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    18.11.2020, 17:32

    Market value
    A company's market value is a good indicator of investors' perceptions about its business prospects. The range of market values in the market is enormous, from less than a million dollars for the smallest companies to hundreds of billions for the largest and most successful companies in the world.
    Market value is determined by valuations or multipliers that investors provide to companies, such as price to sales, price to earnings, company value to EBITDA, etc. The higher the valuations, the higher the market value.
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    The dynamic nature of market values
    Market value can fluctuate dramatically over periods of time and is greatly influenced by the business cycle. Market values decline during bear markets associated with recessions and rallies during emerging markets that occur during economic expansions.
    Market value also depends on many other factors, such as the sector in which the company operates, its profitability, debt burden, and the broad market environment. For example, Company X and Company B may have $ 100 million in annual sales, but if Company X is a rapidly growing technology company while B is a massive retailer, then the market value of X will generally be much higher than that of Company B.
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    In the example above, Company X might trade at a sales multiplier of 5, giving it a market value of $ 500 million, while Company B might trade at a sales multiple of 2, giving it a market value of $ 200 million.
    The company's market value may differ significantly from book value or shareholder equity. A stock is generally considered undervalued if its market value is much lower than the book value, which means that the stock is traded at a significant discount from the book value per share. This does not mean that the share is overestimated if it is traded at a premium over the book value, as this again depends on the sector and the extent of the premium in relation to the share's peers.
    Book value is also known as explicit value, and it can greatly affect the implied value of the company (i.e. personal perceptions, investor and analyst research), which in turn affects whether the company's share price rises or falls.
    Market value (also known as OMV, or "open market valuation") is the price that an asset will bring in the market, or the value that the investment community gives to a particular stock or company. Market value is also commonly used to denote the market value of a public joint stock company, and is calculated by multiplying the number of its outstanding shares by the current share price. It is easiest to determine the market value of exchange-traded instruments such as stocks and futures, since their market prices are widely spread and readily available, but it is difficult to ascertain the over-the-counter instruments such as fixed income securities. However, the greatest difficulty in determining market value is in estimating the value of illiquid assets such as real estate and companies, which may require the use of real estate appraisers and business valuation experts respectively.
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    Wpis na grupie Systemy FOREX w temacie Parabolic SAR Conclusions and forex signals 112
    2.11.2020, 22:51

    What is the book value of the common share?
    Book value per common share (or simply book value per share - BVPS) is a method of calculating the book value per share of a company based on the equity of the common shareholders in the company. A company's book value is the difference between that company's total assets and total liabilities, not its market share price.

    In the event of the dissolution of the company, the book value of each ordinary share indicates the remaining dollar value of the ordinary shareholders after all assets are liquidated and all debtors are paid.

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    Understand the book value

    The equation for the book value of a common share is:
    Book value per ordinary share (formula below) is an accounting measure based on historical transactions:

    What does BVPS tell you?The book value of ordinary shares in the numerator reflects the original returns that the company receives from the issuance of ordinary shares, which are increased by profits or decreased due to losses, and decreased by dividends paid. Company share buybacks reduce the book value and the total number of common shares. Stock buybacks occur at current stock prices, which can lead to a significant reduction in the company's book value per common stock. The number of common shares used in the denominator is usually the average number of diluted ordinary shares of the past year, which takes into account any additional shares other than the number of underlying shares that could arise from stock options, guarantees, preferred shares, and other convertible instruments.
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    Example of BVPS
    As a hypothetical example, suppose XYZ Manufacturing's common stock balance is $ 10 million, and one million shares of common stock outstanding, which means that BVPS is ($ 10 million / 1 million shares), or $ 10 per share. If XYZ manages to generate higher profits and uses those profits to buy more assets or reduce liabilities, the company's common stock increases. For example, if a company makes a profit of $ 500,000 and uses $ 200,000 of the profits to purchase the assets, the common stock increases along with the BVPS. On the other hand, if XYZ uses $ 300,000 in dividends to reduce liabilities, the common stock also increases.

    The difference between the market value of the share and the book value of the share
    The market value per share is the company's current share price, and it reflects the value that market participants are willing to pay for their regular share. Book value per share is calculated using historical costs, but market value per share is a forward-looking measure that takes into account the firm's future earnings strength. With increases in the company's estimated profitability, projected growth, and soundness of its business, the market value per share grows higher. Material differences arise between the book value per share and the market value per share due to the ways in which accounting principles classify certain transactions.

    For example, consider a company's brand value, which was created through a series of marketing campaigns. US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) require marketing costs to be spent promptly, which reduces the book value per share.1 However, if the advertising efforts enhance the company's product image, the company can charge premium rates and create brand value. Market demand may lead to an increase in the share price, which creates a large discrepancy between the market and the book values per share.
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    The difference between book value of common stock and net asset value (NAV)
    Whereas, BVPS considers the residual equity per share of the company's shares, net asset value, or NAV, to be the value per share computed for a mutual fund, exchange-traded fund, or ETF. For any of these investments, the net asset value is calculated by dividing the total value of all fund securities by the total number of fund shares outstanding. NAV is created daily for mutual funds. A number of analysts consider total annual return to be a better and more accurate measure of mutual fund performance, but net asset value is still used as an easy-to-use interim valuation tool.
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    BVPS limits
    Because the book value per share only takes into account book value, it fails to incorporate other intangible factors that may increase the market value of the company's shares, even upon liquidation. For example, high-tech banks or software companies often have very little tangible assets in relation to their intellectual property and human capital (workforce). These intangible assets will not always be taken into account in the book value calculation.

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    Wpis na grupie Systemy FOREX w temacie Parabolic SAR Conclusions and forex signals 112
    25.10.2020, 01:55

    What is the required rate of return - RRR?
    The required rate of return is the minimum return that an investor would accept to own a company's shares, as compensation for a certain level of risk associated with holding the share. The legal support rate is also used in corporate finance to analyze the profitability of potential investment projects.
    The required rate of return is also known as the obstacle rate, which like RRR, denotes the appropriate compensation needed for the current level of risk. More risky projects usually have higher obstacle or repeat request rates than less risky ones.
    The formula and calculation of RRR
    There are two methods of calculating the required rate of return. If an investor is considering buying equity shares in a dividend-paying company, the dividend-discount model is ideal. The dividend discount model is also known as the Gordon Growth Model.
    Dividend Distribution Model - Discount to Equity Ratio for dividend stock is calculated by using the current share price, dividend payout per share, and projected earnings growth rate. The formula is as follows:
    RRR = \ frac {\ text {expected dividend payment}} {\ text {participation rate}} + \ text {expected earnings growth rate} RRR =
    Share price
    Expected dividends
    + Projected profit growth rate
    Calculate RRR using the profit discount model.
    Take the expected dividend payment and divide it by the current share price.
    Add the result to the expected profit growth rate.
    How to calculate the required rate of return
    Another way to calculate RRR is to use the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), which investors typically use for stocks that do not pay dividends.
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    The CAPM model is used to calculate RRR the beta version of the original. Beta is the risk factor of holding. In other words, beta attempts to measure the risk of a stock or investment over time. Shares with a beta greater than 1 are considered riskier than the market as a whole (represented by the S&P 500), while stocks with a beta greater than 1 are considered less risky than the overall market.

    The formula also uses the risk-free rate of return, which is usually the yield on short-term US Treasury notes. The final variable is the market rate of return, which is usually the annual return on the S&P 500. The RRR formula using the CAPM model is as follows:

    Calculate RRR using CAPM
    Add your current risk-free rate of return to your security beta.
    Take the market rate of return and subtract the risk-free rate of return.
    Add results to achieve the desired rate of return.
    Subtract the risk-free rate of return from the market rate of return.
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    Take this score and hit it in the beta version of Safety.
    Add the result to the current risk-free rate of return to determine the desired rate of return.
    What does RRR say to you?
    The required rate of return is a fundamental concept in valuing equity and corporate finance. It is a difficult metric to define due to the different investment objectives and risk tolerance of individual and corporate investors. Risk and return preferences, inflation expectations and a firm's capital structure all play a role in determining the required rate for the company. Each of these factors and others can have significant impacts on the intrinsic value of security.
    For investors using the CAPM equation, the required rate of return for a share with a higher beta as compared to the market should be a higher interest rate. A higher high percentage ratio compared to other low beta investments is necessary to compensate investors for the additional level of risk associated with investing in higher beta stocks.
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    In other words, RRR is calculated in part by adding the risk premium to the risk-free expected rate of return to calculate additional volatility and ex post risk.
    For capital projects, RRR is useful in determining whether to pursue one project versus another. Program requirements (RRR) are required to advance the project although some projects may not meet the requirements of the program requirements but serve the interests of the company in the long run.

  • Free Forex
    Wpis na grupie Systemy FOREX w temacie Irrational Exuberance part two
    20.06.2020, 17:49

    Irrational Exuberance part two

    Amplification Mechanisms and Forex trading Signals
    As if the structural factors listed above were not enough, Shiller argues that amplification mechanisms intensified the effects. First, there was a change in investor attitudes toward stocks. By the late 1990s stocks were considered a long-term investment that could not go wrong. Jeremy Siegel first published Stocks for the Long Run in 1994. Subsequent editions have appeared in 1998, 2002 and 2007. Stocks indeed performed well from 1995 until 2000, when the S&P 500 peaked around 1550. The S&P 500 then went on a 10-year stretch of underperformance. In fact, the S&P 500 was trading below its 2000 level in early 2011. This means 11 years of negative returns for buy-and-hold investors that bought in 2000.

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    Second, as inferred above, Shiller asserts that public attention to the stock market hit new levels in the 1990s. This heightened awareness made more money available for stocks. The media fed this infatuation with increased coverage. Dinner party conversations invariably turned to the stock market. Stock tips and advice were also readily shared among acquaintances.
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    Third, the consistent rise in stock prices provided a feedback loop that kept public attention on stocks. As the media reported the rise in the stock market, new money found its way into the stock market and pushed prices even higher. Higher prices led to more news and more news led to more investment money. A feedback loop evolved where price increases were feeding more price increases. Shiller calls these mechanisms naturally occurring Ponzi schemes because they feed on the perception of prior success.
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    Cultural Factors
    The news media and new era thinking are among the cultural factors cited by Shiller. Yes, the media seems to keep popping up in the book - maybe that is why technical analysts only look at price charts!
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    The speculative bubble was clearly aided and abetted by the news media. Newspapers, television, radio and Internet media compete for public attention. Sensational stories with sound bites are more likely to attract attention than drab analysis with numbers and facts. Despite an inattention to detail, the news media was always there with specific reasons for a stock market move. The media always found the perfect excuse or news event to justify the move - after the fact. It is kind of like a solution in search of a problem.

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    Shiller notes that news of price changes is influential on investor behavior. In his survey after the crash on October 19th, 1987, Shiller listed all the recent news events that seemed relevant and asked respondents to rate the stories. News of the October 14th price decline was also included in this list. At the time, this was the single largest one-day point decline in the Dow Industrials. Surprisingly, the stories relating to the past price declines were deemed the most significant news events. In Shiller's words:
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    Thus it appears that the stock market crash had substantially to do with a psychological feedback loop among the general investing public from price declines to selling and thus to further price declines, along the lines of a negative bubble. The crash apparently had nothing particularly to do with any news story other than that of the crash itself, but rather with theories about other investors' reasons for selling and about their psychology.
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    New era economic thinking was also cited by Shiller as a cultural factor that contributed to the stock market bubble. New era thinking is not new. Stock market advances in the late 1800s, 1920s and 1960s were also facilitated by new era thinking. At the 1901 peak, new era thinking centered around railroads, big industrial trusts and the age of optimism. The roaring 20s were marked by the electrical age for big cities and the widening use of autos. The 1960s were punctuated by a baby boom, the proliferation of television and low inflation. And finally, the 1990s saw the Internet boom, low inflation, the new economy and the alleged end of the business cycle.
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    Psychological Factors
    Shiller asserts that there is a human tendency towards “overconfidence in one's beliefs,” and that people often rely on intuition when making investment decisions. The decision process is not based on carefully considered facts backed by numbers and evidence. Instead, investors make investment decisions based on the opinion of others, stemming from the need to conform. Investors make decisions based on “good stories” or stories that seem logical. Because people get their information from the same sources, there is little or no evidence of independent behavior. Instead, individuals getting the same information react the same way to produce a herd mentality.
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    Conclusion and Critiques
    Shiller identified several credible factors that influenced investment decisions during the bubble years. Many of these factors exist today and his analysis provides food for thought when considering behavioral finance. Not all factors or influences are listed here. Shiller offers more factors and detailed evidence in the book. After examining efficient markets, random walks, bubbles and investor attitudes, Shiller also offers several remedies to contain “speculative volatility in a free society”.
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    Behavioral finance can help us understand what is happening, but understanding may not help with making money in the stock market. While the first edition coincided with the stock market peak in 2000, the stock market rose another 30% after the second edition was published in February 2005. There is an argument to be made for historical valuations, but markets can remain irrational a lot longer than traders can remain solvent. In other words, one would have left a lot of money on the table by selling in early 2005 or one would have gone broke shorting stocks in early 2005. To his credit, Shiller does provide evidence of past mispricing in the stock market. It can and does happen.
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    Furthermore, who is to say how much a stock is actually worth? The value of any asset is only what someone is willing to pay for it. Valuations are set every day as stocks change hands on Wall Street. Just as prices trend, valuations also trend from overvaluation to undervaluation. Sometimes these trends get extreme on both sides. Stocks were severely overvalued in early 2000 and severely undervalued in March 2009. It would appear that some sort of timing mechanism is needed to avoid the big declines and participate in the big advances. Hmm … sounds like technical analysis!
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    Next up, click here to read our investment psychology article on the 11 most common cognitive biases that affect us both in daily life and when investing in the financial markets.

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