Elżbieta Krokosz

Elżbieta Krokosz

Manager in Learning & Development, AIB Bank, Irlandia

Doświadczenie zawodowe

Manager in Learning & Development
AIB Bank, Irlandia
AIB Bank RoI, Dublin, Ireland, Manager in Learning & Development

Managing implementation of People Development Strategy for 8500 staff in AIB. I am responsible for the design and implementation of the following projects:

1. Development for Management Population (Leadership Programmes such as: Leadership for New Leaders, Leadership & Resilience, Leadership Insight)

2. Competency Development for all staff based on implemented in AIB Career Framework (11 AIB Competencies like CRM, Team Work, Time & Task Management, Results Focus, People Management, Leadership, Strategic Thinking, Continuous Learning, Communication & Influencing, Problem Solving & Decision Making, Change & Innovation). That included in 2007 over 60 competency workshops at level 1 and 44 competency workshops at level 2

3. People Effectiveness Programme for top 5% of bank official population which consists of 6 competency workshops and evaluation phase

4. Management Induction Programmes for junior and senior managers: in 2007 one hundred newly appointed managers went through tri-coaching programme and Leadership for New Leaders workshop, there were 15 Officer induction programmes and 12 Assistant Managers Programmes.

5. Managing the Coaching Panel and Coaching Strategy for AIB Bank what includes:

o Managing external coaching panel through:
o Managing internal coaching panel where line management takes the role of coach through:
- Design of the Coaching Process
- Design of the Coaching Manual/Toolkit
- Design of the Coaching workshop for Coaches and Coachees
- Monitoring and Evaluation system of the success of the Coaching Process

6. Graduate Development Programme – high profiled programme for top recruited staff at graduate level (320 graduates went through the programme). Programme includes workshops, masterclasses and development centres. My responsibilities included:

o Redesign of the programme (as a result the overall satisfaction with the programme has increased from 2.4 in 2006 to 6.5 in 2007 on the scale of 1 to 10, and the satisfaction with the workshops reached 9 in the same scale)
o Implementation of process of local management involvement through organizing the breakfast meetings and reports to over 250 managers
o Organizing and delivering the presentation on the Graduate Opening & Closing Ceremony for over 700 people with presence of key management of AIB (CEO of AIB Group, HR Director)
o Organizing and managing the masterclasses on the programme with key speakers such as General Managers of Business & Private Banking, Retail Banking, Human Resources and Market Strategy.

I am also internal consultant - Relationship Manager supporting development of areas such as: Business & Private Banking, Business & Personal Banking, Product Management & eChannel Development, Compliance through working with General Managers, HR Business Partners and HR Managers.
PROFES Sp. z o.o. Sp.k.
Trainer & Consultant
Polish training company working for large multinational companies, mainly from automotive, retail, banking sectors

Positions held in the company:

June – December 2003 – Project Director
January 2001 – May 2003 Trainer and Consultant & Sales and Marketing Manager
May 1998 – December 2000 Assistant to trainer & consultant

Involved in external projects from the areas as follows:

1. Designing and Implementing Training & Development Systems:
a. Identifying the training needs by skills audits, questionnaires, interviews
b. Developing training systems based on training needs
c. Delivering the numbers of designed training sessions
d. Designing the tools for measuring the effectiveness of the training (mainly based on Kirkpatrick’s Learning Evaluation System)

2. Designing & Implementing Competency Systems:
a. Creating competency profile
b. Designing competency-based selection process
c. Designing competency-based training & development system

3. Designing & Implementing Coaching Systems :
a. Conducting coaching needs analysis
b. Designing coaching process in the organization
c. Delivering training for managers about conducting coaching sessions
d. Designing coaching tools/reports etc

4. Designing & Implementing Appraisal/360 degree feedback systems:
a. Designing job descriptions
b. Designing appraisals forms & process
c. Training managers in conducting review performance interviews

5. Designing & Implementing Assessment Centre
a. Designing the role profile
b. Creating exercises & tools to measure the relevant skills
c. Preparing the reports

Example of the Projects:
Implemented Competency-based Development System for British Petroleum Poland - Project Director and Trainer/Consultant
The aim of this project was to:
• Assess the level of customer service among site staff and management
• Design the development system for the site staff and management
• Train site staff and management in the required skills
of 110 petrol stations

Responsibilities in 3 main areas:
1. Consulting and training within the project, in particular:
• Conducting the initial assessment
• Preparing the concept of the project on the basis of the result of assessment
• Designing the training program of customer service for site managers
• Designing the training program of coaching for site managers
• Delivering the training mentioned above
• Designing the coaching process for site managers, Retail Managers and Operation Manager together with tools as competency profile, meeting agendas, coaching reports etc.
• Preparing regular reports and presenting them in front of customer’s project team (Operation Manager, Training Manager and Shop Manager)
• Designing the Customer Service Bible consisting of the customer service standards and sales tools for active selling for site staff
• Preparing the final report for the customer with suggested further actions to be undertaken in the area of project’s goals
• Presentation of the project and the results in front of the board of BP Poland
2. Managing the budget of the project
3. Managing the team of 6 consultants involved in the project (coming from: customer service area, management by objective area, human resources management area)

Implemented coaching system for Wrigley’s sale department (110 staff) – trainer & consultant
• Creating the merchandising standards
• Creating coaching tools for Regional Managers to coach regional merchandisers and tools for regional merchandisers to coach their representatives
• Designing training program: Coaching for Merchandisers
• Delivering the training mentioned above

Development of managerial skills in GZE Poland for higher and medium level of 120 managers – trainer & consultant
• Analyzing training needs
• Designing the training: Communication for Managers; Leadership
• Delivering the abovementioned training
• Preparing recommendation for future development in terms of the trained skills

Implemented customer service standards in RABEN Logisticks/Szybka Paczka (the biggest international logistics company in Poland, with more than 1500 employees) – trainer & consultant
• Creating the customer service standards
• Implementing abovementioned standards through:
 Designing training programs: Customer Service based on the standards; Sales Skills
 Conducting the abovementioned training

Internal project “The Directions of Development for Polish Managers” conducted together with 75 Human Resources Managers – project director, trainer & consultant
• Designing Competency Profile for Future Manager
• Conducting the survey among 75 HR Managers assessing the level of the key skills among Polish Managers
• Analyzing the results of the survey and preparing the report
• Presenting the report on 4 workshops addressed to HR managers nationwide and on the biggest HR Conference gathering 600 attendees

September 2000 – December 2002
Sales & Marketing Manager in Profes Training & Consulting Company

• Managing the group of 5 Key Account Managers and 1 Marketing and PR Specialist
• Creating the yearly marketing and sales strategy
• Setting and reaching the sales targets of € 430 000 per year
• Being member, together with the board of Profes, of the strategy team working on Profes’s strategy 2004
• Participating in the sales presentations for customers
• Implementing Key Account Management System

• Growth in sales of 29% in 2002 comparing with sales in 2001
• Gaining customers like: Volvo, Viesmann, BP Poland, Raben Logistics,
• Creating a new way of effective selling through conducting a research among potential customers about the main competencies of Polish managers.

May 1998 – August 2000
Key Account Manager in Profes Training and Consulting Company

• Reaching yearly and monthly sales targets
• Writing convincing offers for customers
• Conducting effective sales presentations
• Building long term relationships with customers

• Gaining the title of the Best Salesperson in the company for the period of August 1998 – June 1999 for the highest sale among 6 Key Account Managers

Szkolenia i kursy

Professional Qualification:
- Emotional Intelligence questionnaire – Hay Group, UK
- Myers Briggs Type Indication (MBTI) – OPP Ltd.
- Occupational Testing Level A & Level B certified by British Psychological Association,
- Leadership Inventory Style by Hay Group
- “Manager as Inspiring Leader” certified by The International School of Coaching.

June 1998 – August 1998: Participation in the international program “The Global Village for
Future Leaders in Business and Industry” organized by Iacocca Institute, Lehigh University Centre, USA (www.lehigh.edu/~village/)

The aim of this project was to create international awareness among future leaders. On the list of companies involved in this program were companies like: Boeing, Coca-Cola, IBM, Ernst&Young, Xerox, Hewlett Packard, Holiday Inn, Mobil, Kraft, Ford, AT&T.
The program “Global Village for Future Leaders in Business and Industry” has already gathered the network of more than 700 people from all continents. Participants come from different industries and different managerial positions but all the time we keep in touch through special GV Network

1993 - 1998: University of Economics, Wroclaw, Poland
Marketing and Management, The degree: Master in Science, one of the best student at the University on the list “The Top 10 students”

February 1997 – July 1997: Limburg University Centre, Belgium
Courses in Marketing and Managemet, Scholarship


Zarządzanie i Informatyka, magisterskie
Akademia Ekonomiczna im. Oskara Langego we Wrocławiu


25 wszystkich wypowiedzi
1 plus
Grupa ta ma na celu umożliwienie jej uczestnikom szybkie reagowanie na wzajemne potrzeby, nie tylko w wydaniu biznesowym. W założeniu skierowana do jak najszerszego ogrona osób, gdyż nigdy nie
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biznes, e-marketing, interaktywna komunikacja marketingowa, e-commerce, nowoczesne strategie marketingowe, sprzedaż i wsparcie sprzedaży oraz ciekawe dyskusje na inne tematy powiązane
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Franchising - pomysł na biznes
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