Ewa Zakowicz

CEO Primocollect Group Ukraine Russia (>500 employees)
MoskwaKijówWrocław, zagranica


Strategia biznesowa CEO Zarządzanie zmianą Collection Development Zarządzanie Inwestycjami Zarządzanie New Business Development Start-up Leadership Planowanie strategiczne



Doświadczenie zawodowe

PrimoCollect Group of Companies was founded in 2006. PrimoCollect is one of the oldest and most experienced debt collection agencies in Ukraine.
PrimoCollect is focused on debt purchase and debt collection services. We are focused on acquiring non-performing loan portfolios from banks and financial institutions, telecommunications companies and other business segments. PrimoCollect Group possesses strong funding base and is interested in acquiring of different size, including non-performing as well as performing retail loans. Founders of PrimoCollect were among the first investors who acquired non-performing loans in Ukraine. Our agency also operates in outsourced debt collection business with non-performing loan portfolios of different complexity and provides consulting services in the area of credit risk management and collection strategy.
In July 2010 Abris Capital Partners, a large CEE private equity fund, became a majority shareholder in PrimoCollect Group. This acquisition symbolized a new stage in development of the company and spurred its continuing growth at the Ukrainian market.
AIDA NET (Sole Proprietorship)
Website Marketing, e-commerce Website marketing. Strategies maximize Website marketing campaigns optimize client acquisition and Website marketing conversion.
Introduced Risk Scoring to bank; Developed /wrote bank’s Risk Scoring Policy; trained legal, fair lending, compliance and operational staffs.Analyze portfolios, develop use strategies, optimize existing policies and procedures, implemented scoring for Consumer and Small Business. Developed tracking and monitoring infrastructure, implemented account monitoring processes and developed back-end scorecards for portfolio servicing.
Implement scoring system in internet shop
Marketing research, Website competitive marketing analysis, keyword marketing refresh, Website image marketing optimization, site map validation, marketing link build & local marketing.
CreditExpress - international collection company www.creditexpress.eu
CreditExpress Ukraine is the modern Ukrainian debt collection company - part of CE Group.
CREDITEXPRESS was established in 1999. Founded by the leading debt collectors in Central and Eastern Europe, the group has focused on providing mass volume administrative collections primarily for Consumer related finance and credit. Since our establishment we are proud to work with the largest and higher profile consumer product and finance groups in the region. All of these companies have one primary goal – to outsource to a partner which is able to provide a flexible and ethical collections service.

As of today, we provide a uniform and efficient service in 9 countries within the region.

Started in 2007, Credit Express Ukraine keeps the leadership of the debt collection management market, in terms of:
Number of employees (Ukraine)- 170 people
Size of own, modern Call Center – 80-100 operators
Technology (own, in-house built collection software eCollect®)
Business Intelligence Models -in-house built - Own scoring models, predictive analysis individual for each our client
Services provided on all stages of delinquency, also through own Legal Department

email: sales@creditexpress.com.ua
+380 44 492 0575
+380 50 412 2001

We have used State of the Art technology, way of working and debtor psychology techniques to create unique and effective collections that relate to debtors and clients alike in the region.

Over 3,000 clients within the region entrust us to help them with a range of their credit management operations, from full ledger outsourcing to purchasing debt. This allows Clients to focus on core business activities, safe in the knowledge that the professionals are managing their cash flow
Deputy CEO, Operational Director
CCG Credit Collection Group
Operational Director
CCG Credit Collection Group (200-500 employees in Ukraine)
COO at CCG Credit Collection Group
(Financial Services industry)

CCG is the collection company, one of the leaders in the area of debt collection in Ukraine.The majority of the accounts managed by us come from the banking, insurance and telecommunications sectors but CCG is also a proven business partner for financial intermediaries and utility companies.

If we combine call center, personal collection, well-integrated team with innovative quality of solutions we will get a effectiveness and high quality collection processes.

We manage receivables at all stages of delinquency we effectively recovere receivables within a short period of time. We guarantee the security of personal data. Priority is to act in an effective but first of all ethical manner while performing its debt recovery activities. The most important thing at all times is our care for the reputation of each customer

Now CCG has new challenges and ambitious plans to pursue. New managers CCG implementation of new innovative projects and operating strategy.
Head of Analysis and Projects Department
Managing Departments
1. Departament of Projects
2. Department of Analysis
3. Department of Statistical Projects
Kierownik Działu Projektów
Leading the Profitability Project as a new approach to credit risk
Implement new scorecard, manage scoring project for customer in banking, telecomunication
Developing strategic and innovative risk management solutions for customer in banking telecomunication
Manage and calculate risk in securitization fund, collection portfel.
Implement new scoring IT system

Knowledgeable about past & present banking systems, e-commerce, banking risk management, business contingency planning, operations, telecommunications, computer security, privacy, computer forensics & forensic accounting investigations, outsourcing, & nearshoring. Versed in the culture, technology, economic, legal & regulatory framework driving technology decisions.

Credit scoring, Application scoring, Behaviour scoring, Behavior scoring, Customer scoring, Collection scoring, Profit scoring, Profit optimisation, Response modeling, Customer retention, Fraud scoring, Identity fraud, Basel II, Basel 2
SAP Poland
Implement new solutions (internet shop, ERP)
AIG Bank Polska SA
Senior Analysis Specialist in Research and Development Department at AIG Bank
 Leading the Profitability Project as a new approach to credit risk
 Setting up cut-off points based on risk
 Creation of scoring models
 Customer’s segmentation with the use of scoring
 Marketing analysis of new products considering risk rate
 Estimation of customers response rate
 Analysis of new offers and products regarding they influence on risk and sales
 Leading trainings regarding risk and scoring (general knowledge)
 Work on projects Credit Plus and Credit Standard
 Leading the project of calculating
 Supervising the project of changing scoring card
 Work with MS SQL 2000 with a database over 120 GB
 Statistical data processing in SPSS
 Validation, changes in scoring
 Reporting to USA
 Supervision over scoring model implementations
Analysis Specialist in Analysis Team in Credit Department
CLA / AIG Credit
 Creation of PX – reports regarding risk and sales estimation in sales units
 Creating sales reports
 Creating reporting system for branches: demography, PX, PS analysis
 Work with large database
 Creating scoring for sales – creating the first scoring for HP and supervision over its implementation
 Credit risk estimation with the use of scoring
 Estimation of response rate with the use of scoring
 Credit risk analysis
 Setting up interest rates
 Marketing analysis
 Writing programs in SQL, Visual Basic

Szkolenia i kursy

2005 Customers segmentation in terms of marketing
2005 Scorecard Development Training – organized by Fair Isaac USA
2004 Data Mining with the use of SPSS tool
2004 Customers segmentation with the use of SPSS tool
2003 Business English completion of one year course.
2002 Behavior Scoring - creation and monitoring
training organized by Statistical Decisions London, Malcolm Rhoades (trainer)
2002 Implementation and creation of Database in SQL Microsoft
2001 Advanced programming in SQL Microsoft
2001 SPSS- elementary course
2001 Application Scoring – creation and monitoring
training organized by Statistical Decisions London, Malcolm Rhoades (trainer)


Scorecard Development Training, studia podyplomowe
Fair Isaac scoring systems
Information and Computer Science and Management Department, major in Economic and finance analysis, studia podyplomowe
Akademia Ekonomiczna im. Oskara Langego we Wrocławiu
Information and Computer Science, magisterskie
Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Master, Usage of mathematics in economy, Information and Computer Science and statistics, magisterskie
Uniwersytet Wrocławski


Bankowość detaliczna
Bankowość inwestycyjna
Rynki kapitałowe
Zarządzanie finansami


Założyciel Stowarzyszenia "Primo Loco"
Członek Samorządu Studenckiego - szef Wydziału Matematyki i Informatyki
Platforma Obywatelska


8 wszystkich wypowiedzi
2 plusy
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