Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski

Temat: Dane Swiatowe

Aby latwiej bylo sie poruszac po kalendarzu danych :

1 kolumna : medium,low, high - oznacza wachania walut

2 kolumna : aktualne dane

3 kolumna : prognozowane dane

4 kolumna : poprzednie dane

SUN 19 Jun

19:00 Meeting of the Eurozone Finance Ministers High

MON 20 Jun

JPY Cabinet Office Monthly Economic Report Medium
00:30 NZD Performance Services Index (JUN) Low 52.6
00:45 NZD Manufacturing Activity (1Q) Medium 3.1%

00:45 NZD Manufacturing Activity Volume SA (1Q) Low 3.3%
01:01 GBP Rightmove House Prices (MoM) (JUN) Medium 1.3%
01:01 GBP Rightmove House Prices (YoY) (JUN) Medium 0.7%
01:50 JPY Merchandise Trade Balance Total (Yen) (MAY) Medium -¥710.1B -¥464.8B

01:50 JPY Adjusted Merchandise Trade Balance (Yen) (MAY) Low -¥538.5B -¥496.4B

01:50 JPY Merchandise Trade Exports (YoY) (MAY) Low -8.4 -12.4
01:50 JPY Merchandise Trade Imports (YoY) (MAY) Low 11.6 8.9
05:00 NZD Credit Card Spending SA (MoM) (MAY) Medium 1.6%
05:00 NZD Credit Card Spending (YoY) (MAY) Medium 6.0%
07:00 JPY Coincident Index (APR F) Low 103.8

07:00 JPY Leading Index (APR F) Low 96.4

08:00 EUR German Producer Prices (YoY) (MAY) High 6.3% 6.4%

08:00 EUR German Producer Prices (MoM) (MAY) Medium 0.1% 1.0%

09:00 JPY Convenience Store Sales (YoY) (MAY) Low 1.6%

10:00 EUR Euro-Zone Current Account n.s.a. (euros) (APR) Low -3.8B

10:00 EUR Euro-Zone Current Account s.a. (euros) (APR) Low -4.7B

10:00 EUR Italian Industrial Orders n.s.a. (YoY) (APR) Low 22.0% 21.2%
10:00 EUR Italian Industrial Orders s.a. (MoM) (APR) Low -4.0% 8.1%
10:00 EUR Italian Industrial Sales n.s.a. (YoY) (APR) Low 12.2%
10:00 EUR Italian Industrial Sales s.a. (MoM) (APR) Low -1.0% 2.0%
11:00 EUR Euro-Zone Labor Costs (YoY) (1Q) Low 1.9% 1.6%

Tue Jun 21

00:45 NZD Net Migration SA (MAY) Low -100

03:30 AUD Reserve Bank's Board June Minutes High

06:30 JPY All Industry Activity Index (MoM) (APR) Medium 1.8% -6.3%

09:00 CHF Money Supply M3 (YoY) (MAY) Low 6.9%
10:30 GBP PSNB ex Interventions (MAY) Medium 17.0B 10.0B
10:30 GBP Public Finances (PSNCR) (Pounds) (MAY) Medium 6.6B 3.3B

10:30 GBP Public Sector Net Borrowing (Pounds) (MAY) Medium 16.5B 7.7B

11:00 EUR German ZEW Survey (Economic Sentiment)(JUN) b]High[/b] -3.0 3.1

11:00 EUR Euro-Zone ZEW Survey (Economic Sentiment) (JUN) Medium 6.1 13.6

11:00 EUR German ZEW Survey (Current Situation) (JUN) Medium 90.0 91.5

11:30 CHF KOF Institute June Economic Forecast Medium
12:00 GBP CBI Trends Selling Prices (JUN) Low 26 24
12:00 GBP CBI Trends Total Orders (JUN) Low -5 -2
14:30 CAD Leading Indicators (MoM) (MAY) Medium 0.5% 0.8%

14:30 CAD Retail Sales (MoM) (APR) Medium 0.4% 0.0%

14:30 CAD Retail Sales Less Autos (MoM) (APR) Low 0.6% -0.1%

16:00 USD Existing Home Sales (MAY) Medium 4.80M 5.05M

16:00 USD Existing Home Sales (MoM) (MAY) Medium -5.0% -0.8%

Wed Jun 22

00:45 NZD Current Account Balance (1Q) Medium -3.903B -3.524B

00:45 NZD Current Account Deficit-GDP Ratio (1Q) Medium 0.4% -2.3%

07:00 JPY Supermarket Sales (YoY) (MAY) Low -1.3%
08:45 EUR French Business Confidence Indicator (JUN) Low 106 107

08:45 EUR French Own-Company Production Outlook (JUN) Low 11
08:45 EUR French Production Outlook Indicator (JUN) Low 15

10:30 GBP Bank of England Minutes High

11:00 CHF ZEW Survey (Expectations) (JUN) Medium -11.5
11:00 EUR Euro-Zone Industrial New Orders (YoY) (APR) Medium 14.0% 14.1%

13:00 USD MBA Mortgage Applications Low

16:00 EUR Euro-Zone Consumer Confidence (JUN A) Medium -10.4 -9.8

16:00 USD House Price Index (MoM) (APR) Medium -0.2% -0.3%
16:30 USD DOE Cushing OK Crude Inventory Low -1016K
16:30 USD DOE U.S. Crude Oil Inventories Low -4845K
16:30 USD DOE U.S. Distillate Inventory Low 810K
16:30 USD DOE U.S. Gasoline Inventories Low 2209K
16:30 USD DOE U.S. Refinery Utilization Low 1.2%
17:00 EUR Euro-Zone Industrial New Orders s.a. (MoM) (APR) Low 1.0% -1.8%

18:30 USD Federal Open Market Committee Rate Decision (JUN 22) High
0.25% 0.25%

20:15 USD Bernanke Speaks at Fed Press Conference High

Thu Jun 23

02:00 AUD Conference Board Leading Index (APR) Medium 0.40%

03:30 JPY BOJ Board Member Morimoto to Speak in Nagasaki City Low
08:00 CHF Trade Balance (Swiss franc) (MAY) Medium 1.52B

08:00 CHF Exports (MoM) (MAY) Low 7.9%
08:00 CHF Imports (MoM) (MAY) Low 4.0%
09:00 EUR French Purchasing Manager Index Manufacturing (JUN P) Low 54.0 54.9
09:00 EUR French Purchasing Manager Index Services (JUN P) Low 60.5 62.5
09:30 EUR German Purchasing Manager Index Manufacturing (JUN A) Medium 57.0 57.7

09:30 EUR German Purchasing Manager Index Services (JUN A) Medium 55.7 56.1

10:00 EUR Euro-Zone Purchasing Manager Index Composite (JUN A) Medium 55.2 55.8
10:00 EUR Euro-Zone Purchasing Manager Index Manufacturing (JUN A) Medium 53.8 54.6

10:00 EUR Euro-Zone Purchasing Manager Index Services (JUN A) Medium 55.3 56

10:00 EUR Italian Consumer Confidence Index s.a. (JUN) Low 105.3 106.5
10:30 GBP BBA Loans for House Purchase (MAY) Medium 30000 29355
12:00 GBP CBI Reported Sales (JUN) Medium 13 18
14:30 USD Chicago Fed Nat Activity Index (MAY) Medium -0.03 -0.45
14:30 USD Continuing Claims (JUN 11) Low 3685K
14:30 USD Initial Jobless Claims Low 410K
15:45 USD Bloomberg Consumer Comfort (JUN 19) Low
16:00 USD New Home Sales (MAY) Medium 310K 323K

16:00 USD New Home Sales (MoM) (MAY) Medium -4.0% 7.3%

22:00 USD RPX Composite 28 Day Index (APR 30) Low 179.78
22:00 USD RPX Composite 28 Day (YoY) (APR) Low 0.5%

Fri Jun 24

EUR German GfK Consumer Confidence Survey (JUL) Medium 5.5

EUR German Retail Sales (YoY) (MAY) Medium 3.6%

EUR German Retail Sales (MoM) (MAY) Low 0.7% 0.6%

01:50 JPY Corporate Service Price (YoY) (MAY) Low -0.8% -0.8%
03:35 CNY MNI Business Condition Survey (JUN) Low 61.22
08:45 EUR French Consumer Confidence Indicator (JUN) Low 84 84

10:00 EUR German IFO - Business Climate (JUN) Medium 113.4 114.2

10:00 EUR German IFO - Current Assessment (JUN) Medium 120.8 121.4

10:00 EUR German IFO - Expectations (JUN) Medium 106.3 107.4

10:00 EUR Italian Retail Sales (YoY) (APR) Low -0.7% -2.0%
10:00 EUR Italian Retail Sales s.a. (MoM) (APR) Low -0.1% -0.2%

14:30 USD Durable Goods Orders (MAY) High 1.6% -3.6%
14:30 USD Durables Ex Transportation (MAY) Medium 1.0% -1.5%
14:30 USD Cap Goods Orders Nondef Ex Air (MAY) Low 1.0% -2.6%
14:30 USD Cap Goods Ship Nondef Ex Air (MAY) Low 1.0% -1.7%
14:30 USD Core Personal Consumption Expenditure (QoQ) (1Q F) Low 1.4% 1.4%
14:30 USD Gross Domestic Product (Annualized) (1Q F) Low 1.9% 1.8%
14:30 USD Gross Domestic Product Price Index (1Q F) Low 1.9% 1.9%
14:30 USD Personal Consumption (1Q F) Low 2.2% 2.2%Piotr Kowalski edytował(a) ten post dnia 19.06.11 o godzinie 15:23
Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski

Temat: Dane Swiatowe

Aby latwiej bylo sie poruszac po kalendarzu danych :

1 kolumna : medium,low, high - oznacza wachania walut

2 kolumna : aktualne dane

3 kolumna : prognozowane dane

4 kolumna : poprzednie dane

MON 27 Jun

00:45 NZD Trade Balance (New Zealand dollars) (MAY) Medium 1000M 1113M
00:45 NZD Exports (New Zealand dollars) (MAY) Low 4725M 4651M
00:45 NZD Imports (New Zealand dollars) (MAY) Low 3750M 3538M
00:45 NZD Balance (YTD) (New Zealand dollars) (MAY) Medium 1410 1187
01:01 GBP Lloyds Business Barometer (JUN) Low 14
04:00 CNY Industrial Profits YTD YoY (MAY) Medium 29.7%
10:00 EUR Italian Hourly Wages (MoM) (MAY) Low 0.1%
10:00 EUR Italian Hourly Wages (YoY) (MAY) Low 1.8%
14:30 USD Personal Consumption Expenditure Core (MoM) (MAY) Low 0.2% 0.2%

14:30 USD Personal Spending (MAY) Medium 0.1% 0.4%
14:30 USD Personal Consumption Expenditure Core (YoY) (MAY) Low 1.1% 1.0%

14:30 USD Personal Consumption Expenditure Deflator (YoY) (MAY) Low 2.4% 2.2%

14:30 USD Personal Income (MAY) Medium 0.4% 0.4%

15:00 USD U.S.-India Economic Dialogue in Washington Medium
16:30 USD Dallas Fed Manufacturing Activity (JUN) Low -3.1 -7.4
17:00 USD Fed's Kocherlakota Speaks on Leverage in Big Sky, Montana Low

TUE Jun 28

JPY Small Business Confidence (JUN) Low 37.8

EUR German Import Price Index (MoM) (MAY) Low -0.3% 0.3%

EUR German Import Price Index (YoY) (MAY) Low 8.6% 9.4%

GBP Nationwide House Prices s.a. (MoM) (JUN) Low 0.0% 0.3%

GBP Nationwide House Prices n.s.a. (YoY) (JUN) Medium -1.3% -1.2%

01:50 JPY Retail Trade (YoY) (MAY) Medium -2.2% -4.8%

01:50 JPY Retail Trade s.a. (MoM) (MAY) Low 1.0% 4.1%

01:50 JPY Large Retailers' Sales (MAY) Medium -1.9% -1.9%

08:00 EUR German GfK Consumer Confidence Survey (JUL) Medium 5.3 5.5

08:00 CHF UBS Consumption Indicator (MAY) Medium 1.58

10:00 EUR Italian Producer Price Index (MoM) (MAY) Low 0.1% 0.6%
10:00 EUR Italian Producer Price Index (YoY) (MAY) Low 4.8% 5.5%
10:30 GBP Total Business Investment (QoQ) (1Q F) Low -7.1% -7.1%

10:30 GBP Total Business Investment (YoY) (1Q F) Medium -3.2% -3.2%

10:30 GBP Current Account (Pounds) (1Q) Medium -4.7B -10.5B

10:30 GBP Gross Domestic Product (QoQ) (1Q F) High 0.5% 0.5%

10:30 GBP Gross Domestic Product (YoY) (1Q F) High 1.8% 1.8%

11:00 EUR Italian Business Confidence (JUN) Low 100.7 101.3

15:00 USD U.S.-India Economic Dialogue in Washington Medium
15:00 USD S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index Low 138.16
15:00 USD S&P/Case-Shiller 20 City s.a. (MoM) Low -0.20% -0.23% 15:00 USD S&P/Case-Shiller Composite-20 (YoY) Low -4.0% -3.6%

16:00 USD Consumer Confidence (JUN) High 61.0 60.8
16:00 USD Richmond Fed Manufacturing Index (JUN) Low -2 -6

18:00 USD Fed's Fisher Speaks in Round Rock, Texas Low
18:00 EUR French Total Jobseekers Change (MAY) Low -10.9
18:00 EUR French Total Jobseekers (MAY) Low 2669.1

WED Jun 29

EUR German Consumer Price Index (MoM) (JUN P) Medium 0.1% 0.0%

EUR German Consumer Price Index (YoY) (JUN P) High 2.3% 2.3%

EUR German Consumer Price Index - EU Harmonised (MoM) (JUN P) Medium 0.1% -0.2%

EUR German Consumer Price Index - EU Harmonised (YoY) (JUN P) High 2.5% 2.4%

JPY Nomura/JMMA Manufacturing Purchasing Manager Index (JUN) Medium 51.3
01:50 JPY Industrial Production (MoM) (MAY P) Low 5.5% 1.6%

01:50 JPY Industrial Production (YoY) (MAY P) Medium -6.3% -13.6%

03:00 AUD DEWR Skilled Vacancies (MoM) (JUN) Low -0.4%

07:30 EUR French Gross Domestic Product (QoQ) (1Q F) Low 1.0% 1.0%

07:30 EUR French Gross Domestic Product (YoY) (1Q F) Low 2.2% 2.2%

10:30 GBP Index of Services (3Mo3M) Low 1.3% 0.9%
10:30 GBP Index of Services (MoM) Low 0.6%
10:30 GBP M4 Ex OFCs 3M Annualised (MAY) Low -2.0%
10:30 GBP Net Consumer Credit (MAY) Medium 0.4B 0.5B
10:30 GBP M4 Money Supply (MoM) (MAY) Low 0.1%
10:30 GBP M4 Money Supply (YoY) (MAY) Low -0.9%
10:30 GBP Net Lending Sec. on Dwellings (MAY) Medium 0.7B 0.7B
10:30 GBP Mortgage Approvals (MAY) Medium 46.3K 45.2K

11:00 EUR Euro-Zone Business Climate Indicator (JUN) Medium 0.90 0.99

11:00 EUR Euro-Zone Consumer Confidence (JUN F) Medium -10.0 -10.0

11:00 EUR Euro-Zone Economic Confidence (JUN) Low 105.0 105.5
11:00 EUR Euro-Zone Industrial Confidence (JUN) Low 3.5 3.9
11:00 EUR Euro-Zone Services Confidence (JUN) Low 9.0 9.2

11:30 CHF KOF Swiss Leading Indicator (JUN) Medium 2.23 2.3

13:00 CAD Consumer Price Index (MAY) Medium 119.8
13:00 CAD Consumer Price Index (MoM) (MAY) Medium 0.3% 0.3%
13:00 CAD Consumer Price Index (YoY) (MAY) High 3.3% 3.3% 13:00 CAD Bank Canada Consumer Price Index Core (MoM) (MAY) Low 0.2% 0.2%
13:00 CAD Bank Canada Consumer Price Index Core (YoY) (MAY) Medium 1.5% 1.6%
13:00 USD MBA Mortgage Applications (JUN 24) Low -5.9%

15:00 CAD Teranet/National Bank HPI (MoM) Low 0.6%
15:00 CAD Teranet/National Bank HP Index Low 138.94
15:00 CAD Teranet/National Bank HPI (YoY) Low 4.1%

16:00 USD Pending Home Sales (MoM) (MAY) Low 0.8% -11.6%
16:00 USD Pending Home Sales (YoY) (MAY) Medium -26.8%

16:30 USD DOE U.S. Crude Oil Inventories (JUN 24) Low -1711K
16:30 USD DOE Cushing OK Crude Inventory (JUN 24) Low 273K
16:30 USD DOE U.S. Distillate Inventory (JUN 24) Low 1173K
16:30 USD DOE U.S. Gasoline Inventories (JUN 24) Low -464K
16:30 USD DOE U.S. Refinery Utilization (JUN 24) Low 3.1%

THU Jun 30

00:45 NZD Building Permits (MoM) (MAY) Low 3.2% -1.6%

01:01 GBP GfK Consumer Confidence Survey (JUN) Medium -24 -21
01:50 JPY Loans & Discounts Corp (YoY) (MAY) Low -1.7%

02:30 AUD Job Vacancies (MAY) Low -1.7%
02:30 AUD RPData-Rismark House Px Raw (MAY) Low -0.1%
02:30 AUD RPData-Rismark House Px S.A (MAY) Low -0.3%

03:00 NZD NBNZ Activity Outlook (JUN) Medium 39.7
03:00 NZD NBNZ Business Confidence (JUN) Medium 38.3

03:30 AUD Private Sector Credit (MoM) (MAY) Medium 0.4% 0.0%
03:30 AUD Private Sector Credit (YoY) (MAY) Medium 3.2% 3.3%
05:00 NZD Money Supply M3 (YoY) (MAY) Low 5.7%

06:00 JPY Vehicle Production (YoY) (MAY) Low -60.1%

07:00 JPY Construction Orders (YoY) (MAY) Medium 31.4%
07:00 JPY Annualized Housing Starts (MAY) Medium 0.790M 0.798M
07:00 JPY Housing Starts (YoY) (MAY) Medium 3.1% 0.30%

08:45 EUR French Consumer Spending (MoM) (MAY) Low 1.0% -1.6%
08:45 EUR French Consumer Spending (YoY) (MAY) Low 0.9% 1.2%
08:45 EUR French Producer Prices (MoM) (MAY) Low 0.2% 0.8%
08:45 EUR French Producer Prices (YoY) (MAY) Low 6.4% 6.4%

09:55 EUR German Unemployment Change (JUN) Medium -17K -8K
09:55 EUR German Unemployment Rate s.a. (JUN) High 7.0% 7.0%

10:00 EUR Euro-Zone M3 s.a. (3M) (MAY) Low 2.1% 2.1%
10:00 EUR Euro-Zone M3 s.a. (YoY) (MAY) Low 2.1% 2.0%

11:00 EUR Euro-Zone Consumer Price Index Estimate (YoY) (JUN) Medium 2.8% 2.7%

11:00 EUR Italian Consumer Price Index (NIC incl. tobacco) (MoM) (JUN P) Low 0.1% 0.1%
11:00 EUR Italian Consumer Price Index (NIC incl. tobacco) (YoY) (JUN P) Low 2.7% 2.6%
11:00 EUR Italian Consumer Price Index - EU Harmonized (MoM) (JUN P) Low 0.1% 0.2%
11:00 EUR Italian Consumer Price Index - EU Harmonized (YoY) (JUN P) Low 3.0% 3.0%

14:30 CAD Gross Domestic Product (MoM) High -0.1% 0.3%

14:30 CAD Gross Domestic Product (YoY) High 2.7% 2.8%

14:30 USD Initial Jobless Claims (JUN 24) Low 420K 429K
14:30 USD Continuing Claims (JUN 18) Low 3690K 3697K
15:00 USD Fed's Bullard Gives Speech on QE Low
15:45 USD Chicago Purchasing Manager (JUN) Low 54.0 56.6

15:45 USD Bloomberg Consumer Comfort (JUN 26) Low -44.9
16:00 USD NAPM-Milwaukee (JUN) Low 59.5 62
16:30 USD EIA Natural Gas Storage Change (JUN 24) Low 98

FRI Jul 1

JPY Official Reserve Assets (JUN) Low $1139.5B
01:30 AUD AiG Performance of Manufacturing Index (JUN) Medium 47.7
01:30 JPY Job-To-Applicant Ratio (MAY) Low 0.60 0.61
01:30 JPY Household Spending (YoY) (MAY) Medium -1.7% -3.0%
01:30 JPY Jobless Rate (MAY) Medium 4.8% 4.7%
01:30 JPY Tokyo Consumer Price Index (YoY) (JUN) Low -0.1% -0.1% 01:30 JPY Tokyo Consumer Price Index Ex-Fresh Food (YoY) (JUN) Low 0.2% 0.1%
01:30 JPY Tokyo Consumer Price Index Ex Food, Energy (YoY) (JUN) Low 0.1% 0.1%
01:30 JPY National Consumer Price Index (YoY) (MAY) Medium 0.2% 0.3%
01:30 JPY National Consumer Price Index Ex-Fresh Food (YoY) (MAY) Medium 0.5% 0.6%
01:30 JPY National Consumer Price Index Ex Food, Energy (YoY) (MAY) Medium 0.0% -0.1%

01:50 JPY Tankan Large Manufacturers Index (2Q) Medium -7 6
01:50 JPY Tankan Non-Manufacturing Index (2Q) Medium -4 3
01:50 JPY Tankan Large Manufacturers Outlook (2Q) High 2 2
01:50 JPY Tankan Non-Manufacturing Outlook (2Q) Medium 0 -1
01:50 JPY Tankan Large All Industry Capex (2Q) Medium 2.3% -0.4%

03:00 CNY PMI Manufacturing (JUN) High 51.5 52
03:00 AUD HIA New Home Sales (MoM) (MAY) Medium 0.2%

04:30 CNY HSBC Manufacturing PMI (JUN) Low 51.6

07:00 JPY Vehicle Sales (YoY) (JUN) Low -38.0%

08:30 AUD RBA Commodity Price Index (JUN) Low 107.3
08:30 AUD RBA Commodity Index SDR (YoY) (JUN) Low 29.4%

09:30 CHF SVME-Purchasing Managers Index (JUN) Medium 57.8 59.2

09:45 EUR Italian Purchasing Manager Index Manufacturing (JUN) Low 50.1 52.8
09:50 EUR French Purchasing Manager Index Manufacturing (JUN F) Low 52.8 52.5
09:55 EUR German Purchasing Manager Index Manufacturing (JUN F) Medium 54.9 54.9

10:00 EUR Italian Unemployment Rate s.a. (1Q) Low 8.4% 8.5%
10:00 EUR Italian Unemployment Rate s.a. (MAY P) Low 8.2% 8.1%
10:00 EUR Euro-Zone Purchasing Manager Index Manufacturing (JUN F) Medium 52.0 52.0

10:30 GBP Purchasing Manager Index Manufacturing (JUN) Medium 52.3 52.1

11:00 EUR Italian Deficit to GDP (YTD) (1Q) Low 4.5%
11:00 EUR Euro-Zone Unemployment Rate (MAY) Medium 9.9% 9.9%

15:55 USD U. of Michigan Confidence (JUN F) High 72.0 71.8

16:00 USD Construction Spending (MoM) (MAY) Medium 0.0% 0.4%
16:00 USD ISM Manufacturing (JUN) Medium 51.5 53.5
16:00 USD ISM Prices Paid (JUN) Medium 72.0 76.5

19:00 EUR Italian Budget Balance (euros) (JUN) Low -5.0B
19:00 EUR Italian Budget Balance (euros) (YTD) (JUN) Low -44.8B
23:00 USD Domestic Vehicle Sales (JUN) Low 9.36M 9.22M
23:00 USD Total Vehicle Sales (JUN) Low 12.00M 11.76MPiotr Kowalski edytował(a) ten post dnia 25.06.11 o godzinie 12:00
Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski

Temat: Dane Swiatowe

MON 18 Jul

JPY Nationwide Department Store Sales (YoY) (JUN) Low
JPY Tokyo Department Store Sales (YoY) (JUN) Low

00:30 NZD Performance Services Index (JUN) Low 52.8
00:45 NZD Consumer Prices Index (QoQ) (2Q) Medium 0.8% 0.8%
00:45 NZD Consumer Prices Index (YoY) (2Q) Medium 5.1% 4.5%

01:01 GBP Rightmove House Prices (YoY) (JUL) Medium 1.1%
01:01 GBP Rightmove House Prices (MoM) (JUL) Low 0.6%

03:30 AUD New Motor Vehicle Sales (MoM) (JUN) Low -7.6%
03:30 AUD New Motor Vehicle Sales (YoY) (JUN) Low -14.5%

14:30 CAD International Securities Transactions (Canadian dollar) (MAY) Low 8.220B

15:00 USD Net Long-term TIC Flows (MAY) Medium $30.6B
15:00 USD Total Net TIC Flows (MAY) Low $68.2B

16:00 USD NAHB Housing Market Index (JUL) Low 15 13

TUE 19 Jul

03:30 AUD Reserve Bank's Board July Minutes High

11:00 EUR German ZEW Survey (Economic Sentiment) (JUL) High -12.3 -9.0

11:00 EUR Euro-Zone Construction Output s.a. (MoM) (MAY) Medium 0.7%
11:00 EUR Euro-Zone ZEW Survey (Economic Sentiment) (JUL) Medium -5.9
11:00 EUR German ZEW Survey (Current Situation) (JUL) Medium 85.0 87.6
11:00 EUR Euro-Zone Construction Output w.d.a. (YoY) (MAY) Low -2.0%

14:30 CAD Leading Indicators (MoM) (JUN) Medium 1.0%
14:30 USD Building Permits (JUN) Medium 600K 609K
14:30 USD Housing Starts (JUN) Medium 575K 560K
14:30 USD Building Permits (MoM%) (JUN) Low -1.5% 8.7%
14:30 USD Housing Starts (MoM%) (JUN) Low 2.7%

15:00 CAD Bank of Canada Rate Decision (JUL 19) High 1.00% 1.00%

WED 20 Jul

01:30 USD Fed's Hoenig Speaks on Monetary Policy and Agriculture Low

02:30 AUD Westpac Leading Index (MoM) (MAY) Low 0.2%

03:00 AUD Consumer Inflation Expectation (JUL) Medium 3.3%

03:30 JPY BOJ Deputy Governor Yamaguchi to Speak in Matsumoto City Low

04:00 CNY Conference Board China July Leading Economic Index Low

07:00 JPY Leading Index (MAY F) Medium 99.8
07:00 JPY Coincident Index (MAY F) Low 106.0

08:00 EUR German Producer Prices (YoY) (JUN) Medium 5.5% 6.1%
08:00 EUR German Producer Prices (MoM) (JUN) Low 0.0% 0.0%

09:00 JPY Convenience Store Sales (YoY) (JUN) Low 5.7%

10:00 EUR Italian Industrial Orders n.s.a. (YoY) (MAY) Low 5.8%
10:00 EUR Italian Industrial Orders s.a. (MoM) (MAY) Low -6.4%
10:00 EUR Italian Industrial Sales n.s.a. (YoY) (MAY) Low 14.2%
10:00 EUR Italian Industrial Sales s.a. (MoM) (MAY) Low 1.5%

10:30 GBP Bank of England Minutes High

11:00 EUR Italian Current Account (euros) (MAY) Low -5604M

13:00 USD MBA Mortgage Applications (JUL 15) Low -5.1%

14:30 CAD Wholesale Sales (MoM) (MAY) Low 0.3% -0.1%

16:00 EUR Euro-Zone Consumer Confidence (JUL A) Medium -10.0 -9.8
16:00 USD Existing Home Sales (JUN) Medium 4.92M 4.81M
16:00 USD Existing Home Sales (MoM) (JUN) Medium 2.3% -3.8%

16:30 CAD Monetary Policy Report High

16:30 USD DOE Cushing OK Crude Inventory (JUL 15) Low 615K
16:30 USD DOE U.S. Crude Oil Inventories (JUL 15) Low -3124K
16:30 USD DOE U.S. Distillate Inventory (JUL 15) Low 2967K
16:30 USD DOE U.S. Gasoline Inventories (JUL 15) Low -840K
16:30 USD DOE U.S. Refinery Utilization (JUL 15) Low -0.40%

THU 21 Jul

00:15 USD Fed's Sack to Speak to Money Marketeers in New York Low

00:45 NZD Net Migration s.a. (JUN) Low -360

01:01 GBP UK Nationwide Consumer Confidence Medium 49 55

01:50 JPY Merchandise Trade Balance Total (Yen) (JUN) Medium -¥149.0B -¥855.8B

01:50 JPY Adjusted Merchandise Trade Balance (Yen) (JUN) Low -¥250.4B -¥474.6B

01:50 JPY Merchandise Trade Exports (YoY) (JUN) Low -4.1 -10.3
01:50 JPY Merchandise Trade Imports (YoY) (JUN) Low 11.0 12.3

03:00 NZD ANZ Consumer Confidence Index (JUL) Low 112.5
03:00 NZD ANZ Consumer Confidence (MoM) (JUL) Low 8.9%

03:30 AUD RBA Foreign Exchange Transaction (Australian dollar) (JUN) Low 601M

05:00 NZD Credit Card Spending (YoY) (JUN) Medium 5.1%
05:00 NZD Credit Card Spending s.a. (MoM) (JUN) Medium 0.60%

06:30 JPY All Industry Activity Index (MoM) (MAY) Medium 1.8% 1.5%

08:00 CHF Trade Balance (Swiss franc) (JUN) Medium 3.31B
08:00 CHF Exports (MoM) (JUN) Low -1.5%
08:00 CHF Imports (MoM) (JUN) Low -8.4%

09:00 CHF Money Supply M3 (YoY) (JUN) Low 5.6%
09:00 CHF Real Estate Index Family Homes (2Q) Low 392.3
09:00 EUR French Purchasing Managers' Index Manufacturing (JUL P) Low 52.0 52.5
09:00 EUR French Purchasing Managers' Index Services (JUL P) Low 55.5 56.1

09:30 EUR German Purchasing Managers' Index Manufacturing (JUL A) High 54.1 54.6
09:30 EUR German Purchasing Manager Index Services (JUL A) Medium 56.1 56.7
09:30 EUR German Purchasing Managers' Index Services (JUL A) Medium 56.1 56.7

10:00 EUR Eurozone Purchasing Managers' Index Manufacturing (JUL A) High 51.5 52.0
10:00 EUR Euro-Zone Current Account n.s.a. (euros) (MAY) Low -6.5B
10:00 EUR Euro-Zone Current Account s.a. (euros) (MAY) Low -5.1B

10:30 GBP PSNB ex Interventions (JUN) Medium 12.5B 17.4B
10:30 GBP Public Finances (PSNCR) (Pounds) (JUN) Medium 18.0B 11.1B
10:30 GBP Public Sector Net Borrowing (Pounds) (JUN) Medium 10.4B 15.2B
10:30 GBP Retail Sales (YoY) (JUN) Medium 0.2% 0.0%
10:30 GBP Retail Sales w/Auto Fuel (YoY) (JUN) Medium 0.4% 0.2%
10:30 GBP Retail Sales (MoM) (JUN) Low 0.8% -1.6%
10:30 GBP Retail Sales w/Auto Fuel (MoM) (JUN) Low 0.6% -1.4%

11:00 CHF ZEW Survey (Expectations) (JUL) Medium -24.3

14:30 USD Continuing Claims (Jul 9) Low 3727K
14:30 USD Fed's Evans Speaks to Reporters in Chicago Low
14:30 USD Initial Jobless Claims (JUL 15) Low 405K 405K

15:45 USD Bloomberg Consumer Comfort (JUL 17) Low -43.9
15:45 USD Bloomberg Economic Expectations (JUL) Low -31

16:00 USD House Price Index (MoM) (JUL) Medium 0.8%
16:00 USD Leading Indicators (JUL) Medium 0.2% 0.8%
16:00 USD Philadelphia Fed. (JUL) Medium 4.5 -7.7

16:30 USD EIA Natural Gas Storage Change (JUL 15) Low 84

FRI 22 Jul

CNY HSBC Flash China Manufacturing PMI (JUL) Low 50.1
03:30 AUD Export Price Index (QoQ) (2Q) Low 4.5% 5.2%
03:30 AUD Import Price Index (QoQ) (2Q) Low -1.1% 1.4%

07:00 JPY Supermarket Sales (YoY) (JUN) Low -1.4%

08:45 EUR French Business Confidence Indicator (JUL) Low 107 109
08:45 EUR French Own-Company Production Outlook (JUL) Low 14
08:45 EUR French Production Outlook Indicator (JUL) Low 13

10:00 EUR German IFO - Business Climate (JUL) Medium 113.6 114.5
10:00 EUR German IFO - Current Assessment (JUL) Medium 122.2 123.3
10:00 EUR German IFO - Expectations (JUL) Medium 105.1 106.3
10:00 EUR Italian Retail Sales (YoY) (MAY) Low 2.5%
10:00 EUR Italian Retail Sales s.a. (MoM) (MAY) Low 0.4%

11:00 EUR Euro-Zone Industrial New Orders (YoY) (MAY) Medium 10.3% 9.0%
11:00 EUR Euro-Zone Industrial New Orders s.a. (MoM) (MAY) Low 0.8% 0.8%

13:00 CAD Bank Canada Consumer Price Index Core (YoY) (JUN) High 2.0% 1.8%
13:00 CAD Consumer Price Index (YoY) (JUN) High 3.5% 3.7%

13:00 CAD Bank Canada Consumer Price Index Core (MoM) (JUN) Medium 0.1% 0.5%
13:00 CAD Consumer Price Index (JUN) Medium 120.6
13:00 CAD Consumer Price Index (MoM) (JUN) Medium -0.2% 0.7%

14:30 CAD Retail Sales Less Autos (MoM) (MAY) Medium 0.4% 0.0%
14:30 CAD Retail Sales (MoM) (MAY) Low -0.3% 0.3%
Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski

Temat: Dane Swiatowe

Sun Aug 7

NZD REINZ Housing Price Index (JUL) Low 3229
NZD REINZ Housing Price Index (MoM%) (JUL) Low 1.3%
NZD REINZ House Sales (YoY) (JUL) Medium 14.2%

Mon Aug 8

01:50 JPY Japan Money Stock M2+CD (YoY) (JUL) Low 2.9%
01:50 JPY Japan Money Stock M3 (YoY) (JUL) Low 2.2%
01:50 JPY Bank Lending Banks ex-Trust (JUL) Low -0.6%
01:50 JPY Bank Lending incl Trusts (YoY) (JUL) Low -0.6%
01:50 JPY Current Account Total (Yen) (JUN) Low ¥652.8B ¥590.7B
01:50 JPY Adjusted Current Account Total (Yen) (JUN) Low ¥961.1B ¥391.0B
01:50 JPY Current Account Balance (YoY%) (JUN) Low -40.1% -51.7%
01:50 JPY Trade Balance - BOP Basis (Yen) (JUN) Medium ¥113.1B -¥772.7B

02:00 NZD QV House Prices (YoY) (JUL) Low -0.9%

02:30 AUD TD Securities Inflation (MoM) (JUL) Medium 0.0%
02:30 AUD TD Securities Inflation (YoY) (JUL) Medium 2.9%

03:30 AUD ANZ Job Advertisements (MoM) (JUL) Low 3.7%

06:30 JPY Bankruptcies (YoY) (JUL) Medium 1.5%

07:00 JPY Eco Watchers Survey: Current (JUL) Medium 50.0 49.6
07:00 JPY Eco Watchers Survey: Outlook (JUL) Medium 49

07:45 CHF Unemployment Rate (JUL) Medium 2.8% 2.8%
07:45 CHF Unemployment Rate s.a. (JUL) Medium 3.0% 3.0%

08:30 EUR Bank of France Business Sentiment (JUL) Low 99

10:30 EUR Euro-Zone Sentix Investor Confidence (AUG) Medium 3.4 5.3

Tue Aug 9

GBP NIESR Gross Domestic Product Estimate (JUL) Medium 0.1%

CNY Actual FDI (YoY) (JUL) Medium 2.8%
EUR German Wholesale Price Index (MoM) (JUL) Low -0.6%
EUR German Wholesale Price Index (YoY) (JUL) Low 8.5%

00:45 NZD NZ Card Spending - Retail (MoM) (JUL) Medium 0.5% 1.2%
00:45 NZD NZ Card Spending (MoM) (JUL) Medium 0.5% 0.8%

01:01 GBP BRC Sales Like-For-Like (YoY) (JUL) Low -0.5% -0.6%
01:01 GBP RICS House Price Balance (JUL) Medium -28% -27%

03:30 AUD Home Loans (JUN) Medium 0.8% 4.4%
03:30 CNY Producer Price Index (YoY) (JUL) Medium 7.5% 7.1%
03:30 AUD Investment Lending (JUN) Low 4.4%
03:30 AUD Value of Loans (MoM) (JUN) Low 2.2%
03:30 AUD NAB Business Confidence (JUL) Medium 0
03:30 AUD NAB Business Conditions (JUL) Low 2

04:00 CNY Industrial Production (YoY) (JUL) Medium 14.6% 15.1%
04:00 CNY Industrial Production YTD (YoY) (JUL) Medium 14.3% 14.3%
04:00 CNY Consumer Price Index (YoY) (JUL) Medium 6.4%
04:00 CNY Fixed Assets Inv Excl. Rural YTD (YoY) (JUL) Medium 25.5% 25.6%
04:00 CNY Retail Sales (YoY) (JUL) Medium 17.7% 17.7%
04:00 CNY Retail Sales YTD (YoY) (JUL) Medium 17.0% 16.8%

07:00 JPY Consumer Confidence (JUL) Medium 37.0 35.3

07:45 CHF SECO Consumer Confidence (JUL) Medium -5 -1

08:00 EUR German Exports s.a. (MoM) (JUN) Low -1.0% 4.3%
08:00 EUR German Imports s.a. (MoM) (JUN) Low -1.5% 3.7%
08:00 EUR German Current Account (euros) (JUN) Low 6.9B
08:00 EUR German Trade Balance (euros) (JUN) Medium 14.0B 14.8B
08:00 JPY Machine Tool Orders (YoY) (JUL P) Medium 53.5%

08:45 EUR French Central Government Balance (euros) (JUN) Low -68.4B

10:30 GBP Industrial Production (MoM) (JUN) Low 0.4% 0.9%
10:30 GBP Industrial Production (YoY) (JUN) Medium 0.2% -0.8%
10:30 GBP Manufacturing Production (MoM) (JUN) Low 0.2% 1.8%
10:30 GBP Manufacturing Production (YoY) (JUN) Medium 2.8% 2.8%
10:30 GBP Visible Trade Balance (Pounds) (JUN) Medium -£-8100 -£8478
10:30 GBP Trade Balance Non EU (Pounds) (JUN) Low -£4800 -£5109
10:30 GBP Total Trade Balance (Pounds) (JUN) Low -£3600 -£4060

13:30 JPY Machine Tool Orders (YoY) (JUL) Medium 90.8

14:15 CAD Housing Starts (JUL) Medium 195.0K 197.4K

14:30 USD Unit Labor Costs (2Q P) Low 2,4% 0.7%
14:30 USD Non-Farm Productivity (2Q P) Low 1.8%

16:00 USD IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism (AUG) Low 42.0 41.4

20:15 USD Federal Open Market Committee Rate Decision (AUG 9) High 0.25% 0.25%

Wed Aug 10

CNY New Yuan Loans (JUL) High 633.9B
CNY Money Supply - M0 (YoY) (JUL) Low 14.4%
CNY Money Supply - M1 (YoY) (JUL) Low 13.1%
CNY Money Supply - M2 (YoY) (JUL) Low 15.9%
GBP Nationwide Consumer Confidence (JUL) Medium 51

01:50 JPY BOJ to Publish Minutes of July 11-12 Board Meeting High
01:50 JPY Housing Loans (YoY) (2Q) Low 2.7%
01:50 JPY Tertiary Industry Index (MoM) (JUN) Medium 0.9%
01:50 JPY Domestic Corporate Goods Price Index (MoM) (JUL) Low 0.0% -0.1%
01:50 JPY Domestic Corporate Goods Price Index (YoY) (JUL) Low 2.6% 2.5%

02:30 AUD Westpac Consumer Confidence s.a. (MoM) (AUG) Medium -8.3%
02:30 AUD Westpac Consumer Confidence Index (AUG) Low 92.8

03:30 AUD Retail Sales Ex Inflation(QoQ) (2Q) Medium

04:00 CNY Trade Balance (USD) (JUL) Medium $27.40B $22.27B
04:00 CNY Exports (YoY%) (JUL) Low 17.0% 17.9%
04:00 CNY Imports (YoY%) (JUL) Low 22.0% 19.3%

08:00 EUR German Consumer Price Index (MoM) (JUL F) Medium 0.4% 0.4%
08:00 EUR German Consumer Price Index (YoY) (JUL F) High 2.4% 2.4%
08:00 EUR German Consumer Price Index - EU Harmonised (MoM) (JUL F) Medium 0.5% 0.5%
08:00 EUR German Consumer Price Index - EU Harmonised (YoY) (JUL F) High 2.4% 2.4%

08:45 EUR French Industrial Production (MoM) (JUN) Low 2.0%
08:45 EUR French Industrial Production (YoY) (JUN) Low 2.6%
08:45 EUR French Current Account (euros) (JUN) Low -5.5B
08:45 EUR French Manufacturing Production (MoM) (JUN) Low -0.1% 1.5%
08:45 EUR French Manufacturing Production (YoY) (JUN) Low 6.8% 5.4%

11:30 GBP Bank of England Inflation Report High

13:00 USD MBA Mortgage Applications (AUG 5) Low

16:00 USD JOLTs Job Openings (JUN) Low 2974
16:00 USD Wholesale Inventories (JUN) Low 1.0% 1.8%

16:30 USD DOE U.S. Crude Oil Inventories (AUG 5) Low
16:30 USD DOE Cushing OK Crude Inventory (AUG 5) Low
16:30 USD DOE U.S. Distillate Inventory (AUG 5) Low
16:30 USD DOE U.S. Gasoline Inventories (AUG 5) Low
16:30 USD DOE U.S. Refinery Utilization (AUG 5) Low

20:00 USD Monthly Budget Statement (JUL) Medium -$140.0B -$43.1B

Thu Aug 11

00:30 NZD Business NZ Performance of Manufacturing Index (JUL) Medium 54.3

01:50 JPY Machine Orders (MoM) (JUN) Medium 1.8% 3.0%
01:50 JPY Machine Orders (YoY) (JUN) Medium 11.3% 10.5%
01:50 JPY Japan Buying Foreign Bonds (Yen) (AUG 5) Low
01:50 JPY Japan Buying Foreign Stocks (Yen) (AUG 5) Low
01:50 JPY Foreign Buying Japan Bonds (Yen) (AUG 5) Low
01:50 JPY Foreign Buying Japan Stocks (Yen) (AUG 5) Low

03:00 AUD Consumer Inflation Expectation (AUG) Low 3.4%
03:00 NZD ANZ Consumer Confidence Index (AUG) Low 109.4
03:00 NZD ANZ Consumer Confidence (MoM) (AUG) Low -2.3%

03:30 AUD Employment Change (JUL) High 23.4K
03:30 AUD Unemployment Rate (JUL) High 4.9%

03:30 AUD Full Time Employment Change (JUL) Medium 59.0K
03:30 AUD Part Time Employment Change (JUL) Medium -35.6K
03:30 AUD Participation Rate (JUL) Low 65.6%

10:00 EUR ECB Publishes Aug. Monthly Report High

14:30 CAD New Housing Price Index (MoM) (JUN) Low 0.3% 0.4%
14:30 CAD New Housing Price Index (YoY) (JUN) Medium 2.1% 1.9%
14:30 CAD International Merchandise Trade (Canadian dollar) (JUN) Low -0.8B
14:30 USD Trade Balance (JUN) Medium -$48.0B -$50.2B
14:30 USD Initial Jobless Claims (AUG 5) Low 401K 400K
14:30 USD Continuing Claims (JUL 30) Low 3725

15:45 USD Bloomberg Consumer Comfort (AGU 7) Low

16:30 USD EIA Natural Gas Storage Change (AUG 5) Low

Fri Aug 12

00:45 NZD Retail Sales Ex Inflation (QoQ) (2Q) Medium 0.9%

05:00 NZD Non Resident Bond Holdings (JUL) Low 61.4%

06:30 JPY Industrial Production (MoM) (JUN F) Low
06:30 JPY Industrial Production (YoY) (JUN F) Medium
06:30 JPY Capacity Utilization (MoM) (JUN) Low 12.8%

07:30 EUR French Consumer Price Index - EU Harmonised (MoM) (JUL) Low -0.3% 0.1%
07:30 EUR French Consumer Price Index - EU Harmonised (YoY) (JUL) Low 2.3% 2.3%
07:30 EUR French Consumer Price Index (MoM) (JUL) Low -0.3% 0.1%
07:30 EUR French Consumer Price Index (YoY) (JUL) Low 2.2% 2.1%
07:30 EUR French Consumer Price Index Ex Tobacco Index (JUL) Low 122,19 122.49
07:30 EUR French Gross Domestic Product (QoQ) (2Q P) Low 0.3% 0.9%
07:30 EUR French Gross Domestic Product (YoY) (2Q P) Low 2.0% 2.2%

08:45 EUR French Non-Farm Payrolls (QoQ) (2Q P) Low 0.4%
08:45 EUR French Wages (QoQ) (2Q P) Low 1.0%

10:00 EUR Italian Trade Balance (Total) (euros) (JUN) Low -2407M
10:00 EUR Italian Trade Balance Eu (euros) (JUN) Low -600M

11:00 EUR Euro-Zone Industrial Production s.a. (MoM) (JUN) Low 0.0% 0.1%
11:00 EUR Euro-Zone Industrial Production w.d.a. (YoY) (JUN) Medium 4.2% 4.0%
11:00 EUR Italian Consumer Price Index (NIC incl. tobacco) (MoM) (JUL F) Low 0.3% 0.3%
11:00 EUR Italian Consumer Price Index (NIC incl. tobacco) (YoY) (JUL F) Low 2.7% 2.7%
11:00 EUR Italian Consumer Price Index - EU Harmonized (MoM) (JUL F) Low -1.7% -1.7%
11:00 EUR Italian Consumer Price Index - EU Harmonized (YoY) (JUL F) Low 2.1% 2.1%

14:30 USD Advance Retail Sales (JUL) High 0.5% 0.1%
14:30 USD Retail Sales Less Autos (JUL) Medium 0.2% 0.0%
14:30 USD Retail Sales Ex Auto & Gas (JUL) Medium 0.2% 0.2%

15:55 USD U. of Michigan Confidence (AUG P) High 63.0 63.7

16:00 USD Business Inventories (JUN) Medium 0.6% 1.0%
Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski

Temat: Dane Swiatowe

MON Aug 29

EUR German Consumer Price Index (MoM) (AUG P) Low 0.4%
EUR German Consumer Price Index (YoY) (AUG P) Medium 2.4%
JPY Small Business Confidence (AUG) Low 47.1

03:00 AUD HIA New Home Sales (MoM) (JUL) Medium -8.7%

10:00 EUR Italian Consumer Confidence Index s.a. (AUG) Low 103.7
14:30 USD Personal Income (JUL) Medium 0.3% 0.1%
14:30 USD Personal Spending (JUL) Medium 0.5% -0.2%
14:30 USD Personal Consumption Expenditure Deflator (YoY) (JUL) Low 2.6%
14:30 USD Personal Consumption Expenditure Core (MoM) (JUL) Medium 0.2% 0.1%
14:30 USD Personal Consumption Expenditure Core (YoY) (JUL) Low 1.40% 1.3%

16:00 USD Pending Home Sales (MoM) (JUL) Low 0.0% 2.4%
16:00 USD Pending Home Sales (YoY) (JUL) Medium 17.3%

16:30 USD Dallas Fed Manufacturing Activity (AUG) Low -2

Tue Aug 30

JPY Small Business Confidence (AUG) Low 47.1

00:45 NZD Building Permits (MoM) (JUL) Low -1.4%

01:01 GBP Lloyds Business Barometer (AUG) Low 19

01:30 JPY Job-To-Applicant Ratio (JUL) Low 0.64 0.63
01:30 JPY Household Spending (YoY) (JUL) Medium -3.50% -4.2%
01:30 JPY Jobless Rate (JUL) Medium 4.60% 4.6%

01:50 JPY Retail Trade (YoY) (JUL) Medium 1.50% 1.1%
01:50 JPY Retail Trade s.a. (MoM) (JUL) Low 0.50% 2.9%
01:50 JPY Large Retailers' Sales (JUL) Medium -0.20% -0.5%

08:00 CHF UBS Consumption Indicator (JUL) Medium 1.48

10:00 EUR Italian Retail Sales s.a. (MoM) (JUN) Low -0.1%
10:00 EUR Italian Retail Sales (YoY) (JUN) Low -0.6%

10:30 GBP Net Consumer Credit (JUL) Medium 0.4B
10:30 GBP Net Lending Sec. on Dwellings (JUL) Medium -0.1B
10:30 GBP Mortgage Approvals (JUL) Medium 48.4K
10:30 GBP M4 Money Supply (MoM) (JUL) Low -0.5%
10:30 GBP M4 Money Supply (YoY) (JUL) Low -0.7%
10:30 GBP M4 Ex OFCs 3M Annualised (JUL) Low 0.8%

11:00 EUR Euro-Zone Business Climate Indicator (AUG) Medium 0.3 0.45
11:00 EUR Euro-Zone Consumer Confidence (AUG F) Medium -16.6
11:00 EUR Euro-Zone Economic Confidence (AUG) Low 102 103.2
11:00 EUR Euro-Zone Industrial Confidence (AUG) Low -0.5 1.1
11:00 EUR Euro-Zone Services Confidence (AUG) Low 7.9
11:00 EUR Italian Business Confidence (AUG) Low 98.5

14:30 CAD Current Account (BoP) (Canadian dollar) (2Q) Medium -$13.8B -$8.9B
14:30 CAD Industrial Product Price (MoM) (JUL) Low -0.3%
14:30 CAD Raw Materials Price Index (MoM) (JUL) Low -2.2%

15:00 USD S&P/CS 20 City (MoM) (JUN) Low -0.1%
15:00 USD S&P/Case-Shiller Composite-20 (YoY) (JUN) Low -4.90% -4.5%
15:00 USD S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index (JUN) Low 139.87
15:00 USD S&P/Case-Shiller US Home Price Index (YoY) (2Q) Low -5.1%
15:00 USD S&P/Case-Shiller US Home Price Index (2Q) Low 125.41

16:00 USD Consumer Confidence (AUG) High 52.5 59.5

18:15 USD Fed's Kocherlakota Speaks on Economy in Bismarck, North Dakota Low

20:00 USD Fed Releases Minutes from Aug. 9 FOMC Meeting High

Wed Aug 31

01:01 GBP GfK Consumer Confidence Survey (AUG) Medium -31 -30

01:15 JPY Nomura/JMMA Manufacturing Purchasing Manager Index (AUG) Medium 52.1

01:50 JPY Loans & Discounts Corp (YoY) (JUL) Low -1.8%
01:50 JPY Industrial Production (MoM) (JUL P) Low 1.40% 3.8%
01:50 JPY Industrial Production (YoY) (JUL P) Medium -1.90% -1.7%

02:30 AUD RPData-Rismark House Px Raw (JUL) Low -0.6%
02:30 AUD RPData-Rismark House Px s.a. (JUL) Low -0.2%

03:00 NZD NBNZ Activity Outlook (AUG) Medium 43.7
03:00 NZD NBNZ Business Confidence (AUG) Medium 47.6

03:30 JPY Labor Cash Earnings (YoY) (JUL) Medium -0.8%
03:30 AUD Private Sector Credit (MoM) (JUL) Medium -0.1%
03:30 AUD Private Sector Credit (YoY) (JUL) Medium 2.7%

05:00 NZD Money Supply M3 (YoY) (JUL) Low 7.3%

06:00 JPY Vehicle Production (YoY) (JUL) Low -13.9%

07:00 JPY Construction Orders (YoY) (JUL) Low 6.0%
07:00 JPY Annualized Housing Starts (JUL) Medium 0.829M 0.817M
07:00 JPY Housing Starts (YoY) (JUL) Medium 4.20% 5.8%

09:55 EUR German Unemployment Change (AUG) High -10K -11K
09:55 EUR German Unemployment Rate s.a. (AUG) Medium 7.00% 7.0%

10:00 EUR Unemployment Rate s.a. (JUL P) Medium 8.0%

11:00 EUR Euro-Zone Consumer Price Index Estimate (YoY) (AUG) Medium 2.50% 2.5%
11:00 EUR Euro-Zone Unemployment Rate (JUL) Medium 9.90% 9.9%
11:00 EUR Italian Consumer Price Index (NIC incl. tobacco) (MoM) (AUG P) Low 0.3%
11:00 EUR Italian Consumer Price Index (NIC incl. tobacco) (YoY) (AUG P) Low 2.7%
11:00 EUR Italian Consumer Price Index - EU Harmonized (MoM) (AUG P) Low -1.7%
11:00 EUR Italian Consumer Price Index - EU Harmonized (YoY) (AUG P) Low 2.1%

12:00 EUR Italian Producer Price Index (MoM) (JUL) Low 0.1%
12:00 EUR Italian Producer Price Index (YoY) (JUL) Low 4.7%

13:00 USD MBA Mortgage Applications (AUG 26) Low
13:30 USD Challenger Job Cuts (YoY) (AUG) Low 59.4%

14:15 USD ADP Employment Change (AUG) Medium 103K 114K

14:30 CAD Gross Domestic Product (MoM) (JUN) Medium 0.00% -0.3%
14:30 CAD Gross Domestic Product (YoY) (JUN) Medium 2.2%
14:30 CAD Quarterly Gross Domestic Product Annualized (2Q) High 0.00% 3.9%

15:00 CAD Teranet/National Bank HPI (MoM) (JUN) Low 1.3%
15:00 CAD Teranet/National Bank HPI (YoY) (JUN) Low 4.4%
15:00 CAD Teranet/National Bank HP Index (JUN) Low 142.27

15:45 USD Chicago Purchasing Manager (AUG) Low 53.5 58.8

16:00 USD Factory Orders (JUL) Medium 1.0% -0.8%
16:00 USD NAPM-Milwaukee (AUG) Low 59

16:30 USD DOE U.S. Crude Oil Inventories (AUG 26) Low
16:30 USD DOE Cushing OK Crude Inventory (AUG 26) Low
16:30 USD DOE U.S. Distillate Inventory (AUG 26) Low
16:30 USD DOE U.S. Gasoline Inventories (AUG 26) Low

18:30 USD Fed's Lockhart Speaks on Economy in Lafayette, Louisiana Low

Thu Sep 1

USD ICSC Chain Store Sales (YoY) (AUG) Medium 4.6%
00:45 NZD Terms of Trade Index (QoQ) (2Q) Medium 0.9%

01:30 AUD AiG Performance of Manufacturing Index (AUG) Medium 43.4

01:50 JPY Japan Buying Foreign Bonds (Yen) (AUG 26) Low
01:50 JPY Japan Buying Foreign Stocks (Yen) (AUG 26) Low
01:50 JPY Foreign Buying Japan Bonds (Yen) (AUG 26) Low
01:50 JPY Foreign Buying Japan Stocks (Yen) (AUG 26) Low

03:00 NZD ANZ Commodity Price (AUG) Low -0.1%
03:00 CNY PMI Manufacturing (AUG) High 51 50.7

03:30 AUD Private Capital Expenditure (2Q) Medium 3.4%
03:30 AUD Retail Sales s.a. (MoM) (JUL) Medium -0.1%

04:30 CNY HSBC Manufacturing PMI (AUG) Low 49.3

06:00 JPY Official Reserve Assets (AUG) Low $1150.9B

07:00 JPY Vehicle Sales (YoY) (AUG) Low -27.6%

07:30 EUR French ILO Mainland Unemployment Rate (2Q) Low 9.2%
07:30 EUR French Mainland Unemployment Change (2Q) Low
07:30 EUR French ILO Unemployment Rate (2Q) Low 9.7%

07:45 CHF Gross Domestic Product (QoQ) (2Q) High 0.3%
07:45 CHF Gross Domestic Product (YoY) (2Q) Medium 2.4%

08:00 EUR German Gross Domestic Product n.s.a. (YoY) (2Q F) Medium
08:00 EUR German Domestic Demand (2Q) Low 1.1%

08:00 EUR German Exports (2Q) Low 2.3%

08:00 EUR German Capital Investment (2Q) Low 5.0%
08:00 EUR German Government Spending (2Q) Low 1.3%
08:00 EUR German Construction Investment (2Q) Low 6.2%
08:00 EUR German Imports (2Q) Low 1.5%
08:00 EUR German Private Consumption (2Q) Low 0.4%
08:00 EUR German Gross Domestic Product s.a. (QoQ) (2Q F) High 0.10% 0.1%
08:00 EUR German Gross Domestic Product w.d.a. (YoY) (2Q F) Medium 2.80%

08:30 AUD RBA Commodity Price Index (AUG) Low 108.3
08:30 AUD RBA Commodity Index SDR (YoY) (AUG) Low 27.6%

09:15 CHF Retail Sales (Real) (YoY) (JUL) Medium 7.4%

09:30 CHF SVME-Purchasing Managers Index (AUG) Medium 53.5

09:45 EUR Italian Purchasing Manager Index Manufacturing (AUG) Low 50.1
09:50 EUR French Purchasing Manager Index Manufacturing (AUG F) Low 49.3
09:55 EUR German Purchasing Manager Index Manufacturing (AUG F) Medium 52 52

10:00 EUR Italian Hourly Wages (MoM) (JUL) Low 0.1%
10:00 EUR Italian Hourly Wages (YoY) (JUL) Low 1.8%
10:00 EUR Euro-Zone Purchasing Manager Index Manufacturing (AUG F) Medium 49.7 49.7

10:30 GBP Purchasing Manager Index Manufacturing (AUG) Medium 49.5 49.1

14:00 USD RBC Consumer Outlook Index (SEP) Low 40.2

14:30 USD Non-Farm Productivity (2Q F) Low -0.5% -0.3%
14:30 USD Unit Labor Costs (2Q F) Low 2.3% 2.2%
14:30 USD Initial Jobless Claims (AUG 26) Low
14:30 USD Continuing Claims (AUG 20) Low

15:45 USD Bloomberg Consumer Comfort (AUG 28) Low

16:00 USD Construction Spending (MoM) (JUL) Medium 0.1% 0.2%
16:00 USD ISM Manufacturing (AUG) Medium 48.5 50.9
16:00 USD ISM Prices Paid (AUG) Medium 55 59

16:30 USD EIA Natural Gas Storage Change (AUG 26) Low

18:00 EUR Italian New Car Registrations (YoY) (AUG) Low -10.7%

19:00 EUR Italian Budget Balance (euros) (AUG) Low 4.0B
19:00 EUR Italian Budget Balance (euros) (YTD) (AUG) Low -39.6B

23:00 USD Total Vehicle Sales (AUG) Low 12.0M 12.20M
23:00 USD Domestic Vehicle Sales (AUG) Low 9.4M 9.62M

Fri Sep 2

01:50 JPY Monetary Base (YoY) (AUG) Low 15.0%
01:50 JPY Capital Spending excl Software (2Q) Low 0.90% 4.2%
01:50 JPY Capital Spending (2Q) Low 2.00% 3.3%

03:30 AUD Trade Balance (Australian dollar) (JUL) Medium 2052M

10:30 GBP Purchasing Manager Index Construction (AUG) Low 53.5

11:00 EUR Euro-Zone Producer Price Index (MoM) (JUL) Medium 0.50% 0.0%
11:00 EUR Euro-Zone Producer Price Index (YoY) (JUL) High 6.20% 5.9%

14:30 USD Change in Non-farm Payrolls (AUG) High 90K 117K
14:30 USD Change in Private Payrolls (AUG) Medium 125K 154K
14:30 USD Change in Manufacturing Payrolls (AUG) Low 0K 24K
14:30 USD Unemployment Rate (AUG) High 9.1% 9.1%
14:30 USD Avg Hourly Earning (MoM) (AUG) Medium 0.2% 0.4%
14:30 USD Avg Hourly Earning (YoY) (AUG) Medium 2.3%
14:30 USD Avg Weekly Hours All Employees (AUG) Low 34.3 34.3
14:30 USD Change in Household Survey Employment (AUG) Low -38

Sat Sep 3

03:00 CNY China Non-manufacturing PMI (AUG) Medium 59.6
Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski

Temat: Dane Swiatowe

11 SUN Sep

Sierpniowy historycznie jednym z najsłabszych na rynkach finansowych, z niższych stawek udział w wielu biur maklerskich są zamknięte na tydzień w czasie, w okresie letnim. Jednak kalendarz zwrócił się do września, historycznie straszny miesiąc dla rynków akcji i ryzyka apetytu w ogóle. We wrześniu tego roku zapowiada się, że nie ma innego, z Europejską sytuacji zadłużenia w przepaść z plotek zawirowań greckiego domyślnie tak szybko, jak w ten weekend. Z kilku kluczowych wydarzeń na bloczek na nadchodzącym tygodniu, zmienność jest prawdopodobnie wysoka przez Dollar Euro i USA oparte na parach.

Wielka Brytania Inflacja CPI (r) (AUG ): 13 września - 08:30 GMT

To jasne, że dalszy okres niskich stóp procentowych stosowane przez Bank Anglii na pewno dozwolone presji inflacyjnej poruszać się w na temat brytyjskiej gospodarki po raz kolejny, z indeksem cen konsumpcyjnych prognozowany pokazać presji cenowej na poziomie 4,5 procent w sierpniu. Dzieje się to po stopa inflacji opadła o 4,2 procent a 4,4 procent w czerwcu i lipcu, odpowiednio, po osiągnięciu maksimum na poziomie 4,5 procent w kwietniu i maju, najwyższy taki klip od października 2008. Bank Anglii jest gotowy poświęcić siły nabywczej dla wzrostu gospodarczego, o czym świadczy Komitetu ds. Polityki Pieniężnej decyzji o pozostawieniu podstawowych stóp procentowych na niezmienionym poziomie 0,50 procent na posiedzeniu w ostatnich w czwartek, więc odczyt powyżej prognozowanych 4,5 stopy procent w sierpniu nie będzie niespodzianką.

USA Advance Sprzedaży Detalicznej (AUG): 14 września - 12:30 GMT

Popyt konsumpcyjny jest nadal będzie pozostawać słaby w sierpniu, jako badanie Aktualności Bloomberg wskazuje, że mediana szacunek dla zaawansowanych Sprzedaż detaliczna jest o 0,2 procent tempo wzrostu w ubiegłym miesiącu. Sprzedaż detaliczna wzrosła w lipcu o 0,2 procent , chociaż to było przypuszczenie, że falę ciepła w miesiącu jechał konsumentom znaleźć schronienie w pomieszczeniu w centrach handlowych, zwiększając liczbę. ożywienie popytu konsumentów jest ważnym elementem ożywienia USA, a nie istnieje wzrost na rynku pracy - nonfarm raport Augusta płac pokazały, że bez pracy zostały dodane - ma wywierać rosnący nacisk na dolara jako uczestnicy rynku mają inne bezpieczne schronienie . Popyt konsumpcyjny jest również ważne dla wzrostu gospodarczego w USA, ponieważ obejmuje prawie 70 procent łączna kwota PKB. Powiedział, że jest Advance Retail Sales postać jest najbardziej udostępniania danych import do Stanów Zjednoczonych w tym tygodniu przyjdzie.

Reserve Bank of New Zealan d decyzji Rate (15 września): 14 września - 2 01:00 GMT

Na ostatnim posiedzeniu w dniu 27 lipca Banku Rezerw Nowej Zelandii postanowiła utrzymać stopy procentowe odniesienia 2,50 procent, na perspektywy, że gospodarka stale się poprawia po trzęsieniu ziemi w ciągu ostatnich kilku miesięcy. Decyzję utrzymał stopę procentową na 2,50 procent czwarty miesiąc z rzędu. Powszechnie oczekuje się, że główną stopę będą się utrzymywać na 2,50 procent na następnym posiedzeniu polityki pieniężnej na 14 września z Credit Suisse Zamienia Overnight Index pokazuje jedynie procent szans 11.0 25.0-podstawie podwyżkę stóp punkt. W świetle tak słabe oczekiwania hinging na spowolnienie globalnego wzrostu gospodarczego, liczba punktów bazowych cenie do Kiwi w ciągu najbliższych 12 miesięcy spadła do 40,0 w ostatnich tygodniach.

Dane PKB wydany w dniu 13 lipca przyszła na 1,4 procent, dmuchanie ostatnich prognozę wzrostu 0,5 procent, podczas gdy ostatnie dane inflacyjne pokazały wzrost inflacji do 5,3 proc, uzupełniając oczekiwań na poziomie 5,1 procent w ujęciu rok do roku. Pomimo wzrostu presji inflacyjnej i zwiększenia wzrostu gospodarczego, biorąc pod uwagę szerszy globalnym kontekście, wydaje się mało prawdopodobne, że Bank Rezerw Nowej Zelandii będzie podwyżka stóp w przyszłym tygodniu.

USD Wskaźnik cen konsumpcyjnych (r) ( sierpień ): 15 września - 12:30 GMT

Według ankiety Bloomberga ekonomiści prognoza konsumentów w USA cena tocontinue indeksu oznaki presji, z medianą oszacować wzywające do 0,2 procent zysku w sierpniu, w okresach miesięcznych. Rok do roku wskaźnik ma pokazać, że presja cenowa odbędzie się o 3,6 procent w sierpniu na tym samym poziomie w lipcu. Przed następnym tygodniu wydania, indeksu cen konsumpcyjnych stale wzrosła z 1,6 procent do 3,6 procent w 2011 roku. Indeks cen konsumpcyjnych jest postać nagłówek dla inflacji, co odzwierciedla spadek siły nabywczej dolara. Jednak inflacja może być także oznaką zdrowej gospodarki.

Celem programu ilościowych Rezerwy Federalnej bodziec złagodzenie było osiągnięcie docelowej stopy inflacji o około 2 proc. Jeśli jest to początek tendencji spadkowej inflacji, FED może mieć więcej powodów do podjęcia kolejnej rundy łagodzenia mające zapobiegać wszelkim ryzykiem deflacji w Ponadto, aby zapewnić bodziec ekonomiczny.

USA U. zaufania konsumentów Michigan ( wrzesień P ): 16 września - 13:55 GMT

Konsumentów zaufania w Stanach Zjednoczonych przewiduje się odbicia niewielkie ly we wrześniu jest wstępny odczyt, po rozczarowujących w ciągu ostatnich kilku miesięcy . odczyt Augusta spadła poniżej 6 0.0 poziom, na 55,7, w porównaniu z 63,7 t przed czytania. Postać ma Rema w poniżej powiedział poziomu, z 56,5 prognozy wstępnej , według badań Bloomberg News. Pomimo odbicia nastrojów prognozowanych, to może być krótkotrwałe, jeśli istnieje. Rynku pracy nadal jest słaba, bez pracy dodano w sierpniu, inflacja jest na najwyższym tempie w latach; Wskaźniki wzrostu są oznaki słabości i Europejski kryzys zadłużenia może doprowadzić do zamrożenia płynnością. Wszelkie zbiórek nastrojów mogą być krótkotrwałe, a przerwy pod klucz 50,0 poziomie nie zdziwiłbym się.
Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski

Temat: Dane Swiatowe


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Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski

Temat: Dane Swiatowe


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Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski

Temat: Dane Swiatowe


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Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski

Temat: Dane Swiatowe

European economic calendar - 27th October 2011

08:00GMT European Monetary Union M3 Money Supply (YoY) (Sep) 2.8% vs 2.8%08:00GMT European Monetary Union M3 Money Supply (3m) (Sep) 2.6% vs 2.3%
09:00GMT European Monetary Union Industrial Confidence (Oct) -7.0 vs -5.9
09:00GMT European Monetary Union Economic Confidence (Oct) 93.8 vs 95.0
09:00GMT European Monetary Union Consumer Confidence (Oct)-19.9 vs -20.0

10:00GMT United Kingdom CBI Distributive Trades Survey - Realized (MoM) (Oct) -15% vs -15%

12:30GMT United States Gross Domestic Purchases Price Index (Q3) Preliminar 2.3% vs 2.5%

12:30GMT United State Gross Domestic Product Annualized (Q3) Preliminar 2.5% vs 1.3%

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