Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five for Friday (27.02.2009)

From the delicately perverted mind of Adam Lipiński!


A grunt is not an answer.

A picture is not an answer.

A youtube link is not a bloody answer either.

Please write something.

I've done my utmost to avoid plagiarism, but nobody's puffect.


You might be Polish if... you live on credit and play Lotto, hoping to win one day.

Many of the questions so far have concerned the ways you would spend your prize cash.

We all know it's not going to happen.

My question is: without giving up your dreams, how are you going to attain them? Or at least, try to achieve them partly? What's your long-term strategy? How about the timeline and feasibility?

I do not condone selling your ass or poisoning your parents, but..


Your local authorities want to brighten things up a little bit, so they've commissioned you to paint a huge mural (or graffiti) on the wall of a ten-storey block in the city centre.

What are you going to paint?

Why this particular picture?

What does it express and how does it relate to the city?


You get up one morning and find Joj in your wardrobe. Any immediate action steps?


We all have our favourite books or films (e.g. Rocco Invades Poland, Winnie the Pooh et caetera).

Sometimes a book/film can be our favourite, but we are quite unhappy with the ending. Sometimes we're even ashamed of it.

Is there a book/film you adore but would like to change its finale?

Outline the current ending and your alternative one.


Our community has been neglecting its religious duties.

Write a short prayer to the Almighty Aardvark.
Agnieszka Piasecka

Agnieszka Piasecka Ukraina, jeśli

Temat: Five for Friday (27.02.2009)

So far I'm confused... answers later :)

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Temat: Five for Friday (27.02.2009)

Steve Jones:
My question is: without giving up your dreams, how are you going to attain them? Or at least, try to achieve them partly? What's your long-term strategy? How about the timeline and feasibility?

Keep working my ass off, but trying to find the balance between work and pleasure. I always set clear objectives and do my best to keep to them. I know no other way to achieve more but work hard, so sorry for the boring answer.

Your local authorities want to brighten things up a little bit, so they've commissioned you to paint a huge mural (or graffiti) on the wall of a ten-storey block in the city centre.

What are you going to paint?

Why this particular picture?

What does it express and how does it relate to the city?

Things like that are a disgrace to the city. I'd leave it blank.


You get up one morning and find Joj in your wardrobe. Any immediate action steps?

"Where's my licorice, dude?"
Is there a book/film you adore but would like to change its finale?

Outline the current ending and your alternative one.

Lots of Stephen King's horrors require a less dramatic ending, with less suspension. I hate the way he wraps them up (or rather doesn't).


Our community has been neglecting its religious duties.

Write a short prayer to the Almighty Aardvark.

Agnieszka Piasecka

Agnieszka Piasecka Ukraina, jeśli

Temat: Five for Friday (27.02.2009)

eee...may I choose a question to answer? Answering them all would take my bloody day away from me :)

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday (27.02.2009)

Agnieszka, just to remind you: we answer the FFF first, and then allow ourselves to go OT. So, will you answer the effing questions or not?

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday (27.02.2009)

Agnieszka Piasecka:
eee...may I choose a question to answer? Answering them all would take my bloody day away from me :)

From your profile: "Żyję z pióra, zarabiam dlatego, że potrafię coś napisać na tematy społeczne i gospodarcze."

So answer it all or bugger off ;)
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Five for Friday (27.02.2009)

she works for the radio, maybe you should record the questions for her :))
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Five for Friday (27.02.2009)

Steve Jones:
From the delicately perverted mind of Adam Lipiński!


A grunt is not an answer.

A picture is not an answer.

A youtube link is not a bloody answer either.

Please write something.

I've done my utmost to avoid plagiarism, but nobody's puffect.


You might be Polish if... you live on credit and play Lotto, hoping to win one day.

Many of the questions so far have concerned the ways you would spend your prize cash.

We all know it's not going to happen.

My question is: without giving up your dreams, how are you going to attain them? Or at least, try to achieve them partly? What's your long-term strategy? How about the timeline and feasibility?

I do not condone selling your ass or poisoning your parents, but..

As a German i dream of hard work, robust women and travelling east. Wishes, which are all fulfilled alright :)
More seriously: I always did waht I wanted and I'm sticking to that, if I achieve my dreams through that or not.

Your local authorities want to brighten things up a little bit, so they've commissioned you to paint a huge mural (or graffiti) on the wall of a ten-storey block in the city centre.

What are you going to paint?

Why this particular picture?

What does it express and how does it relate to the city?

Merkel naked or at least my main man da Jesus!

You get up one morning and find Joj in your wardrobe. Any immediate action steps?

Only if he's as naked as I am :)

We all have our favourite books or films (e.g. Rocco Invades Poland, Winnie the Pooh et caetera).

Sometimes a book/film can be our favourite, but we are quite unhappy with the ending. Sometimes we're even ashamed of it.

Is there a book/film you adore but would like to change its finale?

Outline the current ending and your alternative one.

Rocco invades Poland is one of my favs, every single ending!!! Wouldn't wanna change a drip!
Apart from that I wouldn't want to change anything since I'm not the creator; every intention has it's purpose.

Our community has been neglecting its religious duties.

Write a short prayer to the Almighty Aardvark.

Dear Aardy, hail thee and such, come and go and, btw, gimme some of that nuclear holocaust stocked up in your trunk, it's 'bout time. Thanki :)

Aardvark: No biggie.


Temat: Five for Friday (27.02.2009)


You might be Polish if... you live on credit and play Lotto, hoping to win one day.

Many of the questions so far have concerned the ways you would spend your prize cash.

We all know it's not going to happen.

My question is: without giving up your dreams, how are you going to attain them? Or at least, try to achieve them partly? What's your long-term strategy? How about the timeline and feasibility?

I do not condone selling your ass or poisoning your parents, but..

Seriously - I'm not going to achieve them even partly.. or.. I should say.. I shouldn't hope so as I have one of the cheapest jobs in Poland (teaching) BUT ... have just come up with an idea of getting to meet Bill Gates and recommend my husband to him as a brilliant information technologist who could take the company over... sounds real, doesn't it?


Your local authorities want to brighten things up a little bit, so they've commissioned you to paint a huge mural (or graffiti) on the wall of a ten-storey block in the city centre.

What are you going to paint?

Why this particular picture?

What does it express and how does it relate to the city?

I'd write: 'To have the Granaries is not just a fact to boast about.'


You get up one morning and find Joj in your wardrobe. Any immediate action steps?

I'd take advantage of him at once! How? Well... :)

We all have our favourite books or films (e.g. Rocco Invades Poland, Winnie the Pooh et caetera).

Sometimes a book/film can be our favourite, but we are quite unhappy with the ending. Sometimes we're even ashamed of it.

Is there a book/film you adore but would like to change its finale?

Outline the current ending and your alternative one.
Hmmm.. After thinking for a while.. NO... I wouldn't change anything in my favorite movies as they've become my favorite because they seem perfect to me.


Our community has been neglecting its religious duties.

Write a short prayer to the Almighty Aardvark.

Anna Żylińska

Anna Żylińska mFaktoring, Senior

Temat: Five for Friday (27.02.2009)

Steve Jones:
From the delicately perverted mind of Adam Lipiński!
Nice job, Adam:)

A grunt is not an answer.

A picture is not an answer.

A youtube link is not a bloody answer either.

Please write something.

I've done my utmost to avoid plagiarism, but nobody's puffect.


You might be Polish if... you live on credit and play Lotto, hoping to win one day.

Many of the questions so far have concerned the ways you would spend your prize cash.

We all know it's not going to happen.

My question is: without giving up your dreams, how are you going to attain them? Or at least, try to achieve them partly? What's your long-term strategy? How about the timeline and feasibility?

I do not condone selling your ass or poisoning your parents, but..
I take chances. long-term strategy: always have a project that requires your own creativity.

Your local authorities want to brighten things up a little bit, so they've commissioned you to paint a huge mural (or graffiti) on the wall of a ten-storey block in the city centre.

What are you going to paint?

Why this particular picture?

What does it express and how does it relate to the city?
I would write hundreds of lines with π numbers.
Or just sky as "sky is the limit":)

You get up one morning and find Joj in your wardrobe. Any immediate action steps?
Immediate actions in the morning? No way. I'm sorry, such words as immediate and morning are not compatible for me :)

We all have our favourite books or films (e.g. Rocco Invades Poland, Winnie the Pooh et caetera).

Sometimes a book/film can be our favourite, but we are quite unhappy with the ending. Sometimes we're even ashamed of it.

Is there a book/film you adore but would like to change its finale?

Outline the current ending and your alternative one.
The only one I can think of right now ( it's quite too late) is "Devil's Advocate". I would end it on Reeves's brain splashing around.
In fact I'm totally bored with happy endings, so I would propably change many movies

Our community has been neglecting its religious duties.

Write a short prayer to the Almighty Aardvark.

Dear Aardvark, please do exist - at least for those who believe in you. Amen?
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: Five for Friday (27.02.2009)

Steve Jones:
From the delicately perverted mind of Adam Lipiński!
Holy crap man :D Thanks a bunch!
You know how to take it looooooooooong. ;P

You might be Polish if... you live on credit and play Lotto, hoping to win one day.

Many of the questions so far have concerned the ways you would spend your prize cash.

We all know it's not going to happen.

My question is: without giving up your dreams, how are you going to attain them? Or at least, try to achieve them partly? What's your long-term strategy? How about the timeline and feasibility?
I'm 24. I have my own place to live which I am proud of and happy about. It's small but it's mine. Dreams? I have so much that probably few lives started over with full consciousness would not be enough to achieve tham. Strategy - I keep myself to jobs that I like to do for as long as I like to do them, since I can't stop working due to obvious bank loan for a living place. I just want to settle it so I get the money to live and keep myself at my hobby which is music - either creating it (sampling etc) or listening to it. Maybe some day I will make a record that will let me live easily for the rest of my days. Timeline? Hah I wanna do it before 30. Will I manage? Let me see ;)


Your local authorities want to brighten things up a little bit, so they've commissioned you to paint a huge mural (or graffiti) on the wall of a ten-storey block in the city centre.
What are you going to paint?
Naked mermaid or woman and my name/nickname somewhere around
Why this particular picture?

Cause female body is art and nudity is such a taboo in this strange land of Po. And my name is there cause it's my graffiti :P
What does it express and how does it relate to the city?
People need to be more open-minded regarding their bodies.
Mermaid - Syrenka - Warsaw.. obvious :)

You get up one morning and find Joj in your wardrobe. Any immediate action steps?

I search for the bottle I downed yesterday ... and try to count how much it was :D

We all have our favourite books or films (e.g. Rocco Invades Poland, Winnie the Pooh et caetera).

Sometimes a book/film can be our favourite, but we are quite unhappy with the ending. Sometimes we're even ashamed of it.

Is there a book/film you adore but would like to change its finale?

I hate happy ends basically so I could change and change.
So hereby - I place my answer for further edition, when I think it over :)
Outline the current ending and your alternative one.
As before. TO BE EDITED

Our community has been neglecting its religious duties.

Write a short prayer to the Almighty Aardvark.

Oh Mighty Aardvark - grant me with money so I have more free time to live the life. Grant me with health so I can drink all there is to drink and grant that country with a massive economical growth so I can see less sad people roaming the streets.

Is that a prayer anyway? =D
Agnieszka Piasecka

Agnieszka Piasecka Ukraina, jeśli

Temat: Five for Friday (27.02.2009)

Steve Jones:
From the delicately perverted mind of Adam Lipiński!


A grunt is not an answer.

A picture is not an answer.

A youtube link is not a bloody answer either.

Please write something.

I've done my utmost to avoid plagiarism, but nobody's puffect.


You might be Polish if... you live on credit and play Lotto, hoping to win one day.

Many of the questions so far have concerned the ways you would spend your prize cash.

We all know it's not going to happen.

My question is: without giving up your dreams, how are you going to attain them? Or at least, try to achieve them partly? What's your long-term strategy? How about the timeline and feasibility?

I do not condone selling your ass or poisoning your parents, but..
My dreams...remain myself and make everyone happy around. Impossible.

Besides that I do have plans not dreams. My plan is to make my name at last, get a big story and start to earn real money in this business.


Your local authorities want to brighten things up a little bit, so they've commissioned you to paint a huge mural (or graffiti) on the wall of a ten-storey block in the city centre.

What are you going to paint?
Me. If I can.

Why this particular picture?
Why not?

What does it express and how does it relate to the city?
Everything and nothing. It doesn't...


You get up one morning and find Joj in your wardrobe. Any immediate action steps?
Let my dog in as well.


We all have our favourite books or films (e.g. Rocco Invades Poland, Winnie the Pooh et caetera).

Sometimes a book/film can be our favourite, but we are quite unhappy with the ending. Sometimes we're even ashamed of it.

Is there a book/film you adore but would like to change its finale?
So far... "Leon the Professional"...
Today maybe "Closer" I am now watching it... Don't know how it ends yet.
Outline the current ending and your alternative one.

Leon survives, Mathilda growes up and such impossible couple lives happily ever after...


Our community has been neglecting its religious duties.

Write a short prayer to the Almighty Aardvark.

Almighty. Make things better or leave me alone.

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday (27.02.2009)

Steve Jones:
From the delicately perverted mind of Adam Lipiński!
Thanks, Adam! :)
My question is: without giving up your dreams, how are you going to attain them? Or at least, try to achieve them partly? What's your long-term strategy?
I'm living my life and doing my duties. I can't quite relate to dreams about qualities or conditions I don't already have. I think I do for my loved ones, but I'm quite grateful as it is.
What are you going to paint?
It's a light and shape study that depicts sound . Like water. Maybe a scene from Nóż w Wodzie. I dunno why. I just liked the sounds. It's in gray scales in watercolor of all things. When real water rains, it's washed off, man.
Why this particular picture?
It's raining here tonight.
What does it express and how does it relate to the city?
Spring time. :)


You find Joj in your wardrobe.
hehe :)
Step into the wardrobe and trip, hit my head. You can't drown in a szafa like falling into your own reflection in a pond, but I would trip, fall, hit my head. :)
Is there a book/film you adore but would like to change its finale?
I'm mostly reading non-fiction, but "No Country for Old Men" comes to mind - I don't want be explicit in case one of the two people in theworld who haven't seen or read that are here in Anglo-O. I guess that ending was coherent, though. Ooo. I can't choose. I have to revisit this later. I can't free my mind. Good going-to-sleep-tonight question.
Write a short prayer to the Almighty Aardvark.
I usually write those on June, 5th Varkmas Eve. Rest of the year I verbalize them in tongue.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 27.02.09 o godzinie 06:31
Tatiana Z.

Tatiana Z. CAO @ Kontomatik

Temat: Five for Friday (27.02.2009)

Steve Jones:
From the delicately perverted mind of Adam Lipiński!

Thanks be to you, Adam!
My question is: without giving up your dreams, how are you going to attain them? Or at least, try to achieve them partly? What's your long-term strategy? How about the timeline and feasibility?

I would continue what I do, working from Mon to Fri, with 8hrs working time which is almost never kept. God bless overtime!
I will continue my studies and see what I can do after finishing them. I'm not in a hurry, lots of time to think and make my little dreams come true. One by one.

Your local authorities want to brighten things up a little bit, so they've commissioned you to paint a huge mural (or graffiti) on the wall of a ten-storey block in the city centre.

They've chosen a wrong person.

What are you going to paint?

It would be probably a huge writing, saying: "You are an inhabitant of Trzebinia. Live with it or move!"

Why this particular picture?

Because people here are annoying. At least the vast majority of them.

What does it express and how does it relate to the city?

It expresses my anger, how I hate people who always complain about the city they live in, this is bad, that is ugly, they should do sth with that, etc. Refinery of Trzebinia will never be an honest institution! Geez, is it so hard to grasp the facts?

You get up one morning and find Joj in your wardrobe. Any immediate action steps?

I would simply and politely ask: 'WTF are you doing here'?

Yeah, I would like Janko Muzykant eventually get his violin he was dreaming of, set up his own orchestra and live happily ever after instead of having "birches rustling" over his dead body.

Our community has been neglecting its religious duties.
Write a short prayer to the Almighty Aardvark.

Almighty Aardvark, please forgive them because they're not aware of what they are doing. Aaaamen!Tatiana Z. edytował(a) ten post dnia 27.02.09 o godzinie 07:51

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday (27.02.2009)

Steve Jones:
From the delicately perverted mind of Adam Lipiński!

I bow.
My question is: without giving up your dreams, how are you going to attain them? Or at least, try to achieve them partly? What's your long-term strategy? How about the timeline and feasibility?

I don't have a long-term strategy for anything. I live for the day and do my thing. I relate to Joj's answer in this case.


What are you going to paint?

The things behind it.

Why this particular picture?

To make the building disappear.

What does it express and how does it relate to the city?

I just dig the Japanese metamaterial thing.


You get up one morning and find Joj in your wardrobe.

Any immediate action steps?

One step back.


Is there a book/film you adore but would like to change its finale?

Outline the current ending and your alternative one.

I'm waiting for the last episode of the Bold and the Beautiful.


Our community has been neglecting its religious duties.

Write a short prayer to the Almighty Aardvark.

Oh ye Aardvark the almighty,
may my sleep be tighty,
may my face remain unwrinkled,
may my mind not ever kinkle.
May the glory be with thee,
Hail oh hail, yours truly - Natalee.Natalia Bartkowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 27.02.09 o godzinie 13:32

Temat: Five for Friday (27.02.2009)

Steve Jones:
From the delicately perverted mind of Adam Lipiński!
hahaha, not so delicately perverted!
but thanks!
My question is: without giving up your dreams, how are you going to attain them?
What dreams?
What are you going to paint?
I've already mentioned that I'd blow up some parts of the asbestos communist architecture, and no painting can help.
Plus town planning is a serious field of study, one cannot add one thing without taking the surroundings into consideration, so I'd leave it to professionals.
You get up one morning and find Joj in your wardrobe. Any immediate action steps?
I call the police if he's dead, and if not... :))))))))))))))

Sometimes a book/film can be our favourite, but we are quite unhappy with the ending. Sometimes we're even ashamed of it.
Actually I treat literary works or films as a whole and accept the ending. But some happy endings in films are so lame that I'd change them into more tragic ones.
One of better endings is the one in 'Lost in Translation'
Is there a book/film you adore but would like to change its finale?
I was a little disappointed with the ending of the "Revolutionary Road" and I'd change it but since it's a new film I'm not going to tell how it ends...
Our community has been neglecting its religious duties.
Write a short prayer to the Almighty Aardvark.
You know nothing about my religious duties;)

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday (27.02.2009)

You might be Polish if... you live on credit and play Lotto, hoping to win one day.
Many of the questions so far have concerned the ways you would
spend your prize cash.
We all know it's not going to happen.
My question is: without giving up your dreams, how are you going
to attain them? Or at least, try to achieve them partly? What's
your long-term strategy? How about the timeline and feasibility?
I do not condone selling your ass or poisoning your parents, but..
Money, money money... having lots of them isn't truly a huge privilege for me. The truth is that they won't give me real happiness, true friends and the other half who takes care of me when I will be old, sick and not so able to move, or who simply tolerates my habits and stays by me until the very end. On the other hand I consider that the money're crucial in order to survive and live and what is going together with that is the work and the feeling of being needed or useful. Concluding, the state of teemingness is not the very target of my desire.
"Appetite comes with eating; the more you have, the more you want"


Your local authorities want to brighten things up a little bit, so they've commissioned you to paint a huge mural (or graffiti) on > the wall of a ten-storey block in the city centre.
What are you going to paint?
Why this particular picture?
What does it express and how does it relate to the city?
I always wanted to paint Stasia Gąskę.
Why? As he is pretty much thoughtful-provoking.


You get up one morning and find Joj in your wardrobe. Any immediate action steps?
I would say:
- How do you do?
- Have you seen my favorite blue tie?

We all have our favourite books or films (e.g. Rocco Invades Poland, Winnie the Pooh et caetera).

Sometimes a book/film can be our favourite, but we are quite unhappy with the ending. Sometimes we're even ashamed of it.

Is there a book/film you adore but would like to change its finale?

Outline the current ending and your alternative one.
"Titanic" you know how it ends. If I would be a film director I could cast Bruce Willis instead of Leo, and I am sure that he could rescue everybody :-)


Our community has been neglecting its religious duties.

Write a short prayer to the Almighty Aardvark.

Here I am oh almighty anteater!
I thank you and prise you
for all your wonderfull blessings!

I will delight in everything
you have given me,

I put my trust in you,

You are always at my side,
and today I will have everything I need.

Forgive me for the times
I had disappointed you.

Guide me and teach me
Fill with your power
So that in everything I do
I will be a delight to you!Łukasz Klejment edytował(a) ten post dnia 27.02.09 o godzinie 11:27
Kasia M.

Kasia M. "Świat jest taki,
jaki myślisz, że

Temat: Five for Friday (27.02.2009)

Steve Jones:
From the delicately perverted mind of Adam Lipiński!
thanks Adam :-)

1. My question is: without giving up your dreams, how are you going to attain them? Or at least, try to achieve them partly? What's your long-term strategy? How about the timeline and feasibility?
I dream about something and believe that this is good for me and doesn’t harm anybody, keep going and eventually my dream comes true. If not that means it wasn’t good for me.
2.Your local authorities want to brighten things up a little bit, so they've commissioned you to paint a huge mural (or graffiti) on the wall of a ten-storey block in the city centre.

What are you going to paint?
A huge tree with plenty of leaves.

Why this particular picture?
It was my first impression.

What does it express and how does it relate to the city?
A tree implies nature, largeness and strenght, the green colour is calmy, maybe the colour of money? My picutre shows that our city is a good place to live, to earn money and to relax.

3. You get up one morning and find Joj in your wardrobe. Any immediate action steps?

I would say: "Oh! Good morning. Did you sleep well? Any hangover? I advised you yesterday not to drink too much but.... you never listen to" :-D

4. Is there a book/film you adore but would like to change its
Yes, there is. It happens very often that I’m not happy with the finale of the book/film.

Outline the current ending and your alternative one.
The very first example: Hancock. The last scene when Hanocok puts some sign on the moon. OMG! It was the weakest and the silliest scene in the film. I wouldn’t change it. I would cut it out. This scene was unnecessary.

5.Our community has been neglecting its religious duties.

Write a short prayer to the Almighty Aardvark.

I won't write a prayer. I'll say: "don't worry, they'll be back"Katarzyna Marszalec edytował(a) ten post dnia 27.02.09 o godzinie 12:56
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five for Friday (27.02.2009)


You might be Polish if... you live on credit and play Lotto, hoping to win one day.

Many of the questions so far have concerned the ways you would spend your prize cash.

We all know it's not going to happen.

My question is: without giving up your dreams, how are you going to attain them? Or at least, try to achieve them partly? What's your long-term strategy? How about the timeline and feasibility?

I do not condone selling your ass or poisoning your parents, but..

My long term strategy is to plug away and stay on target, like Luke Skywalker approaching the Deathstar....

Your local authorities want to brighten things up a little bit, so they've commissioned you to paint a huge mural (or graffiti) on the wall of a ten-storey block in the city centre.

What are you going to paint?

Why this particular picture?

What does it express and how does it relate to the city?

Here's what I'd paint:



Why? Because for me, it sums it all up!

You get up one morning and find Joj in your wardrobe. Any immediate action steps?

I'd jump up and down hollering like an American Indian

We all have our favourite books or films (e.g. Rocco Invades Poland, Winnie the Pooh et caetera).

Sometimes a book/film can be our favourite, but we are quite unhappy with the ending. Sometimes we're even ashamed of it.

Is there a book/film you adore but would like to change its finale?

Outline the current ending and your alternative one.
Can't remember... it might come to me later!

Our community has been neglecting its religious duties.

Write a short prayer to the Almighty Aardvark.

Our Aardark who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy fur
Thy kingdom come.... etc...:)

konto usunięte

Temat: Five for Friday (27.02.2009)

Tatiana S.:
"Where's my licorice, dude?"
Suitcase, car trunk, kitchen cupboards, bookshelf... hehe.

Następna dyskusja:

Five for friday (08.05.2009...

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