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Doświadczenie zawodowe

Specjalist ds. Rozwóju sprzedaż
Abrys Art Ltd.
Rozwój systemu hurtowego eksportu, Wyszukiwanie odbiorców hurtowych, Kontrakty, praca z celne, logistyka zagranicznych przesyłek


Zarządzanie sprzedażą


Abris Art ( is a handicraft producer from Ukraine. We have been working since 2008. Our main specialization is a design and production of beads embroidery and cross-stitch kits. One of our distinguished features is using of natural art canvas as a background for beads embroidery. Such method has been approved and patented by Ukrainian Authorities.

Today our collection consists of more than 1500 items. There are two main groups of items. One is for professional handcraft embroiders and middle experienced handmade amateurs. Another is for beginners and kids as a creative toy kits. All items have different levels of complexity. There are sets for one evening, but there are kits that require more then one month of meticulous work.

Now we offer the following series:
- Main bead embroidery kits (middle – high complexity; for professional embroiders and experienced amateurs). There are plenty of thematic categories and canvas sizes;
- Mini bead embroidery kits (middle complexity; for amateurs, beginners and kids). There are plenty of images, a few categories of canvas size and form;
- Postcard bead embroidery kits (low complexity; for beginners and kids). There are plenty of images and one fixed size. Picture inscription could be changed upon request;
- Magnets bead embroidery kits (low complexity; for beginners and kids). There are plenty of images and two fixed sizes;
- Bag bead embroidery kits (low complexity; for beginners and kids). There are a few images and two fixed sizes;
- Calendar bead embroidery kits (low complexity; for beginners and kids). There are a few images and one fixed sizes;
- Cross-stitch kits (middle – high complexity; for professional embroiders and experienced amateurs).

Beside the ready-to-use kits we offer charts on artistic canvas. It allows handcraft professionals and amateurs to use their own beads and other consumables. There are plenty of images and canvas sizes.

Upon to request we are ready to discuss any customized designs.

In the process of kits production we use only high quality ecological materials and components. Our suppliers are the world market lieder companies. We use beads made by Preciosa (Czech Republic), cotton art canvas Stylus (China), canvas paints Bordeaux (Israel), bead needles Regal (Japan). Abris Art has the own production line, including Ronald printing systems (Japan) and other equipment. Our packaged lines have been designed and produced to comply special requirements for our kits. The production line is very flexible and it allows us to reconfigure it for new and customized kits and series.

Advantages of art canvas background:
- Stylus canvas is ecological row material;
- Unlike traditional atlas, sateen, gaberdine and other synthetic materials backgrounds, canvas will not swag or stretch under the weight of beads;
- Due to using of non-water-soluble paints canvas background can be washed and ironed;
- Final work on a stretcher can be varnished. It will avoid using of glass covering. Upon wish it is possible to use paint brush to imitate artist's strokes to make the art work more realistic.


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