O grupie

Today's global marketplace requires investment professionals to understand the industry beyond their national and professional borders.

The CAIA designation's international appeal draws candidates from around the world who understand this need. Since launching in 2002, the CAIA program has attracted well over 4000 candidates from more than 50 countries and 6 continents.

The CAIA program's diverse curriculum appeals to investment advisors, consultants and analysts, fund managers and administrators, accountants, lawyers, academics, and compliance and back office personnel.

Candidates include seasoned professionals looking to explore new areas within the AI markets, generalists wishing to add another asset class to their investment arsenal, and new industry participants seeking to establish a core understanding of alternative investment.

CAIA Charter Program
The Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst program provides a broad-based curriculum in alternative investments. The program covers the main areas of hedge funds, private equity, commodities, real estate and managed futures.

The CAIA program is organized into two levels, with Level I using investment analytics to examine the fundamentals of each alternative asset class. Level II applies these analytics within an asset allocation and decision-making framework. Both incorporate segments on ethics and professional conduct - essential components of the CAIA program.

Level I

The Level I curriculum is broadly divided into two sections - quantitative methods and an introduction to alternative investments. Candidates study the application of basic analytical tools, as well as the fundamentals of alternative investment vehicles. In addition to reviewing essential concepts in finance, investments and statistics, candidates learn to differentiate between the various AI trading strategies and performance measurements. Candidates registered for the program are assumed to have an elementary undergraduate understanding of the basic concepts of traditional finance.

Level II

The Level II curriculum is also broadly divided into two sections - alternative investments and integrated topics. Candidates must apply the skills and knowledge from Level I to gain a deeper understanding of issues involved in each of the areas of alternative investments: hedge funds, managed futures, commodities, real estate, and private equity. The integrated topics section is updated annually to reflect the latest developments in issues common to all areas of alternative investments, such as new regulatory developments and advances in risk management techniques.



The CAIA Association offers discounted program rates to certain qualified graduate students and faculty members. To be considered, you must be designated as a full-time graduate student or faculty member by your college/university during the early registration period and must file your application in a timely manner in accordance with CAIA Association guidelines.

This discount is available only during the first six weeks of each exam registration period.


Grupa otwarta
każdy może dołączyć
21.06.2007, 17:18
Giełda i inwestycje
Fundusze, Hedge, hedgingowe, of, Funds, Fund


Daniel C.

Daniel C.



Daniel C.

Daniel C.


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