Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five for Friday (20.02.2009)

And the questions this week are from the tortured and confused mind of Steve Jones

1. How important is punctuality for you? Can you tolerate lateness?

2. How traditional would you say you are?

3. If you could go prime minister and tell him one thing, what would it be?

4. Can you imagine yourself taking part in a riot? Under what circumstances?

5. What's more important to you in a partner: physical features or intellectual characteristics? Be honest!
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: Five for Friday (20.02.2009)

Steve Jones:
And the questions this week are from the tortured and confused mind of Steve Jones

Thanks Steve! :))
1. How important is punctuality for you? Can you tolerate lateness?
It's important but I can understand lateness when I am informed before it actuall happens (or the usual 15 minutes is the time I wont get angry in).
2. How traditional would you say you are?

I think I am not really traditional. I can follow any tradition ir anything new tbh.
3. If you could go prime minister and tell him one thing, what would it be?

Do something about OUR Damn currency and FAST!
4. Can you imagine yourself taking part in a riot? Under what circumstances?

Yea why not if the case suits me :P
5. What's more important to you in a partner: physical features or intellectual characteristics? Be honest!

Intellectual characteristcs - but than again if it doesn't go along with physical features that atract me - it would be a nono.

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Temat: Five for Friday (20.02.2009)

Steve Jones:
And the questions this week are from the tortured and confused mind of Steve Jones

1. How important is punctuality for you? Can you tolerate lateness?

You have no idea... it's my pet peeve... actually to the point where I'm usually 20 - 30 min early ... I sometimes get mad at myself hahaha...

2. How traditional would you say you are?

Depends in what sense... friendship and family - very... everything else.. ehm... haha.. not really.

3. If you could go prime minister and tell him one thing, what would it be?

I wouldn't ... what's the point? I'd rather grab a pint with someone who cares.

4. Can you imagine yourself taking part in a riot? Under what circumstances?

Yes... uhm... haha... lots of options to pick from Steve.

5. What's more important to you in a partner: physical features or intellectual characteristics? Be honest!

Both... but intellect is what keeps you with the person for the long run. Can you see yourself living with a fucking dim wit for the rest of your life?

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Temat: Five for Friday (20.02.2009)

Steve Jones:
1. How important is punctuality for you? Can you tolerate lateness?
Really annoys me. I work hard to make sure I'm on time, other's people's time is important to them and to me.

2. How traditional would you say you are?
er... it varies
3. If you could go prime minister and tell him one thing, what would it be?
Stop bailing out the banks - let them drown in their own sh**. Would they bail out my business if I messed it up? I don't think so!

4. Can you imagine yourself taking part in a riot? Under what circumstances?

5. What's more important to you in a partner: physical features or intellectual characteristics? Be honest!
oh heck.. honestly... physical features, but without the intellect they don't last long! I can't stand a stupid woman with no mind of her own.

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Temat: Five for Friday (20.02.2009)

Steve Jones:
And the questions this week are from the tortured and confused mind of Steve Jones

1. How important is punctuality for you? Can you tolerate lateness?
I'd rather arrive at an appointment 30 min early than 5 mins late.
2. How traditional would you say you are?
3. If you could go prime minister and tell him one thing, what would it be?
4. Can you imagine yourself taking part in a riot? Under what circumstances?
I'm a lover, not a fighter!

A cheesy line, I know. Can't think of circumstance under which I could go berserk. I'm freaking out here now, have a shitload of thing to see to atm, so my imagination ain't working at its normal level. Ask me again in 2 months time.
5. What's more important to you in a partner: physical features or intellectual characteristics? Be honest!
keyword: partner, ergo the intellectual bit wins by 65/35
Michał H.

Michał H. Aby do czegoś dojść,
trzeba wyruszyć w

Temat: Five for Friday (20.02.2009)

Steve Jones:

1. How important is punctuality for you? Can you tolerate lateness?

Generally, I am always come too early. I try to predict all possible problems and later I don't know what to do, waiting for example - for interview.
Of course - it is problem for me, when other people don't care about my time. Nowadays, everybody has a mobilephone and can inform me about possible latenesses.

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Temat: Five for Friday (20.02.2009)

Steve Jones:
And the questions this week are from the tortured and confused mind of Steve Jones

No more tortured and confused than mine!
1. How important is punctuality for you? Can you tolerate lateness?

It's really important. If someone's late, especially without apologising, it shows lack of respect.
2. How traditional would you say you are?
Not usually - but perhaps the answer to question one means I am a bit.
3. If you could go prime minister and tell him one thing, what would it be?
Keep at it. You're doing a great job.
4. Can you imagine yourself taking part in a riot? Under what circumstances?
I cant imagine it but if I did I would be the coward at the back egging everyone else on while making sure I don't hit by anything.
5. What's more important to you in a partner: physical features or intellectual characteristics? Be honest!
Definitely intellectual characteristics but it's something I should have learnt a long time ago and didn't.
Piotr J.

Piotr J. Account Manager

Temat: Five for Friday (20.02.2009)

1. How important is punctuality for you? Can you tolerate lateness?

I cannot stand lateness. I hate being late that is why I am always preparing everything earlier. The plan - that is what I need to be on time. It is like with the plane - the captain would not wait just only for you. To be honest it is terrible when you late for the plane anyway.
2. How traditional would you say you are?

I like to follow the rules and yes I am a very traditional person (however, not to the all rules - no answer to which one)
3. If you could go prime minister and tell him one thing, what would it be?

Good speach!
4. Can you imagine yourself taking part in a riot? Under what circumstances?

Probably during the war in my country, when trying to defend it.
5. What's more important to you in a partner: physical features or intellectual characteristics? Be honest!

What would I say - first the look and then intellectual characterisitics. Do we talk about the long-term relationship here?

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Temat: Five for Friday (20.02.2009)

Michał H.:

Generally, I am always come too early.

That is a tricky problem. Not sure how to advise. :-)
Dariusz Tomczak


Temat: Five for Friday (20.02.2009)

Ad. 1 Punctuality is of utmost importance for me as I am trying to be as punctual as possible. I can tolerate up to 10-15 minutes lateness but this is a maximum of what I am likely to tolerate. Of course when some unexpected things occur one can always call or text me.

Ad. 2 The older I am the more traditional I become. I even treat now with a hindsight the very same acts I was proud of being progressive or against-the-crowd several years before as mere "mistakes of my youth".

Ad 3. I'd tell him straight: stop talking and start working.

Ad 4. Under the circumstance that it is something I deeply believe.

Ad 5. It depends on what sort of partnership is in question. If I go just for a party or concert - physical attractiveness, but if a deep and long-lasting partnership is meant - I would be more inclined towards intellectual capacities. But actually it is personality that matters even more
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five for Friday (20.02.2009)

Time for a musical interlude:

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Temat: Five for Friday (20.02.2009)

Steve Jones:
And the questions this week are from the tortured and confused mind of Steve Jones

You poor thing, you. Come have a drink with us tonight!

1. How important is punctuality for you? Can you tolerate lateness?

I am always early, the American way early - 15 to 10 minutes, or at least try to be bang on time. Which reminds me that I have to go to ZT in five minutes ;)

2. How traditional would you say you are?

Not very. Since I'm an atheist, I can say I miss out on many traditions. But I like Christmas and stuff for the holiday feeling. As for other areas, I'm more of a rebel and like to change my ways. And positions.
(is Jarek gone yet?)

3. If you could go prime minister and tell him one thing, what would it be?

Suffering Sucotash!

4. Can you imagine yourself taking part in a riot? Under what circumstances?

Not really. I'm more of a pacifist and only rebel within the four walls of my home.

5. What's more important to you in a partner: physical features or intellectual characteristics? Be honest!

Physical features are important; the way a man dresses, walks, and so on. I don't like tall men, fat men, dirty men, and men sporting facial hair ;) It's the first thing we notice, after all, and to say that looks don't matter is hypocrisy.
There are many intellectual characteristics without which a man would not be of interest to me: intelligence, a good sense of humor, and being open-minded.
Of course, he's got to be a great kisser!!!
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: Five for Friday (20.02.2009)

And the questions this week are from the tortured and confused mind of Steve Jones
how about a rehab?
1. How important is punctuality for you? Can you tolerate lateness?
it is but if someone is to be late - let me know before (at least that's what I'm always doing)
2. How traditional would you say you are?
traditional in what respect?
but i guess i'm not and i'm not talking only about dating older guys!
3. If you could go prime minister and tell him one thing, what would it be?
same as Raf but w/o the pint part, which i would replace w/ a coffee or a tea
4. Can you imagine yourself taking part in a riot? Under what circumstances?
under really sexist circumastances
5. What's more important to you in a partner: physical features or intellectual characteristics? Be honest!
honestly? never had a handsome guy (or rather not THAT handsome).
i always go for the intellectuals.
+ gr8 personality

Temat: Five for Friday (20.02.2009)

Steve Jones:
And the questions this week are from the tortured and confused mind of Steve Jones

You call this tortured?
1. How important is punctuality for you? Can you tolerate lateness?

In every day life - it's ok. When it's business, meetings or similiar shite - DO NOT.
Buses and trains being late is a completely different box of frogs. It makes me want to draw blood.
2. How traditional would you say you are?

I'm all for traditions like wearing trousers, taking showers and stuff. I'm against clawing into traditional ways just because.
3. If you could go prime minister and tell him one thing, what would it be?

You mean Donald?
I'd say "Don't run. Stay where you are. It will get you further." At that poin the security would probably get to me.
4. Can you imagine yourself taking part in a riot? Under what circumstances?

Easily. Once we've burned down the bus stations and the churches I would consider my jub done and went home.
5. What's more important to you in a partner: physical features or intellectual characteristics? Be honest!

Both are important.Kuba Nowak edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.02.09 o godzinie 16:49

Temat: Five for Friday (20.02.2009)

1. How important is punctuality for you? Can you tolerate lateness?
Myslef: I'm not punctual, but I'm doing a lot to be. And more and more ofen I'm successful at it.
I can tolerate lateness in some part, bearing in mind that sometimes I'm the one who's late.

2. How traditional would you say you are?
I'm quite traditional, but it's hard to judge of my head. Put me in certain situation and you will know the answer.

3. If you could go prime minister and tell him one thing, what would it be?
Stop fooling around, grab your currage and make one, importat change: make it easier to get work and cut hidden taxes which comes with hiring empoyee.

4. Can you imagine yourself taking part in a riot? Under what circumstances?
eee not really. But if there were a riot against polish curch, I'd take part in it.

5. What's more important to you in a partner: physical features or intellectual characteristics? Be honest!
Physical features catch my eye and it's always like this. Second opinion comes from intellectual characteristics - when it's bad, the best look will hardly help in the situation. What does it mean bad? somethimes is just enough to listen the other person
Kasia M.

Kasia M. "Świat jest taki,
jaki myślisz, że

Temat: Five for Friday (20.02.2009)

Steve Jones:
And the questions this week are from the tortured and confused mind of Steve Jones

thank you Steve :-)
1. How important is punctuality for you? Can you tolerate lateness?
it's very important, I'm a very punctual person. I don't know the phrase "being/coming late"
2. How traditional would you say you are?
I don't know, how traditional I am but I love celebrating. I take every opportunity to buy and give presents, to cook something special, to wear nice clothes...

3. If you could go prime minister and tell him one thing, what would it be?

first I have to choose whether to speak to Tusk or to Brown.

4. Can you imagine yourself taking part in a riot? Under what circumstances?
yes, I can, but I'm far away from taking it now.

5. What's more important to you in a partner: physical features or intellectual characteristics? Be honest!


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Temat: Five for Friday (20.02.2009)

Katarzyna Marszalec:
first I have to choose whether to speak to Tusk or to Brown.
or to a brown tusk

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Temat: Five for Friday (20.02.2009)

Steve Jones:
And the questions this week are from the tortured and confused mind of Steve Jones

1. How important is punctuality for you? Can you tolerate lateness?
I'm very punctual and I expect that others are acting the same. I can tolerate lateness but I expect they will inform me

2. How traditional would you say you are?
It depends ...

3. If you could go prime minister and tell him one thing, what would it be?
No idea ;)

4. Can you imagine yourself taking part in a riot? Under what circumstances?

5. What's more important to you in a partner: physical features or intellectual characteristics? Be honest!
First it's the physical that attracts but it's the intellectual that remains.

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Temat: Five for Friday (20.02.2009)

Steve Jones:
And the questions this week are from the tortured and
confused mind of Steve Jones


Thank you, Stevo.
1. How important is punctuality for you? Can you tolerate lateness?

Important. I myself am never late. If I already am, I call and I expect that from others.

2. How traditional would you say you are?

I'd say not very much. When it comes to family and friendship - I'd go for moderate.

3. If you could go prime minister and tell him one thing, what would it be?

I know where you live.

4. Can you imagine yourself taking part in a riot? Under what circumstances?

Human rights. Injustice. A coup perhaps..

5. What's more important to you in a partner: physical features or intellectual characteristics? Be honest!

They're equal I guess - I fall for this mind and personality thing. And there's gotta be that 'something'.Natalia Bartkowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.02.09 o godzinie 20:27
Anetta M.

Anetta M. AKME-Alfa Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Beta Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Gamma Sp.

Temat: Five for Friday (20.02.2009)

1. How important is punctuality for you? Can you tolerate lateness?
Very important, however there are situations when I can understand and justify lateness.
2. How traditional would you say you are?
Not much, I guess.

3. If you could go prime minister and tell him one thing, what would it be?
Dear Mr. Prime Minister...
4. Can you imagine yourself taking part in a riot? Under what circumstances?
Yes, no doubts about that, but only for the reason I would find extremely important, and only if I were sure that there were no better options.
5. What's more important to you in a partner: physical features or intellectual characteristics? Be honest!

Personality, and both - intelligence and physical attractiveness.Anetta M. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.02.09 o godzinie 20:31

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