Damian Górecki

Damian Górecki

Request Management Process Manager
Wrocław, dolnośląskie



Doświadczenie zawodowe

IBM BTO Business Consulting Services Sp. z o. o.
Process Management Pool Leader
IBM BTO Business Consulting Services Sp. z o. o.
Request Management Process Manager
Position in a global account providing services for a leading pharmaceutical company.
The Request Process Manager is accountable to senior management for the proper design, implementation and improvement of the process for Operational and Catalog Request Management. IBM Request Process Manager is the counterpart of the Client's Global Operational Request Manager for all process related issues.
The Request Management Process Manager is responsible for:
- Identifying and implementing process improvement
- Implementing and communicating changes to the process and policies
- Assisting in the auditing of the process for compliance with documented procedures
- Acting as focal point and escalation point for process definition issues
- Facilitating resource commitment and allocation
- Monitoring and enforcing correct implementation of Request Management
- Reviewing that reactive and proactive management of IT Problems and known errors is in place
- Coordinating day-to-day execution of the process
- Taking a lead in the use of the IBM ticketing tool
- Evaluating the performance of the process and defining the appropriate actions
- Establishing measurements and targets to improve process effectiveness and efficiency
- Assures adequate reporting of KPIs
- Receiving and analyzing process reporting requirements in a timely manner
- Acting as focal point and escalation point for issues execution
- Identifying exceptions and deviations, as well as management of these situations
IBM BTO Business Consulting Services Sp. z o. o.
Quality Analyst
IBM BTO Business Consulting Services Sp. z o. o.
Process Writer Team Lead
Responsibilities of Process Writer Team Lead include:
- Coordination of ramp-up and competence transfer for the Process Writers team
- Developing good documentation practices for the Process Writers team
- Producing process documents
- Supporting and working collaboratively and proactively with Process Coordinators, Project Managers, Process Consultants, Subject Matter Expert (SME) and the external client
- Reporting potential risks (e.g. delay in finalization of documents) on time to Project Manager
Lead Author in RUxx Projects
Job description covers content and configuration management of the system libraries of RU family, documentation change and fault management, creating instructions and guidelines for technical writers, planning and supervising library tests, coordinating creation of the Feature Descriptions document.
Technical Writer in the OMS project.
Job description covers documents for installing, administering and troubleshooting as well as analysis and reporting in the change management process.

Szkolenia i kursy

- ITIL v.3 Foundation Certificate
- Process Behavior Analysis and Problem Management for Quality Analysts
- Frontline Leadership
- Situational Leadership II (SL II)


Executive Master of Business Administration, MBA
Universytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu
Project Management, studia podyplomowe
Politechnika Wrocławska
Computing, magisterskie
Coventry University
Electronics and Telecommunication, magisterskie
Politechnika Łódzka


IT - Rozwój oprogramowania


Music (guitar), film, sport (basketball, box, skiing)


2 wszystkich wypowiedzi
0 plusów
Business IT
Business IT
Grupa firm branży IT / INTERNET. Liderzy i Eksperci. Wydarzenia branżowe rynku IT (B2B). Zarządzanie IT, badanie IT, startupy IT, technologia IT, internet IT, ebiznes IT.
Euro 2012 Polska Ukraina Poland Ukraine
Euro 2012 Polska Ukraina Poland Ukraine
EURO 2012. Grupa osób zainteresowanych Mistrzostwami Europy Euro 2012. Wielki sukces POLSKI i UKRAINY! Jesteśmy w grze!
Executive MBA
Executive MBA
Dla wszystkich po, w trakcie i przed Executive MBA. Dlaczego warto ? Na pewno znajdziesz tu odpowiedź :)Przydatne informacje co dalej po Executive MBA :)
Fundusze inwestycyjne
Fundusze inwestycyjne
Dla osób zainteresowanych funduszami inwestycyjnymi. Rynek TFI rozwija się bardzo dynamicznie. Nasza grupa ma pomóc w odnalezieniu się na tym rynku.
Szarpać struny - yeah
Grupa dla pracowników/zainteresowanych pracą w IBM
Rozwój specjalistów IT
Rozwój specjalistów IT
Grupa dla osób zainteresowanych szeroko pojętą branżą IT. Dyskutujemy tu o ścieżkach rozwoju, szkoleniach, nowościach, trendach, analizach. Dzielimy się dowświadczeniem i kontaktamy.
Info ze świata telekomunikacji i teleinformatyki w ujęciu biznesowym i prawnym; zmiany personalne w branży; proces wdrażania nowych technologii w życie;
Voice over Internet Protocol
Wszystko na temat technologii WiMAX. Dużo zainteresowanych, malo specjalistów - podzielmy się wiedzą.
WROCŁAW szkolenia spotkania konferencje.
WROCŁAW szkolenia spotkania konferencje.
Tutaj umieszczamy wszelkie propozycje spotkań (służbowych i towarzyskich),konferencji i szkoleń. Wrocław i cały Dolny Śląsk