Direct Search
Employer Branding
Tworzenie polityk HR
Human Resources
Rekrutacje IT
Job Descriptions
Oferty pracy
Microsoft Office
Sourcing IT
Interviewing (both F2F and phone)
Doświadczenie zawodowe
Specjalista ds. rekrutacji
At my work I lay emphasis on individual approach. My main goal is to build right connection between candidates and the company. Essential for me is to truely understand internal clients needs and roles that need to be fulfilled (responsibilities, requirements, office surroundings and so on).
In Platige Image I've got overall responsibility of all recruitment processes (Managers, Specialists and Artists), also creating adverts and building some part of HR processes.
In Platige Image I've got overall responsibility of all recruitment processes (Managers, Specialists and Artists), also creating adverts and building some part of HR processes.
IT Recruitment Specialist
I was responsible for a full-life cycle of IT technical recruitment processes (mostly Software Engineers and Test Engineers) and also internal positions (for various departments; from Assistants to Managers).
I also represented my company at job fairs, meetings for professionals and, sometimes, at sports events. And participate in others Employer Branding activities.
Training Interview - I was cofounder and Trainer in development process for IT professionals.
It's a process of several session 1:1 to help individuals have better 'interviewability' (body languages, tone of voice, CV, interview stress resistance, self-confidence).
Stress Management - firstly as a coordinator of preparation and co-author workshop, then as a Trainer for small groups (6-8 people). Acting also as advisor in 1:1 consultation about how to dealing with stress.
Coaching - interventions for an emergency situations of our employees such as decision about changing department or breakdown in a really busy day.
I was responsible for a full-life cycle of IT technical recruitment processes (mostly Software Engineers and Test Engineers) and also internal positions (for various departments; from Assistants to Managers).
I also represented my company at job fairs, meetings for professionals and, sometimes, at sports events. And participate in others Employer Branding activities.
Training Interview - I was cofounder and Trainer in development process for IT professionals.
It's a process of several session 1:1 to help individuals have better 'interviewability' (body languages, tone of voice, CV, interview stress resistance, self-confidence).
Stress Management - firstly as a coordinator of preparation and co-author workshop, then as a Trainer for small groups (6-8 people). Acting also as advisor in 1:1 consultation about how to dealing with stress.
Coaching - interventions for an emergency situations of our employees such as decision about changing department or breakdown in a really busy day.
Junior Recruitment Specialist
-IT Recruiter
As a recruiter I search for talented IT specialists for my company to long-term cooperation and also for short-term contracts. I care for good relationships with people involved in recruitment process as well as with our candidates and I also pay attention to a proper flow of information. Moreover, I make small-scale decisions about recruitment procedures.
-IMPAQ Academy coordinator
IMPAQ organised workshops for students to develop their knowledge about Java.
I am responsible for coordinating this project, connecting people, idea of this great undertaking, employer branding (social media, graphics) field here and improving our operations.
In this project I work with well-experienced, great experts from HR and Marketing fields and learn from them.
As a recruiter I search for talented IT specialists for my company to long-term cooperation and also for short-term contracts. I care for good relationships with people involved in recruitment process as well as with our candidates and I also pay attention to a proper flow of information. Moreover, I make small-scale decisions about recruitment procedures.
-IMPAQ Academy coordinator
IMPAQ organised workshops for students to develop their knowledge about Java.
I am responsible for coordinating this project, connecting people, idea of this great undertaking, employer branding (social media, graphics) field here and improving our operations.
In this project I work with well-experienced, great experts from HR and Marketing fields and learn from them.
Human Resources/Zasoby ludzkie
Rekrutacja/Employer Branding
Polsko-Japońska Akademia Technik Komputerowych
Najlepsza niepubliczna uczelnia techniczna w kraju, według rankingu Perspektyw i Rzeczpospolitej. Uczelnia zwraca szczególną uwagę na dostosowywanie programów kształcenia do wymogó
Szkoła Wyższa Psychologii Społecznej
Szkoła Wyższa Psychologii Społecznej powstała w 1996 r. Wysokie miejsca rankingowe i oceny najbardziej prestiżowych instytucji w Polsce.
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Uniwersytet Warszawski, założony w 1816 roku, jest największą polską
uczelnią i jednocześnie jedną z najlepszych w kraju.
Angielski w biznesie
1. Poszerzaj umiejętności biznesowe po angielsku.
2. Rozwijaj nowe słownictwo i nowe znajomości.
3. Bądź na bieżąco w swojej branży.
4. Sprawdź swój angielski na
5. P
Grupa skupiająca osoby tworzące strony w technologii ASP.NET oraz AJAX. Dodatkowo poruszane bedą tematy związane z najnowszymi technologiami ze stajni Microsoftu.
Coaching internetowy GLOBUS
Otwarty na zmianę...
Jest to grupa zamknięta, ale kiedy się już tu dostaniesz, to gwarantuję Ci, że będziesz piorunująco zadowolony!
Będziesz mógł na własne oczy zobaczyć na czym polega coaching prz
Dobra Komunikacja <=> Dobra Rekrutacja
Grupa ma na celu wymianie doświadczeń jak dotrzeć do najlepszych kandydatów.
Employer Branding
Grupa zrzesza osoby zainteresowane zawodowo lub naukowo Employer branding'iem czyli wizerunkiem pracodawców. Ma na celu wymianę informacji, badań, doświadczeń, dobrych praktyk i pomysłów z zakresu EB
GForce Recruitment
Witamy w grupie firmy G-Force Recruitment! Śledząc naszą grupę będziecie na bieżąco z wiadomościami z rynku pracy oraz prowadzonymi przez nas rekrutacjami. Zapraszamy także na naszą stronę internetową