsom, senior analyst, TelventDTN.

The few bears out there believe that the shake-out seen earlier this week is not done and that further weakness is coming.


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Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski


Gold Higher as Inflation Concerns, European Debt Crisis Weigh


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The spot price for Gold hit a record high of $1912.05/oz on Tuesday before falling sharply, as low as 1703.25, as investors unwound long positions and took profits amid tempered optimism that perhaps the global economy would be able to stagger along without falling into a recession. The declines in the second half of the week were exacerbated by the fact that the Chicago Mercantile and Shanghai Exchanges raised margin requirements on the precious metal by approximately 25 percent each, nudging smaller speculators and traders who recently hopped on the bandwagon out of the trade. The alternative currency was able to regain some strength on Thursday and Friday, pulling itself back up to a closing price of 1827.15.

The rally to risk this past week was boosted mainly by optimism that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke would signal another round of quantitative easing, or perhaps another form of stimulus to provide a crutch to an American economy that appears to be on its last legs of growth. Now that the speech at the Jackson Hole Economic Policy Symposium has passed, with no signal of further easing in the form of bond purchases, economic data will come back into the limelight now that risk sentiment can longer be carried by words.

Looking ahead to the coming week, there are some events on the economic docket that could provide bullion will some renewed luster as market participants seek safe haven as the global economy continues to show signs of exhaustion. Early in the week, German inflation data is due, but is expected to show a slower pace of price pressures, following months of a higher interest rate. Now that inflation appears to be under, market participants will turn towards the fact that Europe appears to be on edge of not only a complete financial meltdown. On Tuesday, a reading of consumer confidence out of the United States is due, and while the print is expected to show improvement, a miss on the data could also boost gold; this scenario is unexpected, even if is in the realm of possibility.

The key event on the week, however, is the U.S. nonfarm payrolls report for August. Economists have forecasted that recent data will show an increase of 75K in the labor market. Accordingly, economists expect the rate to remain at 9.1 percent. Forecasts for the nonfarm payrolls figure have been poor of recent, so a miss on the data could occur. That being said, there needs to be a substantial increase in the payrolls figure for confidence in the economy to be boosted; if not, precious metals will head higher as a way to preserve capital amid deteriorating economic conditions in the United States coupled with a weakening U.S. Dollar.

Of course, one of the main drivers of gold, besides event risk, will be broader economic sentiment, as has been the driving factor behind the alternative currency’s appreciation in recent weeks. Markets seem to have found some levity the past week or so, as noted by riskier assets ticking higher; the truth of the matter remains that none of the underlying problems that caused the panic sell-off in risk at the beginning of August have been resolved. As investors come back to the market in the coming weeks – August is typically a slow month marked by lower volume – it is absolutely necessary for economic data to show signs of a turnaround from recent trends for gold to head lower. If not, which is what is expected – readings to show meager growth if any at all – gold, and other safe havens, will be boosted. –CV
Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski


09 Spetember 2011

PERSPEKTYWY METALE: Zmienność kontynuowane w przyszłym tygodniu złoty

(Kitco News) -

Zmienność będzie prawdopodobnie kontynuowany w rynku złota w przyszłym tygodniu, wraz z aktualnościami jazdy nagłówek kierunku cenę, ale uprzedzenia handlowców rzecz wyższych cen metalu.

Perspektywy dla wzrostu cen złota na pewno nie jest jednomyślna i podkreśla, dlaczego wartości mają prawdopodobnie zamachnął tyle ostatnio.

Najbardziej aktywnych umowy złota grudnia w sprawie podziału Comex na New York Mercantile Exchange osiedlili się na $ 1,859.50, o 0,9% na tydzień. Grudnia srebrny rozliczane na 41,624 dolarów, w dół 3,4% w tygodniu.

W wiadomości Kitco Survey Złoty , spośród 34 uczestników, 21 odpowiedziało w tym tygodniu. Spośród tych 21 osób, dziewięć zobaczyć ceny w górę, podczas gdy sześć zobaczyć ceny w dół, a sześć zobaczyć ceny bokiem lub bez zmian. Uczestnicy rynku są dealerów złota, banki inwestycyjne, kontrakty terminowe podmiotów gospodarczych i technicznych analityków wykresie.

Richard Baker, redaktor Eureka Miner i prezes CP Analytics, powiedział, że kierunek dla cen złota w przyszłym tygodniu jest "trudne rozmowy", ale pochyla się w stronę mocniejszych cenach. Powiedział, że istnieje kilka czynników, które mogłyby doprowadzić do push-pull na wartości.

"Dynamika dolar będzie chmura ruchy złota w przyszłym tygodniu, ponieważ umacnia się w stosunku do euro (sześć miesięcy wysokiej rano). Spadek światowych rynkach na obawy wzrostu niepewności i zachodniej gospodarki może być również przyczyną likwidacji w metale szlachetne.

Niemniej jednak, to jest nagłówek, na rynku kierowanym zleceniami i złoto nadal będą korzystać na marginesie do uzyskania poprawy w najbliższym czasie oczekiwania dla Europy oraz w mniejszym stopniu, do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Key złota odwołuje stosunek surowców (np. ropy naftowej, miedzi) pozostają na poziomie recesji, "mówi Baker.

Ci, którzy oczekują wzrostu cen powiedział, że utrzymujące się obawy co Europejskiej suwerenne papierów dłużnych, zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do Grecji, obecnie silne wsparcie dla cen. Grecja jest zbliżenie się do domyślnego obligacji nie osiągnie rekordową wysokość. Waluty euro spadła do niskiego sześć miesięcy w stosunku do dolara.

W Europie istnieje kilka doniesień mediów powiedział, że Europejski Bank Centralny potwierdził rezygnacji członka Rady Prezesów Juergen Stark. Raporty powiedział Stark odchodzi z powodów osobistych, ale raporty powiedział, że był znany był przed wznowienia zakupów obligacji ostatniego miesiąca. Ponadto, Bloomberg News poinformował, że Niemcy przygotowują sposób na dokapitalizowanie banków niemieckich, jeżeli ich greckich gospodarstw długu bagno swoich bilansach.

Gijsbert Groenewegen, partner zarządzający Silver Capital Management Arrow, powiedział, że wiadomości o Niemcy starają się chronić swoich banków pokazuje, jak mroczne Europejskiej sytuacji zadłużenia, co sprawia, że ​​inwestorzy poszukują przejrzystości twardych aktywów, takich jak złoto i srebro.

"Problemem jest untransparency rynku. Po prostu nie wiedzą, co banki są gospodarstwa, "powiedział.

Powiedział, że szersze rynki są także "zmęczony" i może łatwo pęknąć na negatywne wiadomości nagłówek, czy jest to związane z Europy lub USA ponurych wiadomości gospodarczych. Jak złota reaguje może trudno jest ocenić, jednak powiedział.

Jeśli rynki akcji gwałtownie spadnie, zarządzający funduszami mogą być zmuszeni do sprzedaży złota gospodarstwo, aby zebrać pieniądze na spotkanie wezwań, więc złoty może spaść, gdy zapasy też. Ale jeśli tak się stanie, Groenewegen powiedział byłaby to okazja do kupowania złota.

Barclays Capital analityków technicznych powiedział, gdy są wzrosty cen złota, to raczej kupić metalu na spadkach "do 1.750 dolarów wobec 1.700 dolarów na niskim poziomie. Nasze cele są góry na 1.930 dolarów, a następnie 1.970 dolarów. "

Kilka obserwatorzy rynku powiedział, że ceny złota może po prostu koniec tygodnia niewiele się zmieniły od poniedziałku do piątku, ale szerokie wahania cen mogą. Zauważyli oni, że ceny złota miały problemy z utrzymaniem ponad 1.900 dolarów i spełniły sprzedaży oporu. Plus, mimo przenosi się do nowej wzloty niedawno, nie towarzyszy wzrost otwartych pozycji w futures lub większy zakup fizycznie kopii giełdowych funduszy.

W srebrze, Groenewegen powiedział na tym rynku do rajdu, musi nacisnąć zdecydowanie za 43 dolarów. Powyżej nie może wyrwać się i przetestuj 50 $. Jeśli srebra może przebić się przez 50 dolarów, a następnie, że spodziewa się dużego rajdu, które mogą zgłosić się do 100 dolarów bardzo szybko.

Barclays Capital powiedział wsparcie analityków w grudniu srebra jest w pobliżu 39,75 dolarów, z oporem na 44,23 dolarów.
Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski


11 SUN Sep

Złoto: Cena zbliża $ 2000/oz jak Sovereign Obawy ryzyka Spike-nadal

Słabe dane globalne wzrostu budzi obawy o dalsze fiskalne i suwerenne pogorszenie zadłużenia. Spust w ostatnim ataku awersji do ryzyka był rosnący strumień słabsze niż oczekiwano globalne wskaźniki wzrostu, począwszy od słabego raportu płac USA w piątek i po słabej wersji PMI w Europie w poniedziałek. Wolniejszy wzrost stawia dalsze ciężar na banki centralne w celu inicjowania nowych rund ilościowych i inne formy nadzwyczajnej łagodzenia polityki pieniężnej. Nieodebrane greckiego celów fiskalnych, z Włoch może stracić fiskalny rozwiązać, fiński popyt na zabezpieczenia dalszych pożyczek dla Grecji i nadal brak spójnej polityki w odpowiedzi na kryzys przez przywódców europejskich dodała do przewrotu.
W tym tygodniu wszystkie oczy będą na działalności banku centralnego z EBC i BOE spotkania, które zaplanowano i Bernanke powodu do wypowiadania się w czwartek. Ślady działań zmierzających do dalszego ograniczenia są prawdopodobne, choć bez konkretnych, nowych środków w celu przeciwdziałania pogarszającej Europy kwestii zadłużenia fiskalnego i suwerenne, rośnie ryzyko, że spirala zdarzeń z ich bezpośrednią kontrolą.

zobacz wiecej: http://etfsecurities.com

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