Temat: Doradztwo biznesowe?
Myślę, że najlepiej będzie jeżeli wy sami znajdziecie swój target bo prawdopodobnie dysponujecie największą wiedzą, doświadczeniem i kontaktami w tym biznesie. Dochodzi do tego kwestia strategii bo ona nieodłącznie wiąże się z klientem(targetem) którego będziecie obsługiwać. Jeśli mogę nieco naprowadzić na przebieg tego procesu:
1.Odpowiedzcie dokładnie(w odniesieniu do swojej dotychczasowej działalności) na pytania które zamieściłem na samym dole aby zidentyfikować swój potencjał i szanse w otoczeniu(możecie zrobić to dla różnych potencjalnych odbiorców aby zobaczyć która opcja jest najlepsza). Nie trzeba po kolei, należy uzupełniać odpowiedzi w miarę jak odsłania się obraz.
1b. Zbierzcie absolutnie wszystkie dostępne informacje (zróbcie badanie jeśli to konieczne) o swoim docelowym kliencie i napiszcie o nim wielki esej. Od tej pory koncentrujecie się tylko na tym targecie(choć może być szeroki to musi być dokładnie określony).
2. Gdy uzyskacie klarowny obraz sytuacji, opracujcie i zacznijcie wdrażać strategię,
wg Jakcka Welcha wygląda to tak:
How to do STRATEGY in 3 steps:
1.Come up with a big „AHA!” for your business – a smart, realistic, relatively fast way to gain sustainable competitive advantage.
2.Put the right people on the right jobs to drive the big “aha” forward.
3.Relentlessly seek out the best practices to achieve your big aha(inside and out). Adapt them and continually improve them.
Ze strategią wiąże się od razu wasze pozycjonowanie i USP(Unique selling proposition). Czy jesteście, powiedzmy: Najszybsi w branży, wtedy możecie robić masowo podobne projekty, czy może macie najlepszą obsługę systemów które wdrażacie i pozyskujecie jedynie kilku strategicznych klientów, a może jeszcze inaczej – możliwości jest wiele, ale to wy musicie zdecydować jaką strategię obieracie i w jaki sposób będziecie się przestawiać klientom.
Konsultant zrobi zapewne coś podobnego(choć każdy ma nieco inną metodologię) ale nie będzie w stanie ocenić waszych atutów i odpowiedzieć na te pytania tak dobrze jak ktoś kto od dłuższego czasu związany jest z branżą. Nie neguję tutaj umiejętności konsultantów, ale ciężko byłoby znaleźć takiego który zrobiłby to, na tym etapie, lepiej niż wy, a zapłacić trzeba zawsze.
Jay Abraham- ponoć najdroższy konsultant w USA(Polecam jego książki i programy!), zaleca odpowiedzieć na te pytania:
What primary method of generating customers was used to build my business?
Which of my marketing or sales efforts brought in the bulk of my sales/clients? What percentage of my business comes from this?
How well-connected or how involved am I with my customers at the sales or transaction level (do I still sometimes take orders, or sell, or follow-up)?
What ongoing sales efforts do I personally perform today? How do these functions differ from those I performed when I started my business?
Where do my customers come from specifically (demographics)?
What do I believe my greatest single competitive advantage is?
What aspects of my business, product or service am I most proud of?
If I had magic wand, would I rather attract more new customers or garner more money from my existing customers, and why?
Who else benefits from my success; excluding my customers, my employees and my family members?
How many of my suppliers would be motivated to help me grow my business more because it will directly benefit them at a very high level? Who are they?
When I create a new customer for my business or profession, who else have I indirectly created a new customer for?
Who is my target market and how did I arrive at it?
Describe what my business does completely (what I sell, how I sell it, and who I sell to by industry, commercial category or specific niche).
What is my business philosophy as it relates to my customers?
How have my methods for doing business, or the product or service line(s) I market changed since the inception of my business?
What is my vision for my business for the next: 6 months, 1 year, 3-5 years and 10 years and beyond?
What or where is my biggest opportunity that will help me achieve this vision?
What is my greatest strength, and is it consistent with this opportunity?
What is the “lifetime value” of my typical customer (i.e. how much revenue will he/she generate for me over the entire period he/she does business with my company?
What is my Unique Selling Proposition or USP (why do my customers buy from me – what is it that my product and/or service that distinguishes me from my competition? I may have more than one for different product/service lines or segments of my business?
Who are my biggest competitors and what do they offer that I do not?
What steps do I take to offset their advantage? Are they working? If not, what needs to be changed?
What is my competition’s biggest failing, and how do I specifically fill that void?
Do customers buy from me exclusively or do they also patronize my competitors? What steps can I take to get the main portion of their business?
What’s my market potential (universe) and my current share of that market?
What is the average sales and profits generated from a new customer in the first year, and how is that information useful in my overall marketing strategy?
What is my biggest and best source of new business, and am I doing everything possible to secure this business? If no, why not?
What has been my biggest marketing success to date (defined as a specific promotion, advertising campaign, telemarketing script, etc.) and am I still using it?
What is my biggest marketing problem or challenge today? Describe it in its entirety as candidly and directly as possible, including personal, financial, and transactional implications it may impose.
Do I have a systematic back-end (selling my own or others’ products to existing customers)? Describe how it works:
What problem does my product or service solve for the customer? Describe my customers’ needs and the positive results my product/service provides?
Are there other ways or different products/services I could be selling but am not?
Do I need to make money on first-time buyers, or am I satisfied with only making it on the back-end (reorders)? Explain:
Does 80% of my sales come from 20% of my customers? What are the implications of my particular ratios?