Marcin Nowak

Marcin Nowak Handel B2B


Alibaba Group is a global e-commerce leader and the largest e-commerce company in China. Since it was founded in 1999, the Alibaba Group has grown to include six core member companies:

* - (1688.HK) is the Alibaba Group's flagship company and the leading B2B e-commerce company in China, serving small and medium sized enterprises in China and around the world
* - A leading online shopping marketplace for consumers in China
* - China's leading online payment service
* ! China - A search engine and lifestyle portal, acquired from Yahoo! Inc. in October 2005
* - An Internet-based business management software company targeting SMEs in China
* - An online advertising exchange for web publishers and advertisers to trade online advertising inventory in China

History & Milestones

1999 Alibaba Group officially established, led by Jack Ma and Alibaba's 18 founders working out of a Hangzhou apartment
1999-2000 Alibaba raises US$25 million from Softbank, Goldman Sachs, Fidelity, and other institutions
2003 May: Consumer e-commerce site Taobao is founded, again in Jack Ma's apartment
2004 Online payment system Alipay is launched
2005 October: forms a strategic partnership with Yahoo! Inc. and takes over the operation of Yahoo! China
2007 January: Business software services company Alisoft is launched
November 6: Limited lists on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
November 20: Alibaba Group launches Alimama, an online advertising exchange company (1688.HK) is the leading B2B e-commerce company in China. We provide an efficient, trusted platform connecting small and medium-sized buyers and suppliers from China and around the world. Our international marketplace ( focuses on global importers and exporters and our China marketplace ( focuses on suppliers and buyers trading domestically in China. Together our marketplaces form a community of more than 24 million members from over 200 countries and regions, as of June 30, 2007.

Founded in 1999, is the flagship business of the Alibaba Group and one of the world's premier e-commerce brands. Our operational headquarters is based in Hangzhou in eastern China. We have field sales and marketing offices in more than 30 cities in China, Hong Kong, Switzerland and the United States. The company had more than 4,400 full-time employees as of June 30, 2007.


Taobao operates an online shopping marketplace for consumers in China under the names "Taobao" and "淘宝" ("Taobao" in Chinese). With a registered user base of approximately 39.9 million as of June 30, 2007, Taobao facilitates transactions between individual consumers and a wide range of sellers including individuals and retailers. Sellers may post new and used goods for sale on the Taobao marketplace either through a fixed price or negotiated sale or by auction. Consumers may search, shop and transact with sellers on the Taobao marketplace. Alibaba Group founded Taobao, headquartered in Hangzhou, in 2003.


Alipay is an online payment services provider operating under the names "Alipay" and
"支付宝" ("Alipay" in Chinese). Alipay's service enables individuals and businesses to execute payments online in a safe and secure manner. Alipay's users are primarily buyers and sellers engaging in e-commerce transactions. With a registered user base of approximately 43.5 million as of June 30, 2007, Alipay is an accepted online payment method for many online retail websites and other online goods and service providers in China as well as the designated online payment service provider on our China marketplace and on Taobao. Alipay partners with domestic PRC banks to provide an escrow service for payments, which reduces the settlement risks faced by Alipay's customers in their
e-commerce transactions. Alibaba Group founded Alipay, headquartered in Hangzhou, in 2004.

Yahoo! China

Yahoo! China's website operates Chinese language portal services, such as email and the provision of finance, sports, lifestyle and entertainment information, as well as a web search service that crawls and indexes web pages generally available on the Internet targeted at individual Internet users in China. Yahoo! China's paying customers primarily consist of advertisers that purchase fixed price banner advertisements, text-links or auction-based pay-for-performance marketing services on Yahoo! China's website. In October 2005, Alibaba Group acquired Yahoo! China in a transaction whereby Yahoo! became a substantial shareholder of Alibaba Group. In connection with this transaction, Yahoo! agreed to grant to Alibaba Group the exclusive rights to use in China the "Yahoo!" name and certain technologies owned by Yahoo!, as well as the right to sub-license these rights to other members of Alibaba Group. Yahoo! China is headquartered in Beijing.

Alisoft develops, markets and delivers Internet-based business management software targeting SMEs in China. Alisoft's software provides its customers with various tools, including enterprise management tools, such as email, customer inquiries and information management, and basic financial management tools, such as invoicing and bookkeeping. Alisoft owns the copyright and other proprietary software rights of the "阿里旺旺" ("Aliwangwang" in Chinese) instant messaging communication tool, which is the designated instant messaging communication tool for Taobao and which we offer to our users as TradeManager on our international marketplace and as 贸易通 (TradeManager in Chinese) on our China marketplace. Alibaba Group founded Alisoft, with operations in Hangzhou and Shanghai, in January 2007.

Alimama is China's leading online advertising exchange, which allows web publishers and advertisers to trade online advertising inventory. A wholly owned subsidiary of Alibaba Group, Alimama is designed to serve the more than one million small- and medium- sized websites in China which generate an estimated 80% of China's website traffic. Alimama helps connects these web publishers to advertisers, allowing them to monetize their website traffic while offering advertisers an affordable way to reach highly targeted audience groups.

Executive Team

Jack Ma
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Alibaba Group
Chairman and Non-Executive Director,
Li Qi
Chief Operating Officer
Joseph C Tsai
Chief Financial Officer, Alibaba Group
Non-executive Director,
John Wu
Chief Technology Officer
Toto Sun
Executive Vice President of Alibaba Group, President of Taobao
Ming Zeng
Executive Vice President of Alibaba Group, President of Yahoo! China

Alibaba Culture & Values

Since Alibaba's inception, a strong company culture based on Alibaba's shared value system has served as the cornerstone of the Alibaba Group and its subsidiaries. Our business success and rapid growth has been built on the spirit of entrepreneurship, innovation, and an unwavering focus on meeting the needs of our customers.

The Alibaba Group has six core values which govern everything we do and are an important part of the company's DNA. Our six core values are codified in our company's management systems for hiring, training, and performance evaluation.

When new employees join Alibaba they attend an extensive orientation and team-building program at the company's headquarters in Hangzhou, with a strong focus on the company's vision, mission, and values. These are reinforced in our regular training programs, team building exercises and company events.

Alibaba Group has grown from 18 founders in Hangzhou, China to thousands of employees around the world. We strive to provide a community where employees can work closely together in a positive, flexible and results-oriented environment. Strong shared values have enabled us to maintain a common company culture and Ali-community, no matter how large we grow.

To make it easy to do business anywhere.

Alibaba's Shared Values
Customer First The interests of our community of users and paying members must be our first priority.
Team work We expect our employees to collaborate as a team. We encourage input from our employees in the decision-making process, and expect every employee to commit to the team's objectives.
Embrace Change We operate in a fast-evolving industry. We ask our employees to maintain flexibility, continue to innovate and adapt to new business conditions and practice.
Integrity Integrity is at the heart of our business as trust is an essential element of a marketplace. We expect our employees to uphold the highest standards of integrity and to deliver on their commitments.
Passion Our employees are encouraged to act with passion whether it is serving customers or developing new services and products.
Commitment Our employees have a dedicated focus and commitment to understanding and delivering on the needs of Chinese and global SMEs.

Alibaba in the Global Community

Supporting Entrepreneurs and Creating Economic Opportunities Worldwide
Since it was founded in 1999, Alibaba's core mission has been to make doing business easy for the world's businesspeople. With millions of registered users from more than 200 countries and regions, the Alibaba Group's e-commerce properties are creating grassroots economic opportunities for entrepreneurs. By giving small- and medium-sized businesses cost effective platforms to market their products and services, the Alibaba Group is playing a leading role in creating jobs and connecting people in China and around the world.

Corporate Social Responsibility Activities
The Alibaba Group believes that setting an example as a responsible corporate citizen first starts at home. By building a strong company culture based on Alibaba's shared values, the Group strives to ensure that its employees and subsidiaries are aligned in positively impacting its customers, fellow employees and local communities.

In addition to our own internal processes, the Alibaba Group accepts its unique responsibility to share ideas with and positively impact the millions of registered members in its global business community. Highlights include:

Training Programs for Entrepreneurs
Over the years, the Alibaba Group has delivered management training programs for businesspeople in China and around the world, sharing our experience in e-commerce, global trade, value-based management and corporate social responsibility.

University Partnerships
Through the Alibaba Institute, the Alibaba Group has partnered with more than 70 leading universities in China to provide e-commerce training programs for professors and students. Each year, Alibaba invites more than 100 university professors to its Hangzhou headquarters to study a core e-commerce curriculum. After successful completion of the program, the professors return to their universities to offer e-commerce certification programs for their students. Through the program, China's future business leaders develop practical e-commerce skills, increasing their value to future employers and their communities.

AliFest - Alibaba's Annual Summit for Entrepreneurs
Each year, organizes AliFest in Hangzhou, China. As many as 10,000 businesspeople attend the event to engage in dialogue and learn from the experiences of other entrepreneurs who use the Internet for business and trade. The event culminates in an award ceremony, in which the "Top 10 eBusinessmen" are recognized for their contributions to e-commerce and the community.

West Lake Summit
First organized by in 2000, the West Lake Summit brings together businesspeople, government officials and industry leaders to discuss ways that all stakeholders can work together to advance the Internet industry and e-commerce. The most recent West Lake Summit included speakers from leading global Internet companies and featured former US President Bill Clinton as the keynote speaker.

Community Volunteerism
The Alibaba Group encourages employees in its Group companies to become active in community service programs. The Group regularly facilitates opportunities for its employees to get involved in community activities and philanthropic programs.

Alibaba Group
Hong Kong Office:
25F, Jubilee Centre
18 Fenwick Street
Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2215-5100
Fax: (852) 2215-5200

Hangzhou Office:
Corporate Headquarters
6/F Chuangye Mansion
East Software Park
No.99 Huaxing Road
Hangzhou 310099
Tel: (86) 571-8502-2088
Fax: (86) 571-8815-7866
See Map

USA Office:
3979 Freedom Cir., Suite 328
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Tel: (1) 408-748-1200
Fax: (1) 408-748-1218

Europe Office:
2, rue Thalberg
1201 Geneva
Tel: +41 22 737 89 89
Fax: +41 22 737 89 88

Yahoo! China

9/F, Tower A, Winterless Center
No.1 West Da Wang Lu
Chaoyang District
Beijing 100026, China

Tel: +86-10-6598-6666
Fax: +86-10-6598-6660

9/F , Hua Xing Science and Technology Tower
No 477 Wen san Rd
Hangzhou 310099, China

Tel: 0571-88157858
Fax: 0571-88157888

6/F, Chuangye Mansion
East Software Park, 99 Huaxing Road
Hangzhou 310012, China

Tel: +86-571-8502-2088
Fax: +86-571-8815-7866

22/F, Hua Xing Times Plaza
No 478 Wen san Rd
Hangzhou 310099, China

Tel: 0571-8815 6688
Fax: 0571-8815 7868