Dagmara Kruczkowska

Life Science Recruitment Consultant at Umbilical Life
Warszawa, mazowieckie



Doświadczenie zawodowe

Life Science Recruitment Consultant
Umbilical Life
Umbilical is aiming to achieve something truly special.

Creating a people-centric business, focused on sustained growth through an ambitious strategy of market and stakeholder development.

Umbilical is a new business that aims to be one of the leading Specialist Workforce companies in the UK within 10 years.

Email - Dax@umbilical-life.co
Senior Commercial Recruitment Consultant
Templine Employment Agency Ltd, A+A Recruitment, specialist division of Siamo Group
- internal and External Relationships - building, maintaining efficient external relationships with clients, helping to find suitable candidates. Contacting clients and talking to them to gain a better understanding of their requirements and needs. Then building a understanding of their industry and corporate culture and finally scouting for potential employees for their open positions. Giving clients advice and guidance on appropriate pay rates, training and career development.
- sales and develop business opportunity - calling companies to generate more business for the recruitment agency. Building own database of clients and contacts. Attending meetings with potential clients.
- applicant’s communication - screening, testing and assessing candidates. Developing a relationship with interviewees. Doing background checks and verifying the references, work experience and academic qualifications of applicants. Attending network events and using marketing to attract suitable and potential candidates.
- administration and compliance process - ensuring the compliance of any temporary employee or contractor placed.
Operations & Customer Services Manager
Euro Market
- logistic management - ensuring the machinery and equipment used have the ability to produce goods and services for the client at an acceptable standard.
- customer care - investigate complaints or issues of poor customer care, both timely and efficiently.
- day to day store operations - ensure a consistently high standard of store presentation.
- visual merchandising & marketing - deliver, communicate visual concepts, strategies to promote brands, products and services in-store.
SGS Polska
Consultant CTS Sustainability, LBG Poland Network Coordinator
- advisory development of sustainable services including CSR and CCI strategy (both Polish and international levels),
- providing authoring tools for building strategy, making significant improvements for effectiveness,
- promoting London Benchmarking Group (LBG) measurement UK methodology, measuring and reporting the effectiveness of community investment programs from the perspective of both social outcomes and business benefits. Comprehensive corporate support for the implementation of the model for companies, such as: Danone, GlaxoSmithKline, Orange, Cemex, AVON, Provident.
- building and maintaining efficient external relationships with clients,
- organizing workshops and consultations for companies relating to the practical application of the LBG model,
- supervise the evaluation process of social programs using LBG model,
- prepare benchmarking reports based on LBG Network experience.
Project Coordinator
The Academy for the Development Philanthropy in Poland
- managing “Benefactor of the Year” - the largest competition rewarding CSR and CCI activities in companies (more than 4000 companies, both Polish and international levels, over a 10 year period),
- building and maintaining efficient external relations with companies, experts, partners, sponsors and patrons, developing and supervising program structure, business and communication strategy,
- managing project team,
- organizing educational activities and the Great Gala (award ceremony) to exchange good practices and build social standards for companies and NGOs (more than 200 companies, NGO’s, public institutions, media and experts participated),
- conducting and supervising evaluations,
- developing membership and communication strategy for the “Presidents-Volunteers” Coalition - the first innovation corporate Coalition for promoting corporate volunteering and responsible leadership (26 corporate membership such as: Orange, Capgemini, AXA, Danone, Imperial Tobacco, Tchibo),
- managing personal contact with membership business leaders and project team,
- preparing the meeting for advisory team responsible for the implementation the mission and objectives of the Coalition,
- realization strategy of corporate volunteering programs and events for membership business leaders,
- coordinating project volunteering team (over 100 volunteers),
- organising workshop for volunteers, conducting and supervising membership budget,
- interactive administration for promoting participation in voluntary activity and strategy,
- representing Coalition among external corporate partners and media.

Szkolenia i kursy

English Language College- Szkoła Języka Angielskiego Metodystów
Intensywny kurs języka angielskiego.
Intensive course of building, organizing, and managing brands and social events. Evaluation of government educational programs and programs for community involvement.
Kurs pilota wycieczek- BT Orion


Politologia- specjalność Marketing i Reklama Polityczna, magisterskie
Collegium Civitas


Sektor publiczny


2 wszystkich wypowiedzi
0 plusów
CSR i społeczne zaangażowanie pracodawców
CSR i społeczne zaangażowanie pracodawców
Dla tych pracodawców, którzy w sposób odpowiedzialny, etyczny, zaangażowany uwzględniają interesy społeczne i ochrony środowiska w swoich strategiach działań na rynku, a także w s
A polityk A
A polityk A
Akt artystyczny
Akt artystyczny
Grupa poświęcona sztuce w szerokim pojęciu. Akt artystyczny.
Collegium Civitas
Collegium Civitas
Grupa dla studentów, absolwentów i wszystkich osób związanych z Collegium Civitas.
Grupa znajomych
Grupa zrzeszająca pilotów, przewodników, instruktorów, ratowników, wychowawców kolonijnych
Grupa o Kobietach, które rozwijają się zarówno psyche jak i fizis, czyli aktywnie kształtują swój intelekt i pamiętają o swoim ciele :-) Dla Kobiet, dla których wiele ciekawych kierunków wciąż jest d
pilot wycieczek
pilot wycieczek
grupa w której wymienić sie doświadczeniami będą mogły osoby pracujące w charakterze pilota.
Przedsiębiorcy, osoby przedsiębiorcze, współpraca biznesowa, przyjaciele biznesowi, rozwój osobisty i firmowy, pomoc, dotacje, biznesplany. Przedsiębiorczość
Rezydenci biur podróży
Rezydenci biur podróży
Dla osób pracujących w branży turystycznej, dla rezydentów oraz dla osób pragnących pracować jako rezydent.
wolontariat pracowniczy
wolontariat pracowniczy
czyli biznes odpowiedzialny społecznie
Wolontariat pracowniczy & CSR
Wolontariat pracowniczy & CSR
Platforma wiedzy, doświadczeń i inspiracji dot. wolontariatu pracowniczego jako integralnego elementu CSR z perspektywy biznesu, organizacji, instytucji, mediów.