Jarosław Pole

Jarosław Pole Sales and Marketing

Temat: WWEA - statystyka światowa na 2010

Worldwide capacity reached 196 630 Megawatt,
out of which 37 642 Megawatt were added in
2010, slightly less than in 2009.
• Wind power showed a growth rate of 23,6 %, the
lowest growth since 2004 and the second lowest
growth of the past decade.
• All wind turbines installed by the end of 2010
worldwide can generate 430 Terawatthours per
annum, more than the total electricity demand of
the United Kingdom, the sixth largest economy
of the world, and equalling 2,5 % of the global
electricity consumption.
• The wind sector in 2010 had a turnover of 40
billion Euro and employed 670’000 persons
• China became number one in total installed capacity and the center of the international
wind industry, and added 18 928 Megawatt within one year, accounting for more than
50 % of the world market for new wind turbines.
• Major decrease in new installations can be observed in North America and the USA lost
its number one position in total capacity to China.
• Many Western European countries are showing stagnation, whereas there is strong
growth in a number of Eastern European countries.
• Germany keeps its number one position in Europe with 27 215 Megawatt, followed by
Spain with 20 676 Megawatt.
• The highest shares of wind power can be found in three European countries: Denmark
(21 %), Portugal (18 %) and Spain 16 %).
• Asia accounted for the largest share of new installations (54,6 %), followed by Europe
(27,0 %) and North America (16,7 %).
• Latin America (1,2 %) and Africa (0,4 %) still played only a marginal role in new