Jacek Turczynowicz

Jacek Turczynowicz trener żeglarstwa,
event & marketing

Temat: Sailing lessons/coaching in English

This topic is designated to all English speaking people (but not only) who become fond of this sport and want to improve their nautical skills.

I'm organizing weekend courses in the Mazury and Zalewe Zegrzynski Lake (level beginners, intermediate, advance, racing)

Racing weekends with the sleepovers

Adventure regattas (from one place to another - minimum 2 days)

Sailing lessons by the Zegrzynski lake (1 on 1 or groups up to 3 people)

I can train you to become a competent crew member

Interested? - drop me a line. We are starting from late March early April

Jacek Turczynowicz edytował(a) ten post dnia 06.02.12 o godzinie 23:19
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Sailing lessons/coaching in English

Racing is the new upper-advanced? Like extra-proficient? I feel my feet trembling... ;p

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Temat: Sailing lessons/coaching in English

Jacek Turczynowicz:
This topic is designated to all English speaking people (but not only) who become fond of this sport and want to improve their nautical skills.
I can train you to become a competent crew member
Jacek, that's enterprising and I hope you do well. But who do you think you're talking to?

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Temat: Sailing lessons/coaching in English

Joj Y.:
I can train you to become a competent crew member
Jacek, that's enterprising and I hope you do well. But who do you think you're talking to?

Clearly he's talking to the crewmember #5! (Galaxy Quest reference).
Jacek Turczynowicz

Jacek Turczynowicz trener żeglarstwa,
event & marketing

Temat: Sailing lessons/coaching in English

Bernd Schreckenberg:
Racing is the new upper-advanced? Like extra-proficient? I feel my feet trembling... ;p

Hi Bernd.

Yes, racing is definitely the upper advanced sailing, and we can talk racing when you enter any type of competition really.

There are tactics, strategy, boat speed, crew cooperation, unique settings, understanding of the surrounding environment, great time management and obviously rules :))

If you are keen to learn racing I'm organizing sailing clinic in Majorca on 17.03.12 -24.03.12.
We will be sailing on lasers and Hobie Cat 16.

Beginning of April there is another sailing clinic in Mazury.

There will be plenty of opportunities to sail and race this year as I have access to few nice boats.

I'm working on my blog right now so if you want I'll keep you updated.

Take care.
Jacek Turczynowicz

Jacek Turczynowicz trener żeglarstwa,
event & marketing

Temat: Sailing lessons/coaching in English

Joj Y.:
Jacek Turczynowicz:
This topic is designated to all English speaking people (but not only) who become fond of this sport and want to improve their nautical skills.
I can train you to become a competent crew member
Jacek, that's enterprising and I hope you do well. But who do you think you're talking to?

Cheers for that.

I'm talking to anyone who wants to go out sailing and instead of seating on the boat become more active.

When I'm talking about competent crew member I mean person being able to hoist, set and control all sails and give sufficient feedback to the skipper whilst racing.

If you want to participate in the ocean race I can provide you with the necessary knowledge of tides, weather and navigation.

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Temat: Sailing lessons/coaching in English

Can you provide a tranquilizing gun so I could self-inflict an elephant dose of dramamine for sea-sickness? :)

You haven't contributed here before but you wanted to offer trading. That's why you got the traditional "gauntlet" treatment. But you responded, and that's good form, as opposed to some others.

I'll bet it's good to do business with you.
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Sailing lessons/coaching in English

Certainly sounds like someone who knows his stuff, is into it and has a serious business idea. Chapeau for that! :)
Jacek Turczynowicz

Jacek Turczynowicz trener żeglarstwa,
event & marketing

Temat: Sailing lessons/coaching in English

Joj Y.:
Can you provide a tranquilizing gun so I could self-inflict an elephant dose of dramamine for sea-sickness? :)

You haven't contributed here before but you wanted to offer trading. That's why you got the traditional "gauntlet" treatment. But you responded, and that's good form, as opposed to some others.

I'll bet it's good to do business with you.

Thank you gents for your kind comments :)

Well Joy, greeting maybe wasn't too warm, but considering a mess on many blogs, I really do understand your position:)

Going back to your question... :) The best remedies for a sea sickness is getting used to it and keeping your self busy - these are facts :)

Remember that sailing on the lakes can be as fun and fast (or even more) than sailing on the open waters and because of low number of mentioned accidents, it is thoroughly different experience ;)

If you are interested, I'll keep you informed on my plans ;)

BTW - what are usually sailing on ? or have sailed?

Kind regards


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Temat: Sailing lessons/coaching in English

I think I'd prefer to sail on lakes, but on our inland lakes people have their minds on internal combustion motors only, or so it seems. There are lots of sailors on all of The Great Lakes. I'd love to try it. Friends from Poland bought a 25' long sailboat (don't know the class), but I never went with them except to drive them to their rented dock. Once I was asked to ride with a race team from Port Huron to Mackinaw. We have it every year and I've "dreamt" about it. All amateurs.

I admire sailing expertise but I have none of my own whatsoever (I do have some expertise in navigation, but without directional control it's useless hehe). I've traveled aboard transport ships only, never got sick on those but once I took one of those tourist rides in the Baltic near shore at Wladyslowowo in some chop and swells and aaaallllmooost. I understand you about getting used to it.
Jacek Turczynowicz

Jacek Turczynowicz trener żeglarstwa,
event & marketing

Temat: Sailing lessons/coaching in English

Hi Joy, sorry I didn't reply earlier. I was obliged to spend few days in the local hospital due to the leg fracture :/

Do you live in Poland right now? if so, where about?

Remember there is never to late to start sailing.

I have seen pictures of Huron to Mackinaw race on Google. I could see plenty of really fast boats there. I guess if you have a chance this year you should definitely try it :))

take care

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Temat: Sailing lessons/coaching in English

Jacek Turczynowicz:
Hi Joy, sorry I didn't reply earlier. I was obliged to spend few days in the local hospital due to the leg fracture :/
Ouch! I'm sorry that happened. I suppose you have some new hardware, np., nails, screws. Did your ski binding fail? Nevermind. Doesn't matter. Do what you're supposed to do - try to NOT stay recumbent for very long periods of time. You'll be just in time for good weather.
Do you live in Poland right now? if so, where about?
I live in Michigan, J. I've been back and forth to and from there several times for friends, and I plan to come back ASAP, but to visit. I usually spend a month.
Remember there is never to late to start sailing.
True. Good point :)
I have seen pictures of Huron to Mackinaw race on Google. I could see plenty of really fast boats there. I guess if you have a chance this year you should definitely try it :))
I might need to have a personal floatation device specially made for me by a tent manufacturer if I get any more "out-of-shape, but I might try it one of these days. A lot of those people are complete novices like I am, who go along for fun with experienced people like you.

take care
I hope you have a full and satisfying sailing season (say that ten times fast), both in business and personally.
Jacek Turczynowicz

Jacek Turczynowicz trener żeglarstwa,
event & marketing

Temat: Sailing lessons/coaching in English

Nah, nothing serious really and thankfully because I was meant to be operated :) no screws no nails :))

I was skating on frozen lake, things happens :P.

Haha, that was funny what you said about PFD and the tent manufacturer :))

I would definitely encourage you to do it, once you jump on the boat you will love, it it's guaranteed.

Thank you for backing me up with my vivid ideas. I have repeated it 10 times, hopefully that should be enough :))

Take care and please let me know when you'll be doing it :)

Thank you once again.

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GoldenLine in english?

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