@MSZ_RP Dzień dobry. Co z ewakuacją Polaków z Donbasu? Rozumiem że życie po raz kolejny zweryfikowało obietnice polityków - @EwaKopacz ?
- 29.12.2014, 14:04
Initial @neo4j test results for our "Recommendation Engine" #FlubitHackathon // @giac_man http://t.co/yRfZTLZleG
- 13.11.2014, 19:32
"Life coding" on #FlubitHackathon https://t.co/F6caZX41av
- 13.11.2014, 16:39
Our #FlubitHackathon project - "Highly recommended". Based on #neo4j // @giac_man http://t.co/8vnflJqv9m
- 13.11.2014, 15:13
RT @hollandben: ng-click - "oh cool, you're using Angular" onclick - "WTF YOU DOING MAN!!!"
- 29.10.2014, 13:15
@phpspec phpspec2-expect https://t.co/Iu8svx2d1U if someone could review this PR, it would be great.
- 6.08.2014, 11:45
#phplondon (@ Doggett's Coat & Badge) http://t.co/TkQuWJZyHx
- 3.04.2014, 20:32
RT @mr_r_miller: Being pragmatic is good, saying you're being pragmatic to excuse bad practice is not so good
- 2.04.2014, 10:23
"Intro to Graphs" #neo4j (@ Neo Technology) http://t.co/Q25eqs7vQI
- 25.03.2014, 19:35
RT @jonelf: It's funny because it's true. http://t.co/sY6dgLAdyo
- 10.03.2014, 08:41
RT @MongoDB: The cronjob that generates $4 million a year at @bufferapp http://t.co/tLtOvOz6nn
- 10.03.2014, 08:39
RT @shrikeh: Beautiful. http://t.co/SYjEjPCcc6 /cc @snipeyhead
- 25.02.2014, 17:43
We spent a week making Trello boards load extremely fast. Here’s how we did it. - Fog Creek Blog http://t.co/JoZqqA5G5f via @fogcreek
- 18.02.2014, 11:58
"never deploy - first rule of advanced development" ;) // cc @mprzytulski
- 17.02.2014, 18:53
RT @ramit: In the last 5 days, I gained 2,000 twitter followers. It will make exactly 0 difference on my business. Avoid BS and focus on what matters
- 7.02.2014, 15:26
RT @SensioLabsUK: Meet us for a drink and chat tonight @PHPLondon and see @jakub_zalas in action. http://t.co/ymkkIKASUY
- 6.02.2014, 12:51
RT @StrangeAnimaIs: A polar bear cub takes a graceful dive while mom looks on. What an awesome shot. http://t.co/3wx20KXtVI
- 5.02.2014, 14:23
RT @everzet: Want to hear about BDD+DDD+Sf2 in prod - poke our @jakub_zalas, @daniel_ancuta, @cakper or @marek_matulka to deliver a talk somewhere!
- 5.02.2014, 11:45
RT @etorreborre: Next gadget for the kids, a smartphone controlled paper airplane: http://t.co/9YopvIB9si
- 21.01.2014, 10:58
RT @chiuki: TIL that HTML radio buttons were named after car radio buttons. Push one & the others pop. http://t.co/NSRgJfUAmK http://t.co/Iks9H1uqpG
- 21.01.2014, 10:56
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