Dominika Kosmala

Senior Specialist HR System Support
Poznań, wielkopolskie



Doświadczenie zawodowe

IKEA Business Service Center Sp. z o.o.
HR System Specialist
 Manage the correct Organizational Management (OM) structure for the serviced countries in the SAP/R3 HR organization management module to ensure that Organization Management data is accurately and reliably provided
 Ensure the provision of common local and global reports and non standard reports according to HR Service Menu
 Organize and coordinate testing process according to global test strategy for SAP processes (e.g. including work allocation to the test team and status updates, write a master and detailed test plans, monitor progress of the test phase, etc.)
 Answer/solve complex local systems related questions according to Service level agreements
 Run mass data updates for HR-Systems in order to avoid manual inputs
 Assure the quality of automated and semi-manual data transfers between HR-Systems and external systems
 Perform local change request management for all countries served by the BSC, incl. guidance on and coordination of all change requests in collaboration with Global HR and external providers
 Perform local issue management for all countries served by the BSC, incl. support in description and classification of issues, escalation and coordination of issue solving with Global HR and external providers
 Ensure that authorizations for HR-Systems are maintained according to global guidelines for all users in the BSC and the linked countries (incl. managing of new/change/lock/unlock/delete user accounts and audit management)
 Take responsibility for creation, update or adjustment of all HR-Systems related manuals and guidelines aligned with the transactional BSC processes
 In the role of super-user provide HR-Systems related training offer for all end-user in the BSC and the linked countries
 Keep the HR-systems user community (BSC and linked countries) up to date, manage future system requirements in co-operation with the global support team and other global BSCs
 Implement new HR-Systems or system functionalities in the BSC. Roll-out new Global Blueprints to all countries linked to the BSC and ensure link to Global HR
Biuro Rachunkowe sc
Specjalista ds. kadr, Księgowa
Biuro rachunkowe
Specjalista ds. kadr i płac
Przedszkole nr 36 w Poznaniu
specjalista ds. kadr i płac
Przedszkole nr 89 w Poznaniu
specjalista ds. kadr i płac
Przedszkole nr 55 w Poznaniu


Zarządzanie Zasobami Pracy, studia podyplomowe
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Gospodarka Przestrzenna, magisterskie
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu


Human Resources/Zasoby ludzkie
Kadry i płace


teatr, film, muzyka, podróże


2 wszystkich wypowiedzi
0 plusów
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