O grupie


a oprocz tego troche galeri...: )...
1,000,000 MPH | 20-21 Visual Arts Centre | 3¡W Gallery | A
Foundation | a space | A.M.U.T.I Gallery | Aberdeen Art Gallery |
ADeC, Babylon Gallery | AirSpace Gallery | Albemarle Gallery | Ale
and Porter Arts | Alison Jaques Gallery | Alley Cafe | Alma
Enterprises | Alt.Gallery | An Tobar Arts Centre | An Tuireann Arts
Centre | Andrea Rosen Gallery | Angel Row Gallery | Apartment |
Arndt & Partner Berlin | Arnolfini | Art Circuit Touring Art Circuit
Touring Exhibitions | Art Gene | Art Shop (The) | Artists Space |
Artonomy Fine Art | Artsadmin | ArtSway | Ashmolean Museum | Asia
House | Aspex | Associates | Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art |
Atkinson Art Gallery | Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art | Barbican
Arts Centre | Bath Fringe Visual Arts | Battersea Arts Centre (BAC)
| Beacon | Beaconsfield | Bearspace | Belfast Exposed | Beverley
Knowles Fine Art | BLACCXN AGM | Black Dog Publishing | Bloc |
Bluecoat (The) | Bolwick Arts | Bonington Gallery | Booth Museum Of
Natural History | Bournemouth Library | BRAHM Gallery | Brixton
Market | Bury St Edmunds Art Gallery | Butler Gallery | C4RD | Cafe
Gallery Projects London | Calgary Art in Nature | Camberwell College
of Art | Campbell Works Gallery | Carter Presents | Castlefield
Gallery | Catalyst Arts | Cell Project Space | Central Art Gallery |
Central St Martins College of Art & Design | Centre for Contemporary
Art and the Natural World | Centrifug | Chameleon (The) | Chelsea
Theatre | Chinese Arts Centre | Chisenhale Art Place | Chisenhale
Gallery | Christ Church Spitalfields | City Gallery | Claremont Art
Space | Clementine Gallery | Coed Hills Rural Artspace | Coleman
Project Space | Collective Gallery | Colony | Comme Ca Art Ltd |
Compton Verney House Trust | Coniston Water Festival | Contemporary
Art Projects | Cornerhouse | Cornwall Contemporary Gallery | Count
House Workshop | Crafts Council | Cragside Gardens & Estate |
Creative Time | Cubitt Gallery and Studios | Curwen & New Academy
Gallery & Business Art Galleries | DAAD Gallerie | Danielle Arnaud
Contemporary Art | David Risley Gallery | DCA (Dundee Contemporary
Arts) | De La Warr Pavilion | Dean Clough Galleries | Derby Museum
and Art Gallery | Dick Institute | Dock Museum | doggerfisher |
DONKEY HEAD | Dorchester Abbey | East Street Arts | Eastbourne
District General Hospital | Edinburgh Annuale | Edinburgh Sculpture
Workshop | Elastic Residence | Emmanuel Church | Event (The) |
EXHIBIT London and MAK Vienna | f a projects | Fabrica | Falmouth
Arts Centre | Ferens Art Gallery | Fermynwoods Contemporary Art |
Ffotogallery | Fife Contemporary Art & Craft | Film and Video
Umbrella | Firstsite | Five Years | Floating ip | Floor One Gallery
| Flowers East | Focal Point Gallery | Folly | Forest of Dean
Sculpture Trust | Forma | Foundling Museum (The) | Four | Four
Corners | Foyer Restaurant and Gallery (The) | FRED | FRED Ltd |
Frieze | Fruitmarket Gallery | g39 | Gagosian Gallery | Gallery
(The) | Gallery at Sketch (The) | Gallery Oldham | Gasworks Gallery
| Georges Pompidou Centre | Glasgow International | Glasshouse
Gallery | Glasshouse Gallery (The) | Globe Gallery (City) |
Gloucester Cathedral | Glynn Vivian Art Gallery | Golden Thread
Gallery | Gone Tomorrow Gallery | Grampian Hospitals Art Trust |
Grampian Hospitals Art Trust | Grant Bradley Gallery | Graves Art
Gallery Shop | Greene Naftali Gallery | Grey Area | Guggenheim
Museum | H M Prison Leyhill | Hales Gallery | Hamburger Bahnhof |
Harris Museum & Art Gallery | Hatton Gallery | Hauser and Wirth
Coppermill | Hayes Lane Market | Hayward Gallery | Henry Moore
Institute | Herbert Read Gallery | Holden Gallery | Hotbath Gallery
| Howard Gardens Gallery | Huddersfield Art Gallery | ICA: Institute
of Contemporary Arts | ICIA - Institute of Contemporary
Interdisciplinary Arts | Ikon Gallery | Impressions Gallery |
Initial Access | Inn on the Green | Institute of International
Visual Arts (inIVA) | Intermedia Gallery | International Gallery |
International Project Space (IPS) | Japan Society Lobby | Jaywick
Martello Tower | Jeffrey Charles Gallery | Jerwood Space (The) |
John Hansard Gallery | Karsten Schubert | Kettle's Yard |
Kunst-Werke Berlin e.V. | La Bastille | la Biennale di Venezia | La
Sucriere | La Sucri�re - Confluent | Lauriston Castle | Leeds City
Art Gallery | Leeds Metropolitan University | Leicester City Art
Gallery | Leisure Centre | Lighthouse Arts & Training Ltd | Lima
Projects | LIMBO arts ltd | Limousine Bull | Liverpool Biennial |
Liverpool John Moores University | Locws International | London
Wildlife Trust (The) | LOT | Lowry Centre | Lowsalt | mac |
Manchester Art Gallery | Manchester Craft and Design Centre |
Manchester Museum | Market Gallery | Mary Mary | Matts Gallery |
Maureen Paley | Mead Gallery | Meantime Space | Media Centre (The) |
Metro Pictures | Metropolitan Museum Of Art | Michael Werner Gallery
| Micky Trioche Fine Art | Mid-Pennine Arts | Midwest | Millais
Gallery | Millennium Galleries (The) | Milton Keynes Gallery |
Mission Gallery | Modern Art Oxford | MOMA New York | Moot | MOT
Gallery and Studios | Mount Stuart Gallery | MQ Publications Ltd
(Publishers) | Muzeul National De Arta Contemporana | My House
Projects | Myles Meehan Gallery | National Botanic Garden of Wales |
National Galleries of Scotland | National Glass Centre | National
Museum of Photgraphy, Film and Television | National Museums
Liverpool | National Portrait Gallery Co. Ltd | Nettie Horn | New
Art Centre Sculpture Park and Gallery | New Art Exchange | New Art
Gallery Walsall | New County Hall | Newlyn Art Gallery and the
Exchange | Next Step Gallery | Nolia's Gallery | Norfolk County
Council | North Light Gallery | Northern Gallery for Contemporary
Art (NGCA) | Northern Print Studio | Norwich Gallery | Norwich
University College of the Arts | Nottingham Castle Museum and Art
Gallery | Nottingham Trent University | Nunnery (The) | OCCUPY MY
TIME | OFOTO Gallery | Old Truman Brewery (The) | Oldknows Studio
Group | One One One Gallery | One Small Step | Opera House
Manchester | Oriel Davies Gallery | Oriel Mostyn Gallery | Oriental
Museum | Orleans House Gallery | Ormeau Avenue Gallery Ltd. | Ormeau
Baths Gallery | Outpost | Ovada | P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center |
Pad Gallery | Peacock Visual Arts | Penwood House | Penzance Art
Gallery | Percy Miller Gallery | Permanent Gallery | Peterborough
Museum and Art Gallery | Phoenix Arts | Photographers Gallery | Plan
9 | Platform for Art | Plymouth Arts Centre | Plymouth Museum & Art
Gallery | PM Gallery & House | Prince Albert | Project Space Leeds |
Pump House Gallery | QUAD | Qube | R O O M | Radio Gallery | RBS
Gallery | re:location | Reading Museum | Rednile Projects Ltd |
REDUX | Reg Vardy Gallery | ReOrsa | Rhodes + Mann | Rockwell |
Rokeby Gallery | ROOM Artspace & Gallery | Royal Aberdeen Children's
Hospital | Royal Academy of Arts | Royal College of Art | Royal
Scottish Academy | Rufford Craft Centre | Russell Cotes Art Gallery
& Museum | S1 Artspace | Saatchi & Saatchi | Sage Gateshead (The) |
Salisbury Library & Galleries | Salt Gallery (The) | Saltburn
Artists' Projects | Salthouse Church | Sassoon Gallery (The) |
Science Museum | Serpentine Gallery | Seven seven | Seventeen |
Sheffield Hallam University | Showroom (The) | Shrewsbury Museum &
Art Gallery | Shunt Vaults | Site Gallery | Soho Theatre | Something
Haptic | Sorcha Dallas Gallery | South Hill Park Arts Centre | South
London Gallery | South Square Centre | South Wheal Frances Mine |
Southampton City Art Gallery | Southbank Centre | Southwell Arts
Space | Space Station Sixty-Five | Space Studios | Spacex |
Spectacle Gallery | Spike Island | St Paul's Gallery | St Pulinus
Projects | St. Georges Square | Standing Room | STAR Radio | Station
| Stills | Stockport Art Gallery | Storey Gallery | Stour Valley
Arts | Street (The) | Street Level Photoworks | Stroud House Gallery
| Stroud Valleys Artspace | Studio Voltaire | Subscription Rooms |
Sulgrave Manor | Surface Gallery | Swindon College | tactileBOSCH |
Talbot Rice Gallery | TART Contemporary | Tate Britain | Tate
Liverpool | Tate Modern | Temple Bar Gallery and Studios | Tesa
Della Nuovissima 105 / Arsenale di Venezia | Tether Studios | Thames
& Hudson Ltd | The British Library | The Kitchen | The Macbeth |
Touchstones | Towneley Hall Art Gallery and Museum | Toynbee Hall |
Toynbee Studios | Tramway | Transition Gallery | Tremenheere
Sculpture Gardens | Tricycle Gallery | Trongate | Truckee Meadows
Community College | TRUE LOVE PROJECT | Tullie House Museum & Art
Gallery | Turf | Turner Contemporary (KCC) | Turnpike Gallery |
twenty+3 projects | Ucheldre Centre | UCLAN | University College
Falmouth | University College For The Creative Arts | University
Gallery, California | University of Essex | University of the Arts -
London, Gallery | University of Wales Institute, Cardiff |
University of Westminster | URBANBODIES | Urbis | Vane | Victoria
Art Gallery | Victoria Miro Gallery | VineSpace | Vitreous Gallery |
Vivid - Centre for Media Arts | Waterloo Gallery | Wellcome Trust
(The) | Wellington Terrace Foundation Studios | White Cube | White
Cube, Mason's Yard | Whitechapel Art Gallery | Whitecross Gallery |
Whitstable Biennale (The) | Whitworth Art Gallery | Wilkinson
Gallery | Windows 204 | Wolstenholme Projects | Wooloo | Worcester
City Museum & Art Gallery | Workplace | Workstation (The) |
http://greatbritishfarming.co.uk | http://hoyden.co.uk | Wyer Gallery |
Wysing Arts Centre | Year_07 Art Projects | Ynysangharad Park |
Yorkshire Artspace | youtube

a oprocz tego ciekawe grupy...: )...

Grupa otwarta
każdy może dołączyć
3.12.2007, 00:48
Literatura, kino, sztuka


Arek Kozak

Arek Kozak

Visual Art


Arek Kozak

Arek Kozak

Visual Art

Joanna Tekla Woźniak

Joanna Tekla Woźniak

Organizacja Wystaw i Eventów, Krytyka i Promocja Sztuki, Edukacja Artystyczna, Szkolenia, Arteterapia, Intermedia

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