Damian Borkowski

SmartWays - We deliver better HR


  • Damian Borkowski
    Wpis na grupie LEADERSHIP TRAINING w temacie What motivates people at work most is...
    10.10.2006, 18:08

    Mariusz M.:In my opinion that depends. We all are quite different and we have completely different motivational systems, so for one man that always will money, for other possibility to help other people and for other again a possibility to do some tasks in their own perfect way. I think that attempt to find one thing which motivates all people is impossible.


    And I think that challenge realises our motivation. if you are not challenged you don't have to put any effort (be motivated).

  • Damian Borkowski
    Wpis na grupie LEADERSHIP TRAINING w temacie How do YOU manage STRESS?
    19.09.2006, 23:55

    Just a drop of myways:

    1. Walking
    2. Chess at http://kurnik.pl :)
    3. Swimming pool
    4. Poker
    5. Party with friends
    6. Driving
    7. Music


  • Damian Borkowski
    Wpis na grupie LEADERSHIP TRAINING w temacie leadership gurus
    19.09.2006, 23:31

    Bart J. Tkaczyk (MD & Training A.:...just a quick word...Does Poland lack leadership gurus - what do you reckon?

    What what do you mean by leadership gurus?


  • Damian Borkowski
    Wpis na grupie LEADERSHIP TRAINING w temacie Training vs Coaching?
    17.09.2006, 17:17

    Coaching starts where training ends. Coaching leads you far beyond limitations of trainer's knowledge and skills.


    Damian Borkowski edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.09.06 o godzinie 17:18

  • Damian Borkowski
    Wpis na grupie LEADERSHIP TRAINING w temacie Leader's Language
    7.09.2006, 09:13


    nice forum.

    just 2 things for now:
    1. vivid language (guides your imagination)
    2. shifting from must-do to can-do and vice versa. eg. what we can do to do what we must do.


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